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 No.1213[Last50 Posts]

A thread for interesting news, like the invention of new springs to the discovery of new sponges!
News that makes people upset is great for clicks, but not a good fit for this thread.


Headline is a little misleading, but a guy found that there's some old credits in a BMP file from Windows 1.0

>Brooks discovered the secret, a credits list of Windows developers and a "congratulations" message, buried in the data of a smiley face bitmap file that came with the OS. The data for the credits was encrypted, and according to Brooks, the tools he needed to extract the data didn't even exist at the time of the OS' release.


sasuga the messiah of pc gaming



That's pretty damn impressive.


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The SEGA arcade in Akihabara is now rebranded "GiGO", marking the end of the SEGA arcades.

"Sega revealed that it would be selling the remaining 14.9 percent of the shares in its arcade business to Genda back in January. Sega had previously sold 85.1 percent of these to Genda in 2020 over concerns that customers would be avoiding its venues on account of the global pandemic. Genda has been planning to rebrand all of its newly acquired arcades to GiGO since the sale. The process began with its locations in Tokyo."



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oh the humanity
>Stuffed animal spill befouls morning commute on I-5 in Portland


Will the arcades lose anything besides the SEGA branding?



I have more questions than anything else about this cancellation since I don't understand why they cancelled it... Is there nothing at all worth previewing in the near future?


Isn't it because game publishers all have their own events now anyway? So E3 isn't really important any more.


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Some lighter news from the series "Cyberpunk is now!", Vacuum Cleaner Manufacturer brings us air purifying Headphones.
Sadly they decided on a very non-punk blue coloring for the first promo shots.


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Reminds me of the rightfully-ridiculed razer xxxtreme gamer masks, for when you need high performance neon lighting at the grocery store


Genshin is still going strong wow


It's a good game and it's only going to get better over time.


Always funny to see NFT projects crash and burn like everyone expected them to, and then have people be surprised it happened.



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>DALL·E 2 is a new AI system that can create realistic images and art from a description in natural language.
Unfortunately they aren't offering any way to submit your own text at the moment. One of the people involved was taking requests for images on Twitter though:


>One of the people involved was taking requests for images on Twitter though:
How do you know this isn't some elaborate April Fool's joke where some artist whips up an image and said a robot did it, mechanical turk style?


I'm leaning towards it being a hoax, mostly because of the stylized images. AI tends to be very literal, so I can't imagine it making images like those with the prompts it's being given.


That cat doesn't look like it's dressed as Napoleon, an Ai would never show him wearing red as in pretty much every image of him he is not.

Yes, that or maybe it's just searching for images already available on the internet.



hehehehe zuck bucks hehehe


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Oh, to clarify this is the same story, but done in a more readable format for commoners like me


Interesting. I was watching a video recently about how the US has long since fallen out of scientific preeminence with regards to particle physics, notably conceding the research lead to Europe. One major failure was the government botching the Superconducting Super Collider project due to government expenditure cuts under Reagan massively hampering the agencies ability to function, as well as inter-governmental bureaucracy killing things further. Ultimately, the project was a reaction to CERN discovering the W and Z bosons.

That said, it's been very interesting that in the last few years FermiLab has been playing a more prominent role. Just last year FermiLab was at the center of a widely reported Muon G-2 experiment which had experimental results that disagreed with the predicted results. And now they're at it again with potentially showing that the W Boson has a higher mass than expected.

I hope this trend of discovery continues. It's been too long that the US has been out of the limelight in scientific discovery. Hopefully this encourages more funding towards education and research at the very least.


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That thing is huge. I wonder how good it tastes.



Seems like technophobic troglodite politicians may finally be waking up to one of the better answers to the clean energy problem, but it may still be a while before nuclear is fully accepted.


I dunno. The article seems really quite negative and dismissive of nuclear reactors while also playing up the potential dangers of having them in conflict areas.

I really hope nuclear gets more and more popular. There's been a small renaissance online of people recognizing how great of an energy source it is. I wish the same would happen for hydrogen vehicles... Lithium is just too expensive, polluting, unstable, and rare for it to be a practical replacement to fossil fuel powered vehicles. Meanwhile... there's a veritable limitless source of renewable energy that the Earth is blanketed in: water, which can easily (albeit energy intensively) be cracked into hydrogen and oxygen, and used for fuel which then harmlessly turns into water.


I saw this video on it a few days ago. She made some interesting points, such as that we don't actually have anywhere near enough of the right grade of Uranium on earth to actually power us but that developing technology might change that.


The US is working with a 3d printing company to build 3d printed barracks.


3d printing looks ugly to me and it always seems to look the same or very similar.


This is the next step of prefab. Thats pretty cool


I kind of doubt this will ever take off.



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Bald and Bankrupt was arrested somewhere in Russia


I'm really surprised this didn't happen sooner.


