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 No.127237[Last50 Posts]

Have you read any interesting articles lately? Anything news worthy you think kissu would want to know about?


Threads like these make me nervous. With current events its very easy to steer into /pol/ territory, even on a site as well moderated as kissu.

Sorry for the meta.


Yeah well the last one was fine and people only linked stuff relevant to kissu's interests and not /pol/ related so I don't worry.

In gaming news: Bobby Kotick, one of the cancers of the gaming industry, may finally be leaving Activision/Blizzard.


This was the sort of article I was nervous about...


Just hide the seasonal boards.


What's so political about it... One of the guys who's helmed the decline of a great deal of game companies could finally be ousted.


It's not political, but it's got a similar smell. It's the same social media topic of the week drama-ey type thing, if that makes any sense.


If the potential resignation of one of the biggest game publisher's CEO is drama of the week material then I don't know what isn't...


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I'm kinda worried about an hypothetical blackout because I don't have enough stuff to entertain myself for weeks. No electricity means no computer, no anime, no internet, no games... Maybe I should focus on hoarding more manga and books? Also it's not that bad to have a few days to rest from the internet I think. I would probably focus on writing stuff. Of course, resources are a problem to solve. I will have to use candles and buy lots of canned food.


Get some math books and read em over the blackout


I'm really bad at math, maybe this is my chance to finally learn!


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Eww urban dwellers, you don't already have generators and satellite internet ready?





real life crab rave


Who are you quoting?


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I don't like living in a city but I'm trapped here...




I'd like to be able to use my car


The RSF made a minecraft world: https://www.uncensoredlibrary.com/en
"even where almost all media is blocked or controlled, the world’s most successful computer game is still accessible. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) uses this loophole to bypass internet censorship to bring back the truth – within Minecraft."


this is just begging for certain memes with the language used in it


Looks like we're covid paranoid again. Air Canada restricting flights from South Africa.





At what point does missile defense remove MAD and make it one-sided assured destruction for whoever doesn't have the proper defense setup?


Well that is exactly why the treaty against anti-ballistic missile technology used to exits. I don't think it will change much though, you would have to be 100% sure that you could shoot down 100% of all incoming nukes over 100% of the country, or you end up with cities being nuked anyway. Plus in competitive environments like this where both nations are working on better missiles how can you even be sure you actually can shoot them down? It's a big risk to take. On top of that there are other ways they could deliver nukes that would be much harder to prevent or even impossible.

For example Russian and Chinese subs are becoming much harder to detect, it's said that Russian subs can't be found by passive sonar anymore. So if one of these subs evaded the US navy and surfaced a few kilometres from New York or LA, then what? Your anti-missile system won't be good enough to stop something that close and that sudden. They have missiles that travel far faster than bullets.


Well, an issue with the hypersonic weapons is that they're too fast to detect, and due to their speed, they might be too fast to shoot down. With conventional ICBMs, there's at least the potential for MAD because the 15 minute time between lift-off and impact leaves plenty of time to confirm the validity of the attack, and then mount a counter-strike. With hypersonic weapons, that may not still be the case, and one would hope it would not make those with their finger on the button more prone to want to act with haste.

As far as these weapons are concerned, they very much go against the spirit of MAD, and really can only be interpreted as developing first-strike capability, meanwhile the US has been focusing on simply modernizing its existing arsenal rather than developing new weapons.

This new cold war sucks.


Duck running in NYC marathon. You need to watch it.


There's been a tornado outbreak. It's weird, I noticed dark storm clouds earlier in the day but didn't think anything of it. Well, they turned into something later on.


don't huricanes get predicted a week in advanced. How do tornado conditions blindside people


apparently this was a legendary tornado it did an endurance run


As in it's coming back for more or it went on for a long time?


i hope it doesn't come back; it killed alot of people for a tornado


>Power outages!, all of the EV owners better keep their vehicles at home and take a gasoline powered Uber.
The irony of modern technology being held back by undeveloped logistical networks, but i guess the areas that get hit hardest by these things are the ones with the least money.


Tornado outbreak story update. 22 confirmed tornadoes.

The best that meteorologists can say is "there will probably be the right conditions to produce tornadoes in a couple days. Maybe.". It's really unpredictable, and when there's too many false alarms people stop paying attention, which was a problem in the past. A couple of years ago it was predicted a week ahead of time there that there was going to be a major outbreak, but then thankfully it didn't happen.
A "tornado watch" is when the conditions are right and they tend to blanket large areas to let people know, but a "tornado warning" is when there's direct sight of a funnel or radar-indicated rotation, either still in the clouds or on the ground. There's a huge difference between them, and thankfully even "warnings" rarely produce tornadoes on the ground.
Then, once it's on the ground it's still unpredictable. Even professional stormchasers with decades of experience have died when a tornado changed course.

Long lifetime of a single funnel.



I'm not directing this at you, but this is the worst kind of "article". It's just "here is how twitter is reacting" and it lacks any journalistic merit. It's not news, it's not a story, it's not anything. Kotaku is terrible for many reasons and this matome-like mimicry is certainly one of the reasons why.
I hope this didn't sound judgmental towards you or anything, I just hate this clickbait filler.


Why are you bringing me up in the first place if you wanted to make it about the article in the first place. Piss off asshole.


You should have been more judgmental, you're replying to someone who reads articles like that and finds them worthwhile.


>Piss off asshole.


bad news: most endangered (and very cute) cat in the Americas
good news: very cute cat might be adapting to living around human areas



Always thought mRNA stuff would allow for more progress in vaccine research and this looks pretty good.


I sure hope they're not testing those mRNA vaccines on those endangered cats!



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Wind map of central US is looking pretty crazy


Didn't mean to submit post yet. There's big dust storms blocking visibility.
Lots of drought + lots of wind


"May you live in interesting times"



covid protectiona are such a mess. Government spent so much of everyone's time and money on preventions and as soon as restrictions are lifted double vaccinated gatherings show that it's still at its peak.


Getting infected really isn't that big of a deal if you're vaccinated since you're magnitudes less likely to have a severe case that requires hospitalization. Which was basically the point of vaccines in the first place... Don't know why people are expecting it to magically disappear just because people are 70% less likely or whatever to contract it. 30% are still getting it.


Might not be like it where you live but the government thinks that everyone has to be completely immune. This is partly due to public reception of the virus. This means it's possible that the definition of fully vaccinated goes up every time the public is in hysteria. Fully vaccinated individuals are currently the only ones allowed into public social spaces. Also governments are currently implementing more restrictions on public gatherings. Definition of being effectively masked for medical professionals in Ontario is changing from 1 cloth mask to 2 cloth masks or a medical mask.

Severe cases, death cases, vaccinations. None of it matters. Goverment wants 100% removal or for the public to stop caring about it(if 9/11 is any measure people won't)


One of the smart people said early on that we're only as strong as the weakest country since we're all connected now. Off the top of my head the three mutations I remember are from Brazil, India and most recently South Africa. People can minimize the damage outside those areas, but as long as there are poor countries where viruses have free rein it will keep mutating. I think the "hope" is that eventually there will be a relatively harmless variant that becomes dominant.


>I think the "hope" is that eventually there will be a relatively harmless variant that becomes dominant.
Isn't that pretty much already what omicron is? From what I've heard, it causes milder symptoms than the flu, but has the infectivity of a cold.


I try to avoid news



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A massive extreme hurricane 2 MPH off of being a category 5 has made landfall on florida. I'm glad I'm not a florida man right now because holy crap this looks awful.



Also hopefully any kissu anos in florida have good shelter to take cover in.


I live in hurricane country. The strategy is to just get good insurance and evacuate inland. I got a new car once!
Evacuating from a peninsula is tough that


oh no what happened???? COME BACK!



pretty strong study (500,000 participants) shows that coffee is good for the heart, so I'm about to drink a litre a day


I've never been more shocked than finding out anon reads the Guardian of all papers


no one reads papers on the internet


Concerningly smug article. I don't like how it compares moderate consumption of beer with the same for chocolate, because alcohol still carries a number of problems that you'll never get from cocoa.
Anyways, I went and read the paper, and I'm not convinced. Even though it uses the term "cause" multiple times, all it's doing is point out a correlation. It's literally just statistics. In fact, look at this line:
>Participants’ level of physical activity was not considered due to missing data in 17.4% of the cohort.
That's a massive flaw. What I find much more plausible is that coffee drinking is associated with a set of behaviors that can reduce cardiovascular risk, like a less sedentary lifestyle. And keep in mind, this doesn't take away the other effects of caffeine like anxiety and insomnia, the paper itself mentions this. "Good for you" is just the usual media exaggeration.


It's written for layman. Large datasets have merit in of themselves.


Yeah, but since it's so large they could've afforded to drop that 17% for a more complete analysis. Ignoring exercise when it comes to cardio is silly.


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Silk worm saliva is unusually fast at breaking down polyethylene, a form of plastic. This is one of those "this might be useful" things and not something that will change the world (probably) but it's interesting to read about.




no... how will the eldery relieve themselves...


Do schools these days assume children have no family? Or dont even watch television where basic things like this are brought up if they dont/are neglected?
This seems like a topic that should only be brought up for seriously emotionally disturbed children uninterested in hygiene and the severely disabled


Public schools are designed to replace homeschooling in the first place so this is not at all surprising.


Strange concept... you can make cryptocurrency playing a videogame
But you do that by feeding tokens into the machine


You've always been able to make money from games, certain MMOs at least. It just becomes a matter of it usually not being financially competitive compared to other online work. The model is nothing new with a paid subscription being common with this sort of game.
This youtuber is just opposed to the concept of cryptocurrency, look at his other videos


I auto-ignore any youtube videos with that particular graphic in the thumbnail.


It makes sense as a profitable business since it's basically encouraging people to pay for it like gacha but with the bonus incentive that you can get money out of it if you work hard enough so people will delude themselves into believing that they're going to make it. I wouldn't be surprised if the developers have some top chart accounts that "make" a bunch of money so that people can aspire to those heights themselves.


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What does it mean?!


The graph says bad, but Kuon's ears are predicting great fortune and growth for Kuon stock in the future!


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That is a good question. But before we get to that, this Kuon is sponsored by WORLD OF TANKS, and RAID: SHADOW LEGENDS.


i'm not sure it's possible to make this any better


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I'm so glad I invested so heavily in Kuon early on!


sorry but not even Kuon can get me to reinstall anything by Wargaming.


Breaking news:
Chess prodigy sues chess prodigy!


Was it about the buttplug vibrator thing


that scandal yes. But this is about Magnus and his sponsors trying to prevent him from being able to play.


Gaming scandals make me so glad I almost never play modern games anymore


I don't think I'd consider chess modern....


I was talking about something else but I would definitely the culture around chess has changed dramatically in the last 5 years


What happened? I am afraid of what I will find if I type chess buttplug into google.


A top 10 player vs the #1 player and won.
The top 10 guy had a bit of a poor reputation with having used AI to boost his rating when playing online.

So the #1 player accused him of cheating in a live match in front of the audience.
No one knows how he could have been cheating so the leading joke theory is he had a vibrating blutooth butt plug giving him the AIs movements


chess authority lays down new regs: mandatory bussy inspections



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of course it's the israelis


if i recognize the state of israel can i have a tank unit harem of my own?


That's cool. I think it's better that they are in their own units for multiple reasons. One issue is that it turns the army into a nightclub type environment. I know somebody in my countries air defence(which falls under artillery), a few years ago they let women into the branch and it was done by simply letting them join existing units, allot of friendships were broken over fighting over women and he really doesn't like how it affected the unit(though he is engaged to one of these women as well so it's not like he is not a part of it).
I think if you have a bunch of young single men and women sitting around doing nothing all day you are just asking for trouble.


maybe it's better since a lot of social issues come out of ex-military who leave and then can't integrate into a civil life. Blending the civil with military might help in situations with lots of stress. Ukraine has 15% of it's active combatants as women.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_the_Ukrainian_military
Conflict will likely determine how a lot of gender splits work in military. This Israeli plan might be a result of it.