Says he was arrested in Kazakhstan. Says he was at Baikonur trespassing at the Cosmodrome. Like others, I'm guessing he probably went to see if he could see the Soviet Space Shuttle, Buran.


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when you hire a Latin American imageboard teen to run your country's finances


He deserves it for having his channel name in lowercase


He looks exactly like you'd expect... Whoever took this photo is a genius


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A network of radio telescopes managed to image the black hole at the center of our galaxy:


he presents himself like that for a reason, people in el salvador are tired of that two main political parties which represent the old military regimes and and old revolutionaries. The military regime party is what you would expect from that sort of thing but the revolutionary party have also become corrupt and too established to connect with their former base in addition to doing a bad job of stopping gang violence and actually making it worse with their iron fist approach.
Then this guy comes along and tells a nation disillusioned with democracy that he will do whatever it takes to get stuff done, he runs his political campaign through twitter, and he presents himself as a young hipster type. The strategy pays off and hes won a massive majority while also starting to show authoritarian tendencies, hes less a imageboard teen and more a classic latin american dictator in disguise.


sounds like your typical political imageboard admin...


They grew plants in moon soil! They didn't grow well, but that they grew at all is pretty neat.


Wasn't that like a year ago?


the moon is for mining, not agriculture!


What will the moon miners eat then?


The moon cheese, obviously.


Imported food with a backup of agriculture supported by imported soil and domesticly produced fertilizer.



Really not sure what's "lewd" about it, but it's funny



Fortunately it's a whole bunch of nothing.


>from stacking blocks to writing poetry
Yeah and AI poetry is sooooo moving


Google's "verse by verse" is awful... GPT-2 could probably do better with prose poetry.


I've never been impressed by any of this "AI" stuff. It's really just fancy pattern recognition.


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>Mona Lisa gets caked by man disguised as old woman at the Louvre


they recreated what a black whole sounds like, its really eerie


Unless this guy has some sort of trauma with that painting like a certain JoJo character did, this just seems like a very sad cry for help.





This is straight out of the Willy Wonka movie



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About the New German tank, the Panther, there are quite a few interesting details about the Panther on the Rheinmetall website. Even a brochure.

It has an auto loader as well as many of the features that a new tank would want to have, all of the buzz words about things like being fully digitalised and able to connect to all kinds of networks and it has things like 'optimised shooter to sensor links' and the ability to command the tank from any of the four positions in the tank. Yes it still has 4 seats, one is for an optional specialist.

It's a bit lighter than a Leopard 2 at 59 tons, I found that a bit surprising, it's still a big tank and even if it has an auto loader it;s still got a big turret and it's covered in god knows what. Speaking of some of that god knows what, it has a Natter 7.62 weapons station which has all kinds of advanced targeting abilities, it's odd to have a .50 co ax but then a 7.62 RWS, though Rheinmetall do sell a .50 Natter as well so that could be used if it was wanted. It also has an inbuilt drone launcher which I suspect is a large driver behind keeping the fourth crewman.



Plus of course it has the new 130mm gun that they tried to sell to the Brits before in their challenger upgrade program(they didn't go for it).


I wrote on /win/ that the owner of Breached Forums was arrested for getting FBI information and that the other staff(admin) took over running the site and restricted his access to site infrastructure so the FBI couldn't shut them down.

Well they just shut it down anyways


nvm, the admin deleted the site


probably cold feet after seeing his buddy get arrested


good thing its spring now


Linus didn't follow Tech Tips's youtube channels are all down after he was hacked for some crytpo stuff:
Apparently other tech-related youtube channels have been hacked recently for the same purpose. It reminds me of when some guy hacked some major twitter accounts to do the same thing. Things could have been far worse in this or that situation, but the people just want a quick buck and crypto scams are the preferred way to do it.


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That's why I don't trust linux


Lmao another guru got pwnt


He's already back, and there's a video on the whole issue


Linus Tech Twinks



America did this as well. But the more significant thing to me is that people in the government have known spyware installed on their official phones...


The headline says Twitter and Instagram as well.


Even then, Government employees shouldn't be using those on their work phones...


Government employees are twerking and flossing.


Government employees are glowing.


at least 4chan is safe


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A big asteroid passed by between the Earth and the Moon this weekend, a "once in a decade" event.

Also in related news some "prebiotic compounds" found on another asteroid. There's a theory that meteorites crashing into Earth are what gave it the ingredients and environment needed for life to come about, so it's pretty cool.



Started researching stocks and now my news recommendations are full of bitcoin, MLM scams and other equally scammy articles.

I guess that's the real retail stock trader experience


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Don't use magnets to wipe data off meteorites!