I very much doubt it would be, you are ruining the cohesion of the unit.
Though it would depend on the culture of the nation, I am from a western nation that's hyper sexualised with a dating culture. In nations where casual relationships are less common it would be different, they might view it more professionally. I don't know how Israel fits into that.

But then Israel always had women in the army because they were always under threat and needed all the people they could get, Ukraine is like that too, and the separatist region who employ women as well for that matter.


yes. US, Can or UK military are basically just civilians LARPing as military.


And then you have things like Chinese or Russians which are just drunks larping and military


I have been reading a lot of articles about "eco-anxiety" which I get in a sense but it reminds me of the nuclear anxiety thing people alive during the cold war felt.
Maybe this existential dread is just the human condition exacerbated or identified as something topical


>Maybe this existential dread is just the human condition
I think it truly is the human condition to just be dreadfully anxious about various issues within our lives. The most common of which throughout humanity's existence are probably: hunger, disease, and war.


The contents of the article are opinion, but personally I would be glad if Twitter joined in on the collapse so that the only platforms left are reddit, tiktok/insta, forums and imageboards


as long as Japanese twitter is unchanged I don't care about the screeching of woke twitter and all the typical bluemarks


eh, I wasn't making a political statement at all? Why are you bringing that up?
I just meant that it's a company that will go the way of Meta.

What do you mean by woke? Could you explain?


And also since you're proposing all platforms are fine as long as they have art... what are your opinions on SankakuComplex?


Probably helps in survival


I don't think about sankaku at all; haven't really touched it since years. I follow more on twitter than just art from Japan though.

No i'm not going to bother to explain woke to you.


No, I think you should explain what you mean by woke. You started the conversation so you should follow through with it.


You know, further centralizing the internet wouldn't be a good thing, I'm surprised a guardian reader would think that.


Don't explain anything!! Keep the other guy in suspense


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Reminder that this thread is about news and not your opinion on groups of people


I'm not explaining because his tone implies to me he already knows and is waiting for something.


I don't care if it collapses or not. It would just be replaced by something else if it did anyway. It's a pretty stupid purchase though. If somebody other than Musk had done this I would assume there was a secret and cunning plan they had to monetise it but I really doubt he has one.

A free and open 'town square' is not a very good idea either, in order to attract as many users as possible people have to feel comfortable on the platform and they are not going to feel comfortable if the site gets turned into 4chan. He will probably realise this and reverse course.


It's obviously an acquisitions&mergers since he's firing basically all the staff and leaving it barebones until he can recover his bags from paying 44billion. When it collapses there will inevitably be some large regulation that governments have to do to clean up the social mess it leaves behind


IQ tests are in. You're retarded.


None of these posts are news. Put your egos back in your pants and look at this. Imagine it on your penis



There were some rumours that a celebrity would be in a bar at Korea so 140 people were killed in a crowd


I read a comment that this tiny sidestreet was about 3 times more packed than the usual Shibuya Halloween event, which is just insane.
I'm sure they lost control of the situation but local police and nearby venues should have been dispersing people before it got this bad.


I just get this vibe that Korean society doesn't really care about public safety... things like their problem of abducting people with learning disabilities into slave labor, the purely hedonistic pursuit of celebrity status, the abandonment of their natural self through cosmetic surgery.
Such corruption. the cops were probably getting drunk and couldn't perform their duties.


Very surprised to see a comment like this that doesn't come from Japanese nationalists, let alone from western internet.
Most from the west seem to think that people and society of Japan and South Korea are more or less the same. Even Japanese 2D media fans seem to be just ignorant of the Koreans rather than having negative impressions.


I'd like to think that people who really immerse themselves in the cultures of another nation are somewhat aware of the world at large.


>I just get this vibe that Korean society doesn't really care about public safety...
Yeah, I got this vibe too with the wealth disparity of their citizens, as well as that ferry disaster.
I can't find a more adequate word for it, but they really come off as a developing country with the shiny paint veneer of a prosperous nation. Like they parody all of the worst aspects of America but none of the really great things.


the word you're looking for is probably cyberpunk


not quite, but you saying that did lead me to remember it:
that's what I would call S. Korea


hey, I know you want to kill off any discussion you don't like because it's something you think is offensive, but maybe you could just relax a little bit?


Kissu isn't going to destroy itself like /secret/ because there's some conversation in it that's a little bit different than normal. There is a real limit that could go up a little


/secret/ does it for funzies


Bleh, alright, maybe I'm too sensitive to this stuff.


I think it's done on secret to spite a poster rather than because the topic is disliked


Still an unhealthy atmosphere to foster regardless...


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In Canada we have various regulations around the suppression of foreign cultures and promotions of local cultures. In practice it sounds like it could be OK and debatable, but all plans born from the desire to suppress other's culture and viewpoints are met by terrible corruption. Recently the TV broadcaster lobbies are pushing hard to get YouTube and streaming platforms to shift their algorithms towards suppressing nationally unapproved content and promoting the established content. Of which the only people who can reasonably do this are TV company channels and studios on YouTube who have to be approved by a bureau. All for the benefit of nationalism, the country and yada yada.

Anyways, that's the context.
There isn't much to say about it since it's proposed effect is on corporations that compete with the Canadian TV cartel, but it's ratification could, by the end of the decade, slippery slope to legal clauses which will cause issues with search engines or potentially user generated content in general.
Just that I'm aware of it and will deal with the issues if it becomes relevant and will deal with it in such a way that doesn't effect how the site will run. Lets hope it doesn't.


I appreciate the proactiveness


Kadokawa bought Anime News Network. I don't really care about it specifically, but it's interesting that a Japanese company bought another older Western property that's centered on Japanese stuff.
Also, I spotted MVB of former 4chan fame in the comments


wow, only 15 posts over an 18 year span.


Listening to analysis on both NHK and KBS it sounds more like incompetence and lack of experience rather than negligence. The police chief and safety minister admitted failure. This does not sound like a corrupt police force in a developing country.



Yeah, I think the response online was a little kneejerk


Kadokawa also runs Trash Taste or whatever it is, the thing with the 3 westerners that talk about anime on Youtube.
Seems they have an interest in that kind of thing.


The situation around chinese giant salamanders is very unclear and whether subspecie interbreeding is a good or bad thing. There's something amusing about a species being critically endangered but also farmed in the millions.
I think it's the only conservation topic where the scientific consensus is wakarimasen lol


I guess it's better than the other way around...



E-H had a pretty big update recently. The main thrust of things is that the old pagination system was causing too much load so they've completed removed all concept of paging and now only have "First", "Prev", "Next" and "Last". A lot of people are upset by this, particularly because this changes provides a markedly worse use experience with regards to searching many pages deep since there's no equivalent "Jump X galleries forward/back", and instead users have to navigate based on gallery IDs and manually type into the URL to go to an approximate location. The admin, Tenboro, has declared that these complaints are, "brigadeering", and because of this, "I'm not actually reading this thread anymore".

Notably, there are many other changes included, such as changes to filtering and improved search parsing, many of which had users reporting issues that they were experiencing as a result of the update. Unfortunately, due to the swell of pagination removal complaints flooding the thread, many of these bug reports are likely to be be ignored.


tenboro more like teenbro



You just know that if this was in the west it would not be this transparent


Not sure what you mean...
Every politician in the west has been criticized from anything from their ties with KKK, racist college stunts, corrupt buisness practices, numerous legal scandals...

>He has been criticised as sympathetic towards the Taliban, and branded "Taliban Khan" by opponents. In 2020 there was an outcry after he called Osama Bin Laden a martyr.
Funny quote


I'm talking about how the BBC acknowledges Pakistan basically is run by a military shadow government.

My favorite quite of his is: "If a woman is wearing very few clothes it will have an impact on the man unless they are robots. It’s common sense.”


By that I mean western media tends to sweeten up stuff they call out in other countries


This is pretty interesting story about a particular coral reef recovering: https://www.npr.org/2022/11/02/1132950728/coral-reef-resurrected-climate-change-bleaching-protection-nat-geo
Apparently algae grows on dead coral which prevents new growth, which a healthy (I.E not commercially harvested) fish population will keep in check. One of those ecosystem things we didn't understand until someone had the means to study it. The future is still bleak for coral, though...

That's not news, it's a short bio


He just got shot


Not the coral reef?! What a cruel world where people can go around shooting and pillaging our natural world. When will it end ;_;



¥Be in the Gulf Of Mexico
¥Get shot


earlier I was reading some chink novel with a wine-making monkey, so I looked that up because that archetype comes up pretty often. Well I'm not too sure what novel started that, but it seems that monkeys really make fermented fruit drinks in real life https://vinepair.com/booze-news/monkeys-and-chimpanzees-are-making-their-own-wine/


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If you're around Burgerstan and in a restless mood, then don't miss out on a very special moon early Tuesday morning!

I will have my portable chair, some rye whiskey, and my prayers to make for a good ritual.


I'll probably need to nap the afternoon before to see it... Hopefully I can get my schedule to work.




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Democratic People's Principality of the Grand Duchy of Hamburger


To all our uses in Thailand | ประกาศเกี่ยวกับเรื่องที่ผู้ใช้งาน PayPal ในประเทศไทยจะไม่สามารถโอนเงินได้
November 7th, 2022 03:19・All users
To all our uses in Thailand

PayPal Thailand has just announced that as of December 15th, 2022, the sending and receipt of payments to/from PayPal Thailand accounts will be suspended.

We are aware that this may cause problems for our users, and create anxiety about whether users will be able to receive payments for their services.

To address this, we are working on launching a new payment system.

We will keep you updated as more information becomes available. In the meantime, we thank you for your patience.

If you have any further questions, please contact here.

Paypal does it again. Paypal always finds a way


Porn related I assume. Patreon and kickstarter have their own idiotic rules related to that stuff and there's really no good solution


apparently it's just because Tailand is reworking it's digital money laws and it's too much of a pain to deal with the country at this time


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Moomin human face


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Well, the good(?) news is that the investment firm is so absurdly wealthy that $75 million is, according to them, a 0.05% loss.

>The Ontario Teachers Pension Plan (OTPP) said on Thursday it had invested a total of $95 million to the troubled cryptocurrency exchange FTX and any financial loss from the exposure will have limited impact on the pension plan.
>OTPP, Canada's No. 3 pension fund, said it made the investments in FTX International and FTX U.S. exchange through its Teachers' Venture Growth fund, representing less than 0.05% of the pension fund's total net assets, it said.


how can anyone take even one look at a guy like Bankman-Fried and go "yeah that's what I want my money attached to"


You know you can put youtube links in place of the image, right?


are you always this stupid


baaka baka


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Searching through youtube it seems that a lot of people bought into FTX through influencers


Those words were too bad to be called financial advice. Too bad, too quick, too anxious, and too rough, it was more like a massive scam.


dumb argumentative shitposter


This is actually pretty old news it seems, but the capsule tower was demolished several months ago. It's somewhat of a shame considering how unique it was, but the video does a good job to highlight the issues regarding maintenance that plagued the building and ultimately led to its demolition.


I don't think the design philosophy works with sky scrapers but they mention that those pods were able to stand alone on the ground, that makes more sense. I can easily see that approach working in a stand alone setting. I would love to be able to buy a plot of land and place something like that on it, though that relies on it actually being cost competitive with other alternatives anyway. I have looked into prefabbed pod like structures before and they were more expensive than simply building a house.


>An experimental drug that removes a substance called amyloid from the brain appears to slow down Alzheimer's disease.

When I was watching BBC News while cooking I saw this and they were using words like "historical", but NPR seems much more subdued in its reporting which is probably for the best:


The Indian army is training birds to take down Chinese drones.



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One of the crypto billionaires(Nikolai Mushegian) was found dead in Puerto Rico. Drowned. His last Tweet said that the CIA and MOSAD(Israeli Secret Service) were running pedo rings in the carabean and were going to frame him.

Probably just gang violence or some sort of tampering. Had history of schizo behavior



I think the one referenced in the tweet was also a 'Russian-first-name' crypto guy.


They re-discovered the ancestral yeast that is used to product lots of modern beer or something? I don't really know how this stuff works


Hate twitter screencaps...


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As someone mentioned on /qa/ already...



The process of doing it into a large-scale operation will take significant time and effort, but this is the big moment that people have written about for decades.


I'm hoping that we can propel ourselves to 100% green energy through this now.


We could just harness all the people fapping to Chainsaw man as green energy


free shit?!


I thought this had already happened, must be thinking of a different breakthrough. That's amazing though and I hope this is really it.
I really hope no weapons come out of this


Won't benefit anyone except for elites. That's the way life is rigged.


I think I read something about fusion sometime this year, but I can't remember what it was and I'm not seeing it in my internet history. I think it was more like "progress is being made", but it didn't really mean anything because people didn't care until this happened.


I'm sure the people of Europe would disagree right now, they would love such an energy source.


But can it make catgirls?


I think that is what CRISPR is for.


This is untrue. It can seriously help green energy becoming widespread and >>127424


Opposition leader of Canadian parliament decided to start a YouTube channel


I don't think Kissu would want to know about this.


trips of i agree with this


You don't have to read it. That's why we have lots of threads and boards unlike IRC


didn't know Mars had earthquakes, err.. "marsquakes"


yeah. it's not a dead planet so the core is still active and moving


>Anything news worthy you think kissu would want to know about?
Please be more considerate of others.


am I not on Kissu right now?


Because if I am on Kissu, then the posts that I'm making would be something Kissu likes.


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Let's try and be peaceful here


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>Wartime Pope Pius XII knew details about the Nazi attempt to exterminate Jews in the Holocaust as early as 1942, according to a letter found in the Vatican archives that conflicts with the Holy See's official position at the time that the information it had was vague and unverified.
>The letter, dated Dec. 14, 1942, was written by Father Lother Koenig, a Jesuit who was in the anti-Nazi resistance in Germany, and addressed to the pope's personal secretary at the Vatican, Father Robert Leiber, also a German.
>In the letter, Koenig tells Leiber that sources had confirmed that about 6,000 Poles and Jews a day were being killed in "SS-furnaces" at the Belzec camp in southeastern Poland.
>The letter made reference to two other Nazi camps - Auschwitz and Dachau - and suggested that there were other missives between Koenig and Leiber that either have gone missing or have not yet been found.



Studio Ghibli is being acquired and made a subsidiary of Nippon TV.



Well, at least it's not the Chinese, but I can't say I'm really surprised. Looking at the article seems like they couldn't find new leadership and Miyazaki just finished his actual final movie so I guess it's time to move on.


what has a chinese company ever done to you


Still waiting on a dhgate refund.......



new study, break out the journals


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anon, I swear to god. Aspartame is literally a "floride in the water" controversy


aspartame kills


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I finally updated to win10 and I don't like the articles it gives me.
It's all dumb political shit.


Use shutup10++ to disable a lot of the microsoft bloat


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I don't know, I do like being able to check the weather.
What I hate though is the fucking telemetry shit it does sometimes, I have to go into task manager and kill the process.



it's just a WHO org who finds that the existing safety research isn't strong enough to come to a complete conclusion


but anyways, soft drinks are de-facto toxic


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What? You're saying the bubble burst?
What about my novel idea of writing short stories and posting them as .png as NFTs?
Damn economics...


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always hate the taste of sweeteners
the first thing to do before i buy a drink is to check if it has stevia extract


Interestingly, the other company with a major game engine (Epic) has just announced a series of layoffs, about a sixth of its employees, to "financially stabilize the business:"
https://archive.ph/C3YRh (Bloomberg article)
Earlier this year they implemented UEFN, which gave map makers a lot more freedom and even struck a deal where these creators get a cut of I'm-sure-what-exactly. But apparently their profit margins aren't doing so great, and they're still fighting against Google and Apple, so they're letting go of people outside the "core business." It's interesting that Fortnite doesn't actually give them infinite fuck you money.


>to "financially stabilize the business:"
and somehow unity still has like 5k more employees because ????


Unity should now have about 7k employees after 600 were laid off earlier this year, while Epic has ~4.2k. But, and this is a big butt, Epic has a ton of outsourced contractors, to the point that it hired hundreds of them just last year:
So, the effective difference may not be so big, but that's assuming Unity doesn't have a couple thousand contractors as well. I kinda doubt it though.


simbly ebic


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Epic Games where Games become Epic


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>A nationwide test of the federal emergency alert system will be broadcast at approximately 2:20 p.m. EDT to cellphones, televisions and radios across the United States.
>The test will occur simultaneously across time zones, so people in the middle of the country can expect it at 1:20 p.m. Central Time, or 12:20 p.m. Mountain Time. On the West Coast it will be at 11:20 a.m. Pacific Time. In most of Alaska it's at 10:20 a.m., and in Hawaii, 8:20 a.m. local time.

Prepare for unforeseen consequences. I heard from some online wackos that they think this is when the 5G corona vaccines will go off and kill 90% of the global population.


Gonna try to sperm at that exact time


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They give you forewarning when they test the alert system in the US? Bunch of cowards.
Where I live it's done as a proper jump scare.


There's at least a monthly jumpscare depending on where you live


Speaking of jumpscares haven't had one for an amber alert in a long while.
Which is a good thing.


>this is when the 5G corona vaccines will go off and kill 90% of the global population
the alert was about an hour ago, did this happen yet?


Oh, havent you heard? People are mating pressing each other to death in the streets


Can confirm, I'm dead.


the jumpscare almost made me throw up, is that close enough
i'm still mad about it, i was all comfy and playing my dungeon crawling jrpg when my phone got mad and screamed at me


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Yeah, this was one of the earliest seasonal news thread and the OP hadn't yet clarified that it was about good, interesting news and not death and destruction like every other website. Scientific news, nature, archeological discoveries, etc. You know, stuff that doesn't ruin your mood.


Oops, I moved the post that said that I moved that Israel talk to /secret/. Yeah, it's there now.



Not particularly newsworthy, but it's a really good read. A couple years ago I recall reading what I believe was either a Washington Post, New York Times, or perhaps Verge article that was lamenting the inability of students to really use computers as if it was a sudden development and that kids have suddenly become technologically illiterate. I think this article from 2013 probably has it right: People have always been technologically illiterate, and its simply a result of people not being challenged to really use a computer or having a streamlined experience that causes people to not understand how computers truly work, be it from only having experience with web browsers, and office suite programs, or from only using mobile devices, or from using heavily locked down computers in schools. I would heavily recommend anyone interested in education and technological literacy to give it a read. Even if the information isn't necessarily practical, it's still engaging and an entertaining read.


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The author comes across as arrogant but he probably needs to let out his frustration. I also get frustrated but there are a lot of things I should know but don't, and I rely on other people to fill in the gaps.



>Oct 11 (Reuters) - Microsoft (MSFT.O) said on Wednesday the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in September notified the company that it is seeking an additional tax payment of $28.9 billion, plus penalties and interest for tax years from 2004 to 2013.

>Microsoft said the IRS notices relate to an ongoing dispute between the company and the U.S. tax authority, which is auditing how Microsoft allocated its profit among different countries and jurisdictions.




Pretty sure the EU is gonna consider this dumping and ban the mass imports


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Funny little article
Author of pic related going on hiatus because of one of JJK's latest chapter



mission success for gege



He can't see out of it, but the world's first successful eye transplant has been done. Or rather it was done six months ago and announced now.
Just connecting all those nerves and blood vessels sounds pretty incredible. It's definitely a good start!


I'd prefer this to a cybernetic solution


holy crap that's insane. Honestly, I'm more impressed by the state of reconstructive surgery. The video included some pretty graphic imagery of his injury and the guy looked like horrible. Like a zombie almost. Now, although he doesn't really look like himself pre-injury, he doesn't look too bad.


You seem some pretty crazy examples in West Africa. People have gotten macheted so badly their brain is visible, but these heads have been put back together. I'd wear a hat all the time though


bioware > cyberware


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A volcano might be erupting in Iceland soon. There's been hundreds of earthquakes and people have been evacuated. I heard that if it does erupt it's unlikely to be as disruptive to air travel as the one that happened a decade ago (or whenever that was).


I still remember that last one only because of this Scottish guy.


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It took a month, but it finally erupted.


crashing would be certain death


Well I mean, it apready is in most cases.


with no survivors


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A thread for interesting or cool news, especially if it's full of /win/


2 guys in bailed out of a helicopter about to crash and swam for 12 hours to shore. One guy used a seat as a flotation device, but he's also 57.
I was thinking maybe it was embellished since he's a government official, but there's a pretty clear record when an aircraft crashes and people die.


That's pretty freakin cool



Oh wait, it seems like there's quite a few people skeptical of it.
doubtful entangled tard?


tard survives nerd torture yet again



They are trying to ban effeminate men from all media, maybe that has something to do with it.



>Pulling a bandaid off slowly is more painful than doing so quickly, Australian research has confirmed.

Old news, but I think it'll always be topical. I kind of want to make a poll either way.


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This, but more of the norm answer.


They banned kids from playing video games and are still very anti anti-totalitarian themes in media. They also have a chat platform (https://s.team/chat/DPi2zQ5s ) that doesn't have the same data hoarding/state reporting standards as discord.


this seems hella unsanitary if it's not for personal use


A Russian rocket failed to reach space, but it went far enough to not fall back quickly and it's predicted to crash tomorrow or the next day. This youtube link is tracking it live:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSP4RmaCLWc if the embed doesn't work


thats exciting
i think russian military spaceflight is plagued by sabotage. getting to orbit is very routine and shouldn't have many failures at all

there was a launch a few years ago where an employee jammed a part in backwards and then disappeared. the launch vehicle make it out of the atmosphere.



Some not very new news and a recent follow-up of of an interesting way to fight mosquitoes.

(I don't know how credible the second site is, but this clearly has been in the works for a while.)


Singapore and Australia are both doing similar things. It's interesting in Australia's case as the mosquitoes are what is actually used to spread Calicivirus among rabbits. So by trying to use labs and chemical warfare to genocide one species they undermine the chemical warfare they are using to genocide another species. And then that even goes further because large populations of rabbits will mean in turn large populations of cats, so it undermines their cat genocideing efforts as well.



Apparently twitch streamers have been watching entire seasons of TV shows as 'content', and now they're starting to get banned. The surprising part is that some people are surprised by this.


First genetically modified pig heart transplant into a person is so far a success in that it wasn't immediately rejected.
There's still a few more thresholds of possible reject he needs to cross, but it's pretty cool. Anyone with moral quandaries about it would probably feel different if it was them, as the article mentions 17 people a day die in the US while waiting for an organ transplant.


The moral quandaries in the article linked to the article you posted are ridiculous. Killing animals? Really? It's not like we don't kill millions if not billions of animals a year for food or even fur and yet it's somehow wrong to do it to save a life? That's absurd. My moral issues with this is that it would save too many Americans, more should die.