>In a new study, Foteini Vervelidou, a planetary scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and her colleagues have documented the destructive power of the hand magnets, which are often made from rare-earth metals such as neodymium and are typically about 10,000 times stronger than Earth’s magnetic field. When brought within a few centimeters of a rock, the researchers found, the magnets overwrite vestigial fields contained in iron-based minerals such as magnetite and reset them to the higher strength and orientation of the magnet. In an instant, a unique view into the heart of distant rocky bodies can be erased. Black Beauty, for example, is the only known meteorite old enough to “remember” Mars’s magnetic field before it started to disappear about 4 billion years ago.

(gave up on trying to find a magnet-related image so here's Lum)


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Sad statistics in the article, but an interesting partial solution (and this picture is funny)



time for some state funded coin mining?


better to export it to neighbors. I don't think they have the infrastructure set up for more volume of electricity.


That's stupid as hell. They should do what I've been saying for ages: use excess power to generate hydrogen from electrolysis and then use that for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.


Quebec had another outage of 500'000 people. no where near me though
This province suck


The UK blocked Microsoft's purchase of Activision.

However Microsoft and Activision say they will contest this decision.




Few days ago an oil tanker crashed underneath one of the major highway bridges and melted the steel support beams causing it to collapse. Pretty huge in that it'll be weeks until the highway is clear to use again.


That's impossible. Car fuel can't melt steel beams.


Steel literally cannot melt. It's impossible.


First of the 'should be profitable' AI model maker collapses


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Hmm... not sure how to feel. On one hand they made Stable Diffusion so everyone owes them a debt of gratitude if they generate AI images locally, but on the other hand it was clearly an accident that they allowed people to prompt nudity and they tried to walk it all back with later versions. I've also heard the developers had to strong-arm the CEO to make SD a public thing. Everything I've heard about that Emad guy is bad, but tech CEOs are tech illiterate idiots that either have money or connections so that's nothing new.
Anyway, SD chose this path when they decided to be "safe" and expected to compete with Microsoft and other tech giants and paid the price for leaving their niche. I hope the actual creators of SD are able to find nice new jobs.


Funny that I see this on the front page today as an actual major bridge was taken out by a carrier ship just this morning. Pretty crazy.


Not exactly interesting, but it's neat to see that some banks are starting to lean more into tech market.
>Google Cloud will work with TD to help streamline application development and deployment and enable the Bank to respond quickly to changing customer expectations by rolling out new features, updates, or entirely new financial products at an accelerated pace. TD will benefit from Google Cloud's engineering support, which includes Google's global network of engineers, to help its teams optimize the use of Google Cloud products as well as architect, design and operate them in a highly regulated environment.
Here's to a hopeful better valuation.


Dubai is flooded
So much for a desert country


Man, that's awful. Even giant hailstones? I read "1.5 years worth of rain in one day"


two years' worth of rain flowed endlessly into dubai


They've been doing weather manipulation there to try and reverse desertification and it went kinda iffy


Iranian president died in helicopter crash


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ICQ is shutting down. I didn't even know it was still around! It was kind of unique in that you didn't have a username but rather a number, so you'd share it like a phone number. Seniority was given to those with fewer digits, naturally. Mine was 7 digits, which wasn't too bad. Man, the article even mentioned FTPs in the opening paragraph. Oh, the nostalgia!


I've always seen ICQ mentioned alongside stuff like AIM and MSN but never knew anyone who actually used it. Definitely surprising it survived until now.


Probably simply depended on what you were doing. I got into it because it was the unofficial communication platform of Ultima Online for some reason. If you wanted to make friends you needed an ICQ account and even on the trade forums you would include it. Pretty strange in hindsight, but not many games back then had ways stay in touch with other people in the game itself.


>I didn't even know it was still around!
That's the issue, probably. Most people eventually moved on.

I uninstalled it because I was getting pissed off at the increasingly bloated client that even ran ads. (same with skype).
Ran it over trillian for a while. Can't remember exactly why I didn't stick with that.


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Apparently Elon Musk has been having some feud over Apple adding OpenAI to Siri. Before he was saying that this would be a security risk and that he wouldn't allow Apple iPhones into his facilities. Now, he's gone so far as blocking Apple from all users on Twitter. He did roll that back, but Apple now has 0 posts on Twitter. Their entire timeline nuked.

Not exactly confidence inspiring for a platform that supposedly values free speech, according to Musk.


At a glance I saw that as a penis and butt...


kimo quads.


I am surprised that Christians in the west are so fond of Apple products considering their logo is based on Satan tricking Eve into taking a bite out of the Apple. I notice a lot of products reference the Genesis story. For example, the language learning service Babble is a reference to the tower of Babble.

>Musk being pro-free speech
He's just a face and has a long history of being a paid troll. Most public figures are. Once you see it's a TV show you can't unsee.


>according to Musk


Moved to >>>/qa/127237.

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