Also, organs sometimes contain unknown maladies and can transfer them to the patient. It's not unheard of for a patient to receive an organ and then contract rabies from it and die. Farming them should stop that. Though, it's only an issue in third world countries like the US that have rabies and again it's better if they die so maybe that isn't so good a potential benefit.


Moral? As in he should have died waiting for a transplant?


would have been more fitting for the heart to go to a woman, since women are pigs


Very mature dude. Could you not in the future?


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>the incident began after Kuczwanski’s BMW drifted out of its lane while heading north on Thomasville Road. That’s when the BMW hit a white Prius.
>Both cars pulled into a parking lot. The driver of the Prius confronted Kuczwanski about hitting him
>The Prius’ driver then returned to his car to wait for law enforcement’s arrival after confronting Kuczwanski. That is when... Kuczwanski rammed his BMW into the Prius on the driver’s door, and began pushing the car sideways in the parking lot.
>Kuczwanski then shot a gun at the white Prius
>The Prius driver drew a gun and fired back into the windshield of Kuczwanski’s BMW
>Kuczwanski was hit and killed

>Kuczwanski’s wife, Rebekah Kuczwanski, said in a Twitter thread... claimed that he was trapped and “assassinated”

>Previously, Kuczwanski pleaded no contest to assault and disorderly conduct... to a separate road rage incident at the same intersection

>The final tweet on his Twitter account, an announcement that he had entered an online raffle for a firearm worth $5,000

"I just entered to win the Laugo Arms Alien Pistol from @ClassicFirearm! Valued At $5000! #sweepstakes #LaugoArms #LaugoArmsAlien #LaugoAlien #Alienpistol #Lancer #LancerSystems @LancerSystems #LancerAlien #gungiveaway #winagun #dreampistol Enter Here – https://t.co/J8GTd6LQUm

— John Kuczwanski (@jkuczwanski) December 9, 2021"

Maybe a bit too political of a story, but I find this incredibly ironic. Some guy driving a BMW with a history of road rage slams into a prius and then gets killed after firing the first shots. Probably the most ironic detail of the story is that, “He was on his way home early to pick us up for a farewell dinner for our daughter." Sheesh. Talk about a farewell. Gotta love Florida.


I see, makes sense


Pretty nice, wonder if I shpuld wait for them to work out the bugs first



>Study Explains Why Pluto (And Some Moons) Are Actually Planets After All



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Is that not even a supervolcano? Crazy how huge it is





>Microsoft PR has confirmed that the deal is worth $68.7 billion

The purchase price of this acquisition is insane.... Although I'm hopeful that maybe under microsoft Blizzard will be able to produce better games.


Weren't they owned by Tencent? I think I remember hearing some stories about someone in some competition getting blacklisted because they said something about Hong Kong or something like that. I'm not such a fan of Microsoft just absorbing studios like they've been doing the past decade, but I can't imagine them getting political over stuff, so that's probably for the best.


Tencent had a large ownership of ActiBliz stock, but no, they didn't own them. They only bent the knee to china because it was a business decision to not lose the chinese market by way of government blacklisting.

I'm not a fan of Microsoft absorbing the games industry either. However Activision/Blizzard has been really awful lately so I, along with seemingly the majority of people, are betting on this transer of ownership to be for the best since they are actually getting rid of Bobby Kotick through this.



Blizzard does not make any good games and neither does Microsoft so it does not mater and won't change anything.



Test kits, get yer free test kits here.


Not so much cool news, but just plain bewildering to see happening from my POV.

I know it's in Nip but to summarize:

>Charges are being sought against some men and women who modified their in-game account data, with the intention of selling said accounts through a 3rd party website for real money.

It's obviously a breach of the game's EULA but it really is surprising to see how far this stuff has come, from someone who can still remember the wild west days of the internet well enough. Of course, this is Japan however who has comparitavely tightened their DRM and digital laws too.
Anyways, I wonder what game it was.


cool API error


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I like how japan has the same media "dumb down the concept" info-graphics. Kind of nice how they look more like something you'd see in a business presentation as apposed to the super glossed up/artistically rendered ones that you see in US articles.


Imagine if Microsoft were to fix that though
Then they'd have some of the best again


But it's not a matter of fixing... Blizzard always made bad games.


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Yeah, and you've always been in desperate need of a good beating.


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The one prince guy that was with Epstein got his military titles and patronages stripped. I'm not a fan of the monarchy, so frankly I think the Queen should have gone farther and stripped him of his title altogether.


This isn't cool news, it's just news.


I disagree. You can call the Queen's action cold for sure.


I have mixed feelings on the monarchy. But I don't feel it was the right thing to do. He has not been found guilty of anything, you should not punish somebody until they actually have been found guilty.


The infamous Russian numbers station got Touhou hijacked!


pretty epic


"this just in: 'touhou' responsible for WWIII"


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oh say can you seeeeee

But I'm really surprised that in Japan obedience is the least important skill taught when following social norms tends to be heavily emphasized in society. I wonder how accurate the polling data is.


What I've read about Japanese education and child raising supports this. Respect and obedience are mutually exclusive, since you don't need to obey someone in order to respect them.


I think it might be because it's societal and not actually taught as such. So why encourage it to be taught when it's something that probably feels natural to most Japanese people anyway?


The country Turkey has changed it's English name to "Turkiye."


Sony brought Bungie for 3.6 Billion dollars. Not that I care, Bungie never made good games since Halo 3 and they don't own the rights to that now anyway.


I guess that's what Destiny is worth then


Yes, unless they try to make something else but they don't seem to be inventive enough for that, they have a DLC or add on or whatever coming out that is just a rip off from Lord of the Rings, it's called witch queen and looks pretty similar to the Witch king in LOTR.



>1.2 billion light-years
Odd to think that this event is already billions of years old


Well, not exactly. That may in fact be the distance, but it's not necessarily how long ago the event happened due to the expansion of the universe. Still pretty freakin old though.


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Polar bears hanging out in an abandoned Russian weather station. Very nice images


Those are some comfy photos and I can't believe bears are getting a home rent free.


Seems like something you'd see in a Coca-Cola ad.


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Facebooks share price just fell 26% in one day.


Turns out no one wants to live in a virtual reality. The norms want to talk face to face and the neets want to use forums.


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Everyone's probably interested in virtual reality but Facebook's idea was just super lame.


It has nothing to do with that at all lol. It has has much more to do with things like Apple requiring tracking disclosure for apps (surprise: the norms don't like being tracked either), Facebook growth is negative because the younger generation sees it as being for older people, it's declining relevance with younger generations makes its advertising business less attractive, combined with myriad antitrust cases bubbling up on the social media front with Instagram and Facebook being labeled as monopolies by the FTC, as well as antitrust cases with regards to VR, made worse by continual bad press on Facebook with regards to it's users.


As >>127989 said it's nothing to do with that.

I would read it the other way around, in my view the reason Facebook is pushing VR/AR is because of how badly they are doing, it's the only way they can expand at this point.


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VR stuff has actually gotten way more popular just in the last few months. I've noticed way more Oculus Quest ads as well as people talking VR in general, and anecdotally I've noticed people on Steam playing more VR games.


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it always impresses me how quickly and ornately constructed the world's fairs were, and that they were organized just because. meanwhile it's taken my city more than 4 years to make a roundabout...


Yes, because back then we had hordes of skilled craftsmen that could be put towards projects like that. Today skilled craftsmen barley exist and where they do they charge a fortune just to make a small column. Everything is built with mass produced components now and the workers that build with them are just assembling really.


reminds me of the story that germans had to ask north korea to restore some old statues because no one in germany has that skill anymore


great planning as usual from Musk


It's ok he can throw a few more billion to make up for it


That sounds a bit suspicious to me. I find it hard to believe that a) they couldn't find any skilled craftsman in germany, and b) the only place they could find them was in the most dystopian nation on the planet.


more like, sounds like a nice blog piece for people to use as a source for a decades to come.



Something they didn't mention that I thought was pretty important to me too was how much energy they put into getting the result they got. The article went 9n and on about how ITER should create more power than is required to go into it, but they never stated how much power was required for the JET experiment to indicate if we're at all close to reaching that goal.


They said Q = 0.33, meaning they had to put in about 3 times as much energy than was produced.


Neat. I'm guessing I skimmed over that part because I wasn't sure what the whole Q thing meant.


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"Nuclear" Fusion? That sounds bad for the environment! We can't possibly use that.


This is really bad.

Newegg received a damaged product from a customer that they knew was damaged, and then tried to RMA the product with the manufacturer, but then declined to go through with the RMA because of the cost of repair. They then went on to knowingly sell a damaged product as "open box" to and then denied a refund because the product was damaged. I don't think this can even be construed as incompetence. The motherboard literally had an RMA return sticker from Gigabyte still on the motherboard that they didn't remove. This looks like straight up malice and attempted fraud.

I would strongly advise any Kissu frens looking to purchase computer parts steer well clear of Newegg. I knew they had been bought out by a Chinese company, but I didn't realize they'd been driven to such desperate and evil lows.


This is really a problem of mergers and acquisitions. Unregulated capitalism (or poorly regulated in china's case) creates a situation where it's more profitable to buy out a company with a big reputation, moderate profit margins and a desire to sell.

By cutting back all funding on staff and only doing the bare minimum to keep things running they can reap large short term profits for the acquisition group and at the expense of customers. Though I do not buy second hand parts, I would have surely fallen for some other cost cutting 'scam'.

My sources for this theory can be summed up in this video about MMO companies.


Newegg's been kind of crappy for a while because of all the third party stuff on it. And lots of crap on the site that has no relation to computers. You could at least sort of see the relation to there being PS4 games on it, but bicycles? Furniture? It's like the usual big company thing where they decide to dip their feet into everything because they gave up being great at any one thing. I never had any complaints with it myself, but I've only ordered there about 15 times over... damn it's been like 16 years now.
Well, it's the normal cycle of things. It's a niche thing for a few years, gets popular, sold, gutted, and people had already moved on elsewhere. I think some treat microcenter as its replacement, but I'm sure there's others around I can't remember.

At the same time, don't give one youtuber so much power over your decisions. Newegg's decline has been widely known so it's true in this case, but this video isn't the thing that proves it.


>At the same time, don't give one youtuber so much power over your decisions. Newegg's decline has been widely known so it's true in this case, but this video isn't the thing that proves it.
That goes without saying. I've known Newegg had been bad for some time, but I didn't have any personal experience with them getting crappier due to never finding myself in a situation where ordering from them even made sense for the sorts of things I order regularly. Just seeing how everything was handled reaffirmed to me that I'd be better served continuing to look elsewhere; I've heard the same thing from other people, but Newegg has had a very slight resurgence in recent years, particularly due to it being among the few places where you can order a GPU at times, so it had somewhat rehabilitated itself despite there also being frequent stories of people getting screwed over in various aspects of ordering things from them.


This is not cool news :(


Sorry... I just wanted to make sure Kissu frens don't get scammed.


Oh wait, I didn't notice that this was a new follow-up video. Wow, yeah that's really bad. What a seedy company, a shame that it used to be so highly regarded, and of course that's what enables it to get away with this crap for so long.


Not really news, but it is a decent blog post that relates to a post on this board

>Why Copilot writes bad code
>According to OpenAI’s paper, Codex only gives the correct answer 29% of the time. And, as we’ve seen, the code it writes is generally poorly refactored and fails to take full advantage of existing solutions (even when they’re in Python’s standard library).


I find this headline very provocative, but I don't know about the content of the article itself



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I remember watching a short documentary about those things. That's a real shame. As the article describes, it's effectively a very low resolution black-and-white "screen" that becomes their vision and it's really amazing.
You won't see anything resemblign detail, but you can see light sources and see movement which is pretty huge for everyday life.



This is not cool news :(


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There is going to be a Lord of the Rings anime. But it only comes out in 2024.


It's an anime but it's produced by New Line Cinema and Warner Brothers. It's strange, I really don't get how these things work as I thought that Amazon had the rights now.



Nothing good can come from making an anime with a western audience in mind. And based on the studio's previous works, it will most likely be fully CG.


I get the impression it's going to be another of those western "anime", where it's technically a Japanese-American coproduction, but so much of the creative direction is dictated by Americans that it's more or less an American show.

My issue with these sorts of shows isn't even that they're intended for a western audience, it's that they're made by people who don't really even know what anime is or why it's appealing. American studios seem to think that anime = action cartoons with a low framerate wacky expressions, which couldn't be further from what they actually are.


Normally I would agree. But I think that because it's LOTR it will be done to quite a high standard and will be more like an animated LOTR movie rather than a cartoon set in the LOTR world if that makes sense.


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It's a CGI studio, so even less anime than you guys were already thinking. "Anime" is a strong word that gets abused for marketing purposes, something that even laymen will catch onto one of these days and immediately get suspicious.


Oh god, why. I can only imagine another Dragon's Dogma or Berserk. At least have the decency to hire a western animation studio if you're going the CG route.


From what I've heard, Amazon is supposedly butchering the LOTR show they're working on based on the complete dissatisfaction from people working on it or something, so people think when it actually releases it's going to be a complete dumpster fire.


I've heard they're trying to take it in the GOT direction. Which is completely opposed to the fantasy of Middle-Earth.



I'm not even surprised and I never had any hope for it. Which is another reason why I think this >>128017 could be good, because it is made by people that care more about the source material and it should not be GoT like at all particularly if it's made in Japan and if they market it to a younger audience.

I actually did some research on the rights question that I had. Apparently New Line/Disney have the rights to make movies and Amazon has the rights to make TV shows, so that is why they both can make LOTR media. But more interestingly, Amazon does not have the rights to the Simmirillion or any other book that actually discusses the second age in detail even though their story is set in the second age, they only have the rights to the Hobbit and the Trilogy(including the appendices in those books). So the only lore they can use to make the story is what backstory is given in the Trilogy and the Hobbit which means a lot of what they do is going to be made up.


It seems like another Star Wars situation to me, but much faster and more dramatic. Both had a tremendous trilogy movie release, a period of appreciation, and then questionable attempts to recapture the success. These days they both seem to be using the wide net approach by throwing money at a bunch of different projects to milk the IP as much as possible for short-term gains.
But it's strange, I thought the LotR license was pretty strict...


Yeah, they seem to be doing that with every franchise these days, they are even making Bioshock and Fallout TV shows as well. Non of these companies seem like they have any creative talent at all, they just find a franchise and milk it.

It was but maybe that was under the old head of the Tolkien estate who was Tolkein's son. He resigned in 2017 and died in 2020.


Actually I am not sure if they are Fallout and Bioshock TV shows or movies but still.


The queen has COVID.


The queen needs to pay for the sins of her lineage


I'm not worried about her, she's the queen she can't die.


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There was a time I would've loved a fallout TV show, the fanbase seems desperate for the world to be fleshed out and there's a lot of storytelling potential there but there's no reason to have any hope with the IP anymore


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In general I refuse to watch any western media that is a remake/reboot whatever.


I don't like Fall out, it's stupid so I never did want one.

But having said that I don't really want a movie of any game I like or even an anime of such a game. I just don't think it really works and it comes across as being an expensive fanfic.


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There's also some irony in that Fallout is kind of a cautionary tale about hyper-consumerism and to a lesser extent blind tribalism and the IP itself became one of those "nerd culture" plastic crap baubles that people fight over in tribes over what games are good.


Dying at 95 wouldn't be much of a payment...
I've heard bad things about various British royals, but she seems like a very well regarded person no matter who you ask.


You would be surprised. I thought that too but then I met people who believe she is secretly controlling the entire world and that she killed princess Diana.


The princess Diana conspiracies are interesting and exotic, but I'd just be bored imagining a world controlled by a British shadow government


The news ITT isn't cool enough for me.


Hmm true, maybe more scientific stuff is needed.

>Signs of 'Significant' Brain Rewiring Have Been Found in Space Travelers


This is maybe not cool but we don't have a non-cool news but still interesting thread.

Steam is releasing a handheld console. I don't really see the point, I only have a switch because some games physically need one but even then games for the switch are designed around being handheld. Steam games are not.



thousands of steam games are just ports of mobile games... sooo yeah they are actually designed to be handheld...


Have you never used a controller to play a game on Steam? Practically every game with controller support, and even those that don't, have custom mappings for controllers. Also, consoles exist, so yeah people use controllers...


Oh wait... I think I understand what you mean. They're not designed around being portable.


>I don't really see the point
It's an affordable alternative to building a PC now that GPU prices are and will stay retarded.


And something else I thought of. Apparently the way consoles make money is not really by the sale of the console itself but the games that are purchased for it, I even heard that Xbox is losing money on every console sold.

That does not really bode well for the Steam Deck as it's really a way for people to take their steam library to a handheld platfrom, so the people using it probably already had the games on their PC or were going to get them on the PC and so they are not actually getting new sales.

Maybe, but everybody has a mobile these days so does that help much? If the wanted to play a mobile a mobile game handheld they could(plus most mobile games are touch screen so would work better on an IPad anyway).

Many games on Steam are not console supported so I gave up on that, I just use PlayStation for games I want a controller for. But I can understand the appeal of a steam console, not not a steam handheld console.

To a degree, but so is a console and I would rather a console than a handheld if that was my only device.


>That does not really bode well for the Steam Deck
But not every person needs to buy a Steam Deck to play games bought on Steam. If anything, this is a preferable situation for Valve since it means as compared to any potential hardware sale losses, they more than make up for it through sales, particularly from people with their own PC.

To give a console analogy, it'd be like if more than half the games sold for a console never even got bought by people who have a console. Just people who wanted the disc. For the console manufacturer, those sales are pure profit.


Haven't we gotten to the point where mobile hardware is where everyone is putting their effort. Do the youths even buy handhelds?


Unlike consoles, the Steam Deck isn't a walled garden and you can pry it open to modify it as you please.
Like, Nintendo made it illegal to modify a Switch in Japan...


the affordable alternative right now is to smack an apu into a regular old desktop instead of buying an outdated chip on an unupgradable platform!


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Uruha Rushia has been terminated from Hololive and her channel is slated to be deleted.

This decision is seemingly (?) unrelated to the scandal surrounding her and Mafumafu:

As of February 24, 2022 (Thursday), the talent contract for the virtual YouTuber has been terminated. With regard to "Rushia Uruha", we recently found that there was a leak of information to a third party, including information that was not true and business communication, and we have been confirming the facts. In response to the aforementioned, we have determined that it would be difficult for us to continue management and support as a company, and have made the unavoidable choice to make this decision, as we have found acts of breach of contract, such as leaking information that violates confidentiality obtained by the company and SNS communication to third parties without permission, and acts of loss of trust, such as false declarations to related parties. We have no choice but to make this decision.

を も ち ま し て、バーチャルYouTuberのタレント契約を解除いたしました。 「潤羽るしあ」につきましては、先般、第三者への事実と異なる情報の流布ならびに業務上の やり取りを含む情報流出が見受けられたため、事実確認を行っておりました。 上述に対し、会社で取得した秘密保持に抵触する情報やSNSのやり取りを許可なく第三者に漏 浅するといった契約違反行為や、関係各所への虚偽の申告などの信用失璧行為が認められたた め、企業としてマネジメントやサポートを継続することが困難と判断し、やむなく本決断を選 択させていただきました。



This just show what poor character v tubers have.



It was all her fault


Do vtubers die as characters when this happens


You know how Stalin scrubbed all information about his fellow commander Trotsky?

Basically the company makes it so they never existed


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Ho lee fuk


Nippon banzai!


That's a lie and I almost fell for it...


It was last week and it's not even the Japanese ambassador to Ukraine. It's the other way around, that's the Ukrainian ambassador to Japan. I really hate these kind of misleading memes.


waiting warmly for japan to reclaim karafuto and the chishima islands


The dead giveaway should've been the FB post. I've never seen them use FB ever


Saved me from looking it up. Seemed really uncharacteristic but I wouldn't even know how to search for it


you guys are no fun...


Yeah, he's a Ukranian Eastener. Twitter may be wrong. I think he's really in Kiev though, it would be cool if he is. Still a nice image if he's not.


yeah, the site is full of serious people who want to take a side. Personally I have my beliefs, but I thought it was a funny image on a website that isn't about documenting politics. Unfortunate


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Its a bit suspicious that a slower site like kissu suddenly got active when that image was posted...


That's the Ukrainian ambassador to Japan, he is in Japan.

It's not like that at all... It's simply the fact that the image is a lie that bothers me. I don't care who made it, a lie is a lie and I don't like being mislead like that.


Wish if he had a twitter account so I could verify his position instead of a soranews article


His twitter account is in the screen shot in the article. I'm sure you can work it out...


But it does not even matter where he is anyway... That's not the point, the point is that he is the Ukrainian ambassador to Japan, not the Japanese ambassador to Ukraine as the meme says.


Oh, that's what you didn't like. OK


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Oh no?


I definitely trust 100% what a corporation is saying about one of their employees.


When you have a 180 from this to a forced termination, it's usually the employee's fault.


None of the responses had anything to do with 'taking a side' tho. >>128060 is as close as it got.


I don't trust the organization who has the power to silence the opposition with legal contracts(or violence for that matter)


And now we are getting a Nier Automata anime...

I said before that I don't want a movie or anime of a game I like and it's true in this case as well. Well if it's actually a new story and not just a retelling of the game it might be watchable at least.


Japan has draconian laws that will always make sure you can't do anything against corporations. It's funny because there's no proof of any leaks but all rumors point to Rushia claiming that her coworkers and management were mistreating her. This counts as a leak, somehow.


epic numbers


Success breeds contempt.


Kill all vtubers


Once in a while you need a technical article to make you feel stupid:
Although I think there are some nerds here that might understand it


You know how you can split water into hydrogen and oxygen by running electricity through it? They made a material that makes the reaction faster while being potentially cheaper than other materials that make the reaction faster.


>You know how you can split water into hydrogen and oxygen by running electricity through it?
But that sounds pretty cool. Cheaper things is how you get companies to care so that's good news.


Stuff like these are probably Ukrainian morale boosters. There are certainly some aces who will apear on land and air, but truth is that UA can't provide much support over Kiev. Belarusia has S-400 deplyoed which barely range the city meaning overextending will cause them to be shot down. Each aircraft is too valuable for them to waste.


That's pretty cool if it's true(thought there have been aces since WW2). Maybe we will get Combat camera footage of it after the war, I want to see combat footage on the ground as well to see how the mechanised units are fightings, most of what we seem to get is just phone camera footage from random Ukrainians.



Seems as if Russia is going to have every possible sanction put on it very soon. Germany and Italy are holding out because they need their natural gas, but pressures from Poland and Lithuania seem to be making them rethink how far they can go without hurting themselves.


what remains in sanctions are direct sanctions at the Russian government members which only the US and Canada seem to have begun to do.

EU states are sending equipment into the Ukraine, Russia has yet to take a city, though the south is not in a great condition because of a large Russian supporting populace(still doing better than expected)


The gains in the south don't really have anything to do with supportive populations. It was just lightly defended and much of it is quite open(which is probably why it was lightly defended). It seems they have fallen back to the Dnieper and they have been managing to hold it so far.


I forgot that detail. It is one of the important factors


this channel has pretty good videos on geopolitics and looks like it will provide decent daily updates on the geopolitical situation around Ukraine


Mostly, I have not watched much of it. I know I saw something about Nuclear war and I remember him missing something glaringly obvious but I forget what. But that's Youtube in general for you.

As for this video. I think it's mostly fine. I don't get why the map is what it is when there are more detailed maps available(such as Liveuamap which is also a useful source of news). And also he missed a few things but I guess maybe he isn't focusing on the the operational side of things so much. So for example he did not mention the numerous cities that were encircled in the north east yesterday. And while he did mention that the Ukrainians took back Hostomel airport he did not mention that Russian ground forces where approaching that area very early in the morning and would indeed take Hostomel again and even end up in Kiev(where they are now).


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People being slaughtered is not cool news.
Why do you people have such a hard time understanding these things...


Are you saying this because you would rather hide the Ukraine posts or because you want it to not be on the site?


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It is cool!!!

But I understand your concern so I won't talk about it.


He can hide it. It's his choice if he doesn't want to see something that is annoying to no one but him


>maybe he isn't focusing on the the operational side of things
that’s what I expect from the channel in general as it is more about the politicking around the situation instead of what’s happening on the ground
like you mentioned there are other resources if you want to a better picture of how the war is going on the ground, the channel is more about the geopolitical or economic situation than the war time situation
cool doesn’t always have a positive connotation, it can mean something intriguing or worth seeing also the OP does say interesting or cool and winter wars are probably pretty cool in a sense


I get his concern. Imageboards and serious real-world discussion don't exactly have the best track record, so it makes sense to get nervous about it.


More serious documentation to the bunker >>>/secret/1925 , minor discussion here.

I won't enforce this as a rule, more of a recommendation


Kisunai Ai was defeated, I know that it was mentioned elsewhere but it's so cool I am going to mention it here as well.


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Yes it's cool. A blow was struck against the v tuber menace.


Looks kinda like a lone piece of coral. I wonder what it is, really.


Your hatred of vtubers is becoming an obsession


a vtuber hate otaku, would you say?


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I will let my soul be consumed by hatred if it helps me in my fight against the V tuber menace.


Can you please stop spacing it out like that? It makes you look illiterate.




Konami gave such little shit about Silent Hill they let the domain for it expire, and someone bought it up and made it link to a tweet from Masahiro Ito about him regretting making Pyramid Head.


If somehow you don't know, Lupin is a French thief character and I think most of us are at least aware of the Japanese adaptation


Fighting in Ukraine lead to russia shelling part a nuclear reactor complex.
The administrative building caught on fire.

Pretty cool huh?



i got some mints today




This is honestly pathetic... Not because people are cheating the game, but because how the hell do people not know about Cheat Engine in 2022.


console tourists who switched over between 2016 and 2021


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Version 100 of these popular browsers may break many sites possibly legacy ones like a mini Y2K



The opposite of cool, there's a massive fire at a Wal-Mart distribution center in Indiana. People are told to stay indoors because it's a bunch of plastic Chinese crap and you really don't want to breath that in


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and it's on radar



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Black holes are the Demiurge's many cosmical assholes, I knew it.



Quite a bit of talk, internal and external, about chatgpt creating competition with Google. But imo the problem with these thoughts is that search engines are much more general purpose and have far more uses than just looking up simple facts. Some people think it will reduce Google's ad revenue which is a more interesting topic

Chances are Google could incorporate AI summaries of search topics in the future.


>Because these new chat bots learn their skills by analyzing huge amounts of data posted to the internet, they have a way of blending fiction with fact. They deliver information that can be biased against women and people of color. They can generate toxic language, including hate speech.

Sigh. No, the issue with the blur of reality and fiction is that it will spread dangerous information, such as medical or DIY, and get people killed. "If you have a sore throat, drink turpentine. Oil fire? Use cold water."
I feel like people focus on this __ism stuff so that when it's (poorly) solved with filters everyone will celebrate while things that matter get brushed under the rug.

There's also the issue where this further isolates people from each other and instead of seeking out and finding new people online, such as experts, they'll stay in a little corner. This concentrates power and influence to the chatbot owners, which is of course why it's being funded in the first place.


Those issues in the quote are more real to people than dangerous information.


Looks like the gov't is continuing its trend of cracking down on videogame microtransactions and such:
>Epic Games, maker of the hit video game “Fortnite,” has agreed to pay a total of $520 million to settle US government allegations that it misled millions of players, including children and teens, into making unintended purchases and that it violated a landmark federal children’s privacy law.
>The complaint claims Epic made it extremely easy for children to purchase in-game items with a single click or button press without parental approval, resulting in more than one million parental complaints to Epic about unwanted charges.
>The agreement will last for 20 years from the time it is adopted.
Huge move against one of the most popular games of all time, this sets quite the record.


Lots of video game companies will probably go bust from this. They only live off of gambling loops


This is retaliation against the chinese more than anything


This isn't even about lootboxes, Fortnite doesn't have any gambling to begin with. You get shown a skin, you buy the skin, you get the skin. Super straightforward.
This case is about something different, much more fundamental: UI design itself. From this other article:
>Here’s a quick list of some of the tactics Epic says weren’t intentionally exploitative but that it has recently changed following the investigation:
>Automatically saving payment data
>Single-button press purchases
>Disabling accounts that seek refunds for fraudulent purchases
>Lack of self-service refunds
>No spending limits for players under 13
Take a good look at this stuff, 'cause it's deceptively simple and super ultra mega extremely common. The standard, basically, save for the one about disabling accounts. This could easily have enormous ramifications.
Doubt Tencent is going to care that much, I think it's much more of a threat to burger companies. The CCP has already been cracking down on their own vidya companies for some time now.


I don't know anything about that but it sounds bad and it's good they got rid of it.

I hope they get rid of battle passes as well one day.


Well, the issue of microtransactions exploiting kids this way was making headlines in ~2010 when mobile gaming exploded and the iphone became the world's most popular babysitter, so maybe sometime in the 2030s they will. I think Spain passed a law placing the normal gambling restrictions on gacha/lootbox mechanics earlier this year, so hopefully that will spread a bit sooner.


watching tesla stock follow the patterns of bitcoin (to the bottom) is almost cathartic


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Tenshi's blessings upon him. I'm quite amazed that a teenager is flying a plane, but he clearly knows what he's doing. It's so small, it sounds fun until I think about turbulence.


The age isn't too abnormal; I know a pilot and his father (also a pilot) started him young as well.
I also remember that during the war in the Pacific that the Japanese would not only have teen pilots but expected them to run off and on to a carrier and strike ships. Teens have sharp reaction times and good eyes working to their advantage.


The Japanese pilot corps lost most of their experience pilots during the war and towards the end it was full of inexperienced pilots leading to things like the Marianas turkey shoot.
Experience is what matters most, it's why most aces and pretty much all the top aces had long histories of aeronautical pursuits before the war but many of them started in there early teens as well(Hartman was a gliding instructor by 14).



So you can still hoard as long as you're Canadian


yea but there are less of us so home prices should go through a correction


Im surprised they were allowed to anyway. Foreigners cant buy real estate in most countries that don't make their money in being a tax shelter


US relations are important so they let them do it, but the Chinese mentality is that real-estate is retirement funding so they caused issues that require federal legislation. maybe it will be tied onto a NAFTA (or whatever trump renamed it as) amendment by a future PM.

Something like only 7% of Chinese own business or bank investments, large rest of them buy multiple houses. Creates problems in foreign small countries because it skyrocketed price from foreign demand.


They might have been panic buying too if it was chinese, because the real estate bubble is bursting in the PRC and many investors are desperate to invest elsewhere. Combine this with the Chinese tendency to panic buy and scalp and it could be disastrous for the natives.

The PRC's in a really bad place right now and it could be bad for the whole world if it gets worse. I hope Xi does the right thing and steps down.


used to think like that until I realized that mass immigration can be used as a stopgap against penny pinching natives refusing to play the game.


Canadians should just live in the Canadian wilderness, land is probably cheap there.


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US DoJ is about to end crypto...


kill it with fire


Did that schizo shut down gnfos again? It's not loading for me.


That's not 'cool news', dummy. >>>/qa/102583


The land itself can be cheap but the cost of living can be very high and the people who already live there dont want newcomers especially if you dont have familial connections


Yeah. Most of the worlds problems nowadays are issues of logistics rather than production. We have enough to give to everyone, but the means to get it to people cheaply isn't always possible.


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I'm moving the wiki discussion into its own thread. Here we go...


I saw the deleted posts.


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Posts successfully moved to >>1737
I'll delete these two posts of mine later today





Just get some chickens.


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Egg production hasn't been going so well ever since the christmas calories reared its ugly head.


I missed this when it happened (not that it would matter) but an asteroid about the size of a "minibus" passed Earth and got closer than some satellites. It was only identified a week ago by an amateur.


watching things trajectory get pulled around by gravity is entertaining






Who the fuck, especially in a place as expensive as Canada buys new?


like, my entire family other than me?


also like... most cars that end up in Nigeria from theft are Canadian. or at least a very high number


My lower middle class is showing then


idk. Maybe. there's a bit of generational wealth floating around


Black holes might be the source of dark energy?
This theoretical stuff isn't really "news", but it's cool


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>Yhe treaty will create a new body to manage conservation of ocean life and establish marine protected areas in the high seas. And Clark said that’s critical to achieve the U.N. Biodiversity Conference’s recent pledge to protect 30% of the planet’s waters, as well as its land, for conservation.

I'm skeptical that this will have any great impact, but it's better than nothing.


I think everyone has realized by now that we can't pack up and head to a new planet any time soon


>New device from China allows couples to simulate kissing over their phones

Funny story.


each 2 represents a couple


Relating to two investment banks that vanished recently.

Investing too much just as bad as investing too little


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A small datacenter is being used to heat a public pool. The method of heat transference involves the hardware being partially submerged in mineral oil which is pretty interesting


It's really neat the way in which the two services discover a method to offset costs for each other in a mutually beneficial relationship. Would be nice if from their example others follow suit in trying to figure out ways in which they can do similar.


Yeah, a sort of tech symbiosis thing is a great way of doing things. We need to learn from nature and such.


/secret/ post



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It's called Ryugu and they brought a sample home???



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I do wonder how people are going to get around this stuff in the future as the technology improves. There needs to be a modern equivalent of holding up a newspaper with the day's news on it. Maybe a whole bunch of moving things that would be difficult for AI to replicate? Maybe just holding your hands to the camera?


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A thread for interesting news, like the invention of new springs to the discovery of new sponges!
News that makes people upset is great for clicks, but not a good fit for this thread.


Headline is a little misleading, but a guy found that there's some old credits in a BMP file from Windows 1.0

>Brooks discovered the secret, a credits list of Windows developers and a "congratulations" message, buried in the data of a smiley face bitmap file that came with the OS. The data for the credits was encrypted, and according to Brooks, the tools he needed to extract the data didn't even exist at the time of the OS' release.


sasuga the messiah of pc gaming



That's pretty damn impressive.


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The SEGA arcade in Akihabara is now rebranded "GiGO", marking the end of the SEGA arcades.

"Sega revealed that it would be selling the remaining 14.9 percent of the shares in its arcade business to Genda back in January. Sega had previously sold 85.1 percent of these to Genda in 2020 over concerns that customers would be avoiding its venues on account of the global pandemic. Genda has been planning to rebrand all of its newly acquired arcades to GiGO since the sale. The process began with its locations in Tokyo."



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oh the humanity
>Stuffed animal spill befouls morning commute on I-5 in Portland


Will the arcades lose anything besides the SEGA branding?



I have more questions than anything else about this cancellation since I don't understand why they cancelled it... Is there nothing at all worth previewing in the near future?


Isn't it because game publishers all have their own events now anyway? So E3 isn't really important any more.


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Some lighter news from the series "Cyberpunk is now!", Vacuum Cleaner Manufacturer brings us air purifying Headphones.
Sadly they decided on a very non-punk blue coloring for the first promo shots.


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Reminds me of the rightfully-ridiculed razer xxxtreme gamer masks, for when you need high performance neon lighting at the grocery store


Genshin is still going strong wow


It's a good game and it's only going to get better over time.


Always funny to see NFT projects crash and burn like everyone expected them to, and then have people be surprised it happened.



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>DALL·E 2 is a new AI system that can create realistic images and art from a description in natural language.
Unfortunately they aren't offering any way to submit your own text at the moment. One of the people involved was taking requests for images on Twitter though:


>One of the people involved was taking requests for images on Twitter though:
How do you know this isn't some elaborate April Fool's joke where some artist whips up an image and said a robot did it, mechanical turk style?


I'm leaning towards it being a hoax, mostly because of the stylized images. AI tends to be very literal, so I can't imagine it making images like those with the prompts it's being given.


That cat doesn't look like it's dressed as Napoleon, an Ai would never show him wearing red as in pretty much every image of him he is not.

Yes, that or maybe it's just searching for images already available on the internet.



hehehehe zuck bucks hehehe


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Oh, to clarify this is the same story, but done in a more readable format for commoners like me


Interesting. I was watching a video recently about how the US has long since fallen out of scientific preeminence with regards to particle physics, notably conceding the research lead to Europe. One major failure was the government botching the Superconducting Super Collider project due to government expenditure cuts under Reagan massively hampering the agencies ability to function, as well as inter-governmental bureaucracy killing things further. Ultimately, the project was a reaction to CERN discovering the W and Z bosons.

That said, it's been very interesting that in the last few years FermiLab has been playing a more prominent role. Just last year FermiLab was at the center of a widely reported Muon G-2 experiment which had experimental results that disagreed with the predicted results. And now they're at it again with potentially showing that the W Boson has a higher mass than expected.

I hope this trend of discovery continues. It's been too long that the US has been out of the limelight in scientific discovery. Hopefully this encourages more funding towards education and research at the very least.


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That thing is huge. I wonder how good it tastes.



Seems like technophobic troglodite politicians may finally be waking up to one of the better answers to the clean energy problem, but it may still be a while before nuclear is fully accepted.


I dunno. The article seems really quite negative and dismissive of nuclear reactors while also playing up the potential dangers of having them in conflict areas.

I really hope nuclear gets more and more popular. There's been a small renaissance online of people recognizing how great of an energy source it is. I wish the same would happen for hydrogen vehicles... Lithium is just too expensive, polluting, unstable, and rare for it to be a practical replacement to fossil fuel powered vehicles. Meanwhile... there's a veritable limitless source of renewable energy that the Earth is blanketed in: water, which can easily (albeit energy intensively) be cracked into hydrogen and oxygen, and used for fuel which then harmlessly turns into water.


I saw this video on it a few days ago. She made some interesting points, such as that we don't actually have anywhere near enough of the right grade of Uranium on earth to actually power us but that developing technology might change that.


The US is working with a 3d printing company to build 3d printed barracks.


3d printing looks ugly to me and it always seems to look the same or very similar.


This is the next step of prefab. Thats pretty cool


I kind of doubt this will ever take off.



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Bald and Bankrupt was arrested somewhere in Russia


I'm really surprised this didn't happen sooner.


Says he was arrested in Kazakhstan. Says he was at Baikonur trespassing at the Cosmodrome. Like others, I'm guessing he probably went to see if he could see the Soviet Space Shuttle, Buran.


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when you hire a Latin American imageboard teen to run your country's finances


He deserves it for having his channel name in lowercase


He looks exactly like you'd expect... Whoever took this photo is a genius


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A network of radio telescopes managed to image the black hole at the center of our galaxy:


he presents himself like that for a reason, people in el salvador are tired of that two main political parties which represent the old military regimes and and old revolutionaries. The military regime party is what you would expect from that sort of thing but the revolutionary party have also become corrupt and too established to connect with their former base in addition to doing a bad job of stopping gang violence and actually making it worse with their iron fist approach.
Then this guy comes along and tells a nation disillusioned with democracy that he will do whatever it takes to get stuff done, he runs his political campaign through twitter, and he presents himself as a young hipster type. The strategy pays off and hes won a massive majority while also starting to show authoritarian tendencies, hes less a imageboard teen and more a classic latin american dictator in disguise.


sounds like your typical political imageboard admin...


They grew plants in moon soil! They didn't grow well, but that they grew at all is pretty neat.


Wasn't that like a year ago?


the moon is for mining, not agriculture!


What will the moon miners eat then?


The moon cheese, obviously.


Imported food with a backup of agriculture supported by imported soil and domesticly produced fertilizer.



Really not sure what's "lewd" about it, but it's funny



Fortunately it's a whole bunch of nothing.


>from stacking blocks to writing poetry
Yeah and AI poetry is sooooo moving


Google's "verse by verse" is awful... GPT-2 could probably do better with prose poetry.


I've never been impressed by any of this "AI" stuff. It's really just fancy pattern recognition.


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>Mona Lisa gets caked by man disguised as old woman at the Louvre


they recreated what a black whole sounds like, its really eerie


Unless this guy has some sort of trauma with that painting like a certain JoJo character did, this just seems like a very sad cry for help.





This is straight out of the Willy Wonka movie



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About the New German tank, the Panther, there are quite a few interesting details about the Panther on the Rheinmetall website. Even a brochure.

It has an auto loader as well as many of the features that a new tank would want to have, all of the buzz words about things like being fully digitalised and able to connect to all kinds of networks and it has things like 'optimised shooter to sensor links' and the ability to command the tank from any of the four positions in the tank. Yes it still has 4 seats, one is for an optional specialist.

It's a bit lighter than a Leopard 2 at 59 tons, I found that a bit surprising, it's still a big tank and even if it has an auto loader it;s still got a big turret and it's covered in god knows what. Speaking of some of that god knows what, it has a Natter 7.62 weapons station which has all kinds of advanced targeting abilities, it's odd to have a .50 co ax but then a 7.62 RWS, though Rheinmetall do sell a .50 Natter as well so that could be used if it was wanted. It also has an inbuilt drone launcher which I suspect is a large driver behind keeping the fourth crewman.



Plus of course it has the new 130mm gun that they tried to sell to the Brits before in their challenger upgrade program(they didn't go for it).


I wrote on /win/ that the owner of Breached Forums was arrested for getting FBI information and that the other staff(admin) took over running the site and restricted his access to site infrastructure so the FBI couldn't shut them down.

Well they just shut it down anyways


nvm, the admin deleted the site


probably cold feet after seeing his buddy get arrested


good thing its spring now


Linus didn't follow Tech Tips's youtube channels are all down after he was hacked for some crytpo stuff:
Apparently other tech-related youtube channels have been hacked recently for the same purpose. It reminds me of when some guy hacked some major twitter accounts to do the same thing. Things could have been far worse in this or that situation, but the people just want a quick buck and crypto scams are the preferred way to do it.


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That's why I don't trust linux


Lmao another guru got pwnt


He's already back, and there's a video on the whole issue


Linus Tech Twinks



America did this as well. But the more significant thing to me is that people in the government have known spyware installed on their official phones...


The headline says Twitter and Instagram as well.


Even then, Government employees shouldn't be using those on their work phones...


Government employees are twerking and flossing.


Government employees are glowing.


at least 4chan is safe


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A big asteroid passed by between the Earth and the Moon this weekend, a "once in a decade" event.

Also in related news some "prebiotic compounds" found on another asteroid. There's a theory that meteorites crashing into Earth are what gave it the ingredients and environment needed for life to come about, so it's pretty cool.



Started researching stocks and now my news recommendations are full of bitcoin, MLM scams and other equally scammy articles.

I guess that's the real retail stock trader experience


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Don't use magnets to wipe data off meteorites!

>In a new study, Foteini Vervelidou, a planetary scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and her colleagues have documented the destructive power of the hand magnets, which are often made from rare-earth metals such as neodymium and are typically about 10,000 times stronger than Earth’s magnetic field. When brought within a few centimeters of a rock, the researchers found, the magnets overwrite vestigial fields contained in iron-based minerals such as magnetite and reset them to the higher strength and orientation of the magnet. In an instant, a unique view into the heart of distant rocky bodies can be erased. Black Beauty, for example, is the only known meteorite old enough to “remember” Mars’s magnetic field before it started to disappear about 4 billion years ago.

(gave up on trying to find a magnet-related image so here's Lum)


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Sad statistics in the article, but an interesting partial solution (and this picture is funny)



time for some state funded coin mining?


better to export it to neighbors. I don't think they have the infrastructure set up for more volume of electricity.


That's stupid as hell. They should do what I've been saying for ages: use excess power to generate hydrogen from electrolysis and then use that for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.


Quebec had another outage of 500'000 people. no where near me though
This province suck


The UK blocked Microsoft's purchase of Activision.

However Microsoft and Activision say they will contest this decision.




Few days ago an oil tanker crashed underneath one of the major highway bridges and melted the steel support beams causing it to collapse. Pretty huge in that it'll be weeks until the highway is clear to use again.


That's impossible. Car fuel can't melt steel beams.


Steel literally cannot melt. It's impossible.


First of the 'should be profitable' AI model maker collapses


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Hmm... not sure how to feel. On one hand they made Stable Diffusion so everyone owes them a debt of gratitude if they generate AI images locally, but on the other hand it was clearly an accident that they allowed people to prompt nudity and they tried to walk it all back with later versions. I've also heard the developers had to strong-arm the CEO to make SD a public thing. Everything I've heard about that Emad guy is bad, but tech CEOs are tech illiterate idiots that either have money or connections so that's nothing new.
Anyway, SD chose this path when they decided to be "safe" and expected to compete with Microsoft and other tech giants and paid the price for leaving their niche. I hope the actual creators of SD are able to find nice new jobs.


Funny that I see this on the front page today as an actual major bridge was taken out by a carrier ship just this morning. Pretty crazy.


Not exactly interesting, but it's neat to see that some banks are starting to lean more into tech market.
>Google Cloud will work with TD to help streamline application development and deployment and enable the Bank to respond quickly to changing customer expectations by rolling out new features, updates, or entirely new financial products at an accelerated pace. TD will benefit from Google Cloud's engineering support, which includes Google's global network of engineers, to help its teams optimize the use of Google Cloud products as well as architect, design and operate them in a highly regulated environment.
Here's to a hopeful better valuation.


Dubai is flooded
So much for a desert country


Man, that's awful. Even giant hailstones? I read "1.5 years worth of rain in one day"


two years' worth of rain flowed endlessly into dubai


They've been doing weather manipulation there to try and reverse desertification and it went kinda iffy


Iranian president died in helicopter crash


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ICQ is shutting down. I didn't even know it was still around! It was kind of unique in that you didn't have a username but rather a number, so you'd share it like a phone number. Seniority was given to those with fewer digits, naturally. Mine was 7 digits, which wasn't too bad. Man, the article even mentioned FTPs in the opening paragraph. Oh, the nostalgia!


I've always seen ICQ mentioned alongside stuff like AIM and MSN but never knew anyone who actually used it. Definitely surprising it survived until now.


Probably simply depended on what you were doing. I got into it because it was the unofficial communication platform of Ultima Online for some reason. If you wanted to make friends you needed an ICQ account and even on the trade forums you would include it. Pretty strange in hindsight, but not many games back then had ways stay in touch with other people in the game itself.


>I didn't even know it was still around!
That's the issue, probably. Most people eventually moved on.

I uninstalled it because I was getting pissed off at the increasingly bloated client that even ran ads. (same with skype).
Ran it over trillian for a while. Can't remember exactly why I didn't stick with that.


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Apparently Elon Musk has been having some feud over Apple adding OpenAI to Siri. Before he was saying that this would be a security risk and that he wouldn't allow Apple iPhones into his facilities. Now, he's gone so far as blocking Apple from all users on Twitter. He did roll that back, but Apple now has 0 posts on Twitter. Their entire timeline nuked.

Not exactly confidence inspiring for a platform that supposedly values free speech, according to Musk.


At a glance I saw that as a penis and butt...


kimo quads.


I am surprised that Christians in the west are so fond of Apple products considering their logo is based on Satan tricking Eve into taking a bite out of the Apple. I notice a lot of products reference the Genesis story. For example, the language learning service Babble is a reference to the tower of Babble.

>Musk being pro-free speech
He's just a face and has a long history of being a paid troll. Most public figures are. Once you see it's a TV show you can't unsee.


>according to Musk


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What are some interesting news articles you've read lately /qa/?

I was surprised after reading this that of all companies Apple implemented a privacy measure that lost them money.


>Apple, for its part, sells ads only in a handful of its own apps and doesn’t take a cut of ad revenue in third-party iOS apps.
Lack of reading comprehension of OP’s part. The PR this change makes will lead to more hardware sales that easily offset that minuscule loss.

Also, news belongs to the seasonal board, not here.


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Hmm, yeah I think I agree with the other guy. It's a strong PR move for Apple and as it's a giant corporation they surely hired people to do the calculations and see if it was going to be lucrative. These companies are never our friends.
I guess real world business news might be better on a seasonal board so I'll move it. If you disagree you can talk about it there or on /b/ or something.


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Yeah Apple seems to be on fire lately. I've been debating whether I should get one of those new ARM Macbooks that'll nicely fit in with the rest of my setup, or a new Windows laptop with 10th gen Intel CPU for half the price - I already have an iPhone, an iPad and the AirPods. The most alluring feature for me is how my wireless earphones can seamlessly switch between your devices depending on which one you're using at that moment. I always have to put my earphones into pairing mode before connecting to my Windows laptop - or they will always connect to either my phone or tablet - so that will be one less hassle to deal with if I had a Mac. We'll see. Lots of people are telling me to hold out for the next gen Macs with M1X or M2 chips, but by that logic they will tell me to hold out for the upcoming Macs with M2X or M3 chips next year as well and ad infinitum..


This thread makes me nervous. It's too easy for news to veer off into dumb stuff like politics and social issues.


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Then we just post more news than there can be discussion

By the way, where does kissu get their news from?


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I just check Fark a couple times a day. It's like the opposite of imageboards because almost everyone is older than me if I read the comments.


Holy crackers, didn't even realize that place was still around.


The real world is depressing and there's never any good news so I just don't pay it any mind. I only pay attention to tech-related news.


stopped caring a while after trump got elected but I used to browse spidr.today and sometimes foreign policy

for tech news I just browse /g/ out of habit and some times HN or slashdot. I have some feeds for my distro news and security news too.



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I get my news from all the worst places; /pol/, youtube, and NPR.


NPR is good, but yeah the others would be less accurate than a coin flip


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i don't, only occasionally checked local city government website
if something really important happens, it would've have leaked to the places i usually check, so i will know about it anyways

i found that /g/ is the only place for finding tech news that can affect you personally
nothing valuable on hn in this regard, according to webshit weekly


the problem with NPR is how infuriatingly biased they are
even local stuff is often just a thinly veiled promotion of some local left-wing activist
the news portion is usually fine but most of the programming isn't news and as soon as any reporting or "journalism" segment comes on it's a crapshoot as to whether it's simply reporting on the thing or an attempt to make you see the thing in a certain light


stick to ap and reuters if you want news
all media buy their news from them and make biased interpretations


i want news but i want something to listen to in the car more
which leaves npr and talking heads on youtube/podcasts
i guess ap and reuters should have their own radio/podcasts haven't really looked


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NPR is "left" the same way CNN is "left". They may be biased, but they most certainly aren't left-wing. As far as I'm concerned, they're utter centrists (because they are)...



that's fair, calling it left-wing isn't really right
it's more like what your wine aunt that lives the city life and always has her heart on her sleeve
there is a specific audience they are catering to, and i don't think i'm apart of that audience anymore


damn it radical centrism. polluting the minds of the youth


>i found that /g/ is the only place for finding tech news that can affect you personally
Yeah they rarely break the news but usually the valuable stuff on hn makes its way to /g/ too. Although every other thread tries to start a race war at least it doesn't feel like they're part of some sort of guerrilla marketing operation unlike the threads on reddit or hn.
a radical centrist youth sounds like the most boring thing ever, what are they supposed to become once they mellow out?


Guys just watch China Uncensored and America Uncovered.


Found a more interesting article there.
I guess now audacity will be officially classified as a botnet.


Speaking of news and politics, every now and then I remember that the origin of "gerrymander" is literally the most dad joke thing ever. The redistricted area looked like a salamander and I guess the guy running for office was named Gerry, so the press named the district "gerry-mander", and it just sort of stuck. For some reason...


This is the exact direction I expected the thread to go, but not the one I wanted it to. Politics stink...


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Man, I don't get how anything funny is considered a 'dad joke'. They were just called 'jokes' for the previous 10,000 years. What changed, huh?! Anyway...

Related article: https://arstechnica.com/science/2021/07/evolution-of-the-dad/


The term "dad joke" usually refers to things that are almost puns but aren't quite. Gerrymander for example is kind of a pun on salamander, but not really.



Incest between third and fourth cousins resulting in markedly higher reproductive rates.


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I wonder... How many people actually know many of their 3rd or 4th cousins?


my parents are 2nd gen.
it's quite interesting. in case of our family, me and my sister got some of the highest ~0.5% results in the IQ test and we all pretty healthy.
in the same time some relatives (like 3 families) who are in the same position as us have at least 1 retarded child. it's always the first child for some reason, in our case I am the first child.


Apparently it's a fad in an Iranian city to purposely destroy your penis's ability to get erections by cracking it. Uhh....


People are dumb


The penis should be treated with kindness and respect.


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everything about that article makes me uncomfortable and upset.


Even putting the sources aside I don't think it's possible for this to be a thing. Religious societies always glorify the man's ability to mate with a woman and doing something to damage your cock would be something the top level religious figures(being in line with government's desire to create a large population of taxpayers and millitary able men) would excommunicate you for.


No idea about the melmagazine part (I just grabbed the link from Fark), but I mean it's just over a hundred reported incidents so it's not enough to drive a people extinct or anything.


whore you quoting?



Instead of the Olympics killing Japan, Japan is killing the Olympics... A good turn of events.


That kind of defeats the purpose if it's fourth cousins... It makes sense though, they are related enough to be compatible but not too related either.

I don't know that I would agree with that, considering the Byzantine penchant for castrations and also just Monks in the Christian world in general who of course do not breed(and catholic priests for that matter).


Seems that religion is just as much about fertility as it is about removing people from reproducing. Maybe imageboards and religion have more in common than people think


Only there was never a target that this was aimed at, it was not like they were banning undesirables from breeding and encouraging the rich too, the rich were encouraged to become priests too.

I think this primitive idea that all nations and religions care about is fertility is just primitive and for numerous reasons it really does not hold up to scrutiny.


Seems like the future of crypto may be in centralization...



That's not really crypto at all... You could easily claim the same thing for USD, or EUR because of online transactions...


Did they not have electronic transactions before now or something? Seems odd there'd be such a buzz over this if it weren't a new thing.


It's not necessarily that they didn't have electronic transactions, but that they've completely eliminated physical currency in favor of all transactions being digital.


Oh, well I guess that's something. Though isn't that a bit worrying in the case that there's a blackout or something? Or if their systems screw up


I suppose it could be, but it's not really any different than if you wanted to buy something using a credit or debit card during a blackout. The only difference is I'm fairly sure it's mobile phone-based. From what I understand, it pretty much works the same as stuff like PayPal's Venmo, where you share a link for sending/receiving money and then use that to complete transactions.


I guess the difference is even without credit cards cash still exists as a viable way to pay for goods. If China gets rid of its physical currency then everyone is just screwed if that happens or if an error occurs when doing transactions. There just doesn't seem to be much of a point unless they want to use this as a way to track every transaction so that people can't do anything without the government knowing.


That's not really what it is, it's a separate currency entirely, a purely digital one. They still have the regular Yuan.

Many other nations are looking into this too. It provides the central bank with much more control over things and gives them much more insight into how the economy is running and what actions to take.

I don't think it competes with Crypto anyway as Crypto currency is not actually a currency anyway, it's no more a currency than Diamonds are.


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Lots of flooding in China and it caused an explosion at an aluminum factory and uhhh... damn
Mushroom cloud, multiple shockwaves, and then the realization that it's not actually a warm sunset that was filling the sky


Feels like just yesterday they had an industrial plant blow up... or was that the Lebanon one... they all blend together


While scary for their destructive power, those explosions are always pretty cool to look at.


>They still have the regular Yuan
Oh, thought they were getting rid of it, that makes sense then.


That seems... Dumb. Like really dumb. So, now China has 3 currencies? RMB for foreign transactions, Yuan for domestic transactions, and now digital Yuan also for domestic transactions. I don't get it at all...


Really not a fan of Apple's locked down ecosystem and absurd pricing, but the privacy stuff (and by extension, crushing advertising analytics) is definitely making me reconsider my opinion of them. Maybe if they open up the software side more, I'll consider switching to iOS in the future.




Wasn't sure whether to post this at first or not, but this story seems to be developing into a real big deal. I guess it does make sense given that instead of a person, it's an entire state suing over workplace harassment.



It would have been nice to be a bit more descriptive... I certainly wasn't intending on seeing someone's leg cut open and seeing the exposed flesh beneath laters of muscle...


>Belarusian Sprinter Who Feared for Her Safety Is Offered Asylum in Poland

Thought this seemed odd at first, but apparently Belarus is a whole lot worse off than I knew. Makes me glad to live in a first world country: https://archive.ph/8v3Tr


Read somewhere that they used the military to order an EU plane to land when flying over their airspace to arrest a journalist who fled the country. Don't know the details because they're so far away but yes, that's not something a country interested in peace does.


Actually that's probably the second article I linked you're referring to


i wouldn't know because there are no slugs at the end of archive links


anyways... it's a bit of a running theme that border states have poor standards of living. Ukraine and North Korea come to mind as well.


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That giant ship that blocked that canal finally reached its destination after being held for a few months due to payment disputes. Better late than never I guess?


This is a nice article



Can't wait for China to finally solve the Chinese problem for video games. It was looking grim with all the steadily growing gacha from China, but I think China has what it takes to stop China.


> Circa 2010, as Tesla was developing its first mass-market car, the Model S sedan, engineers on the project would occasionally hitch rides from Los Angeles to Silicon Valley on Musk's private jet. On one such trip, an engineer recalled asking Musk his opinion on the sedan's suspension - should it be sporty, like a BMW, or cushy, like a Lexus?
> "I'm going to sell a f--- load of cars, so whatever suspension you need so I can sell a f--- load of cars - that's the suspension I want," Musk replied, the engineer said



Nice numbers, and even nicer post.


Well, throw all that good will for Apple into the toilet. No way I'm getting within 10 feet of one of their devices now.



>good will for Apple
good will for Apple


forgot it's one word


>The best-case scenario that I can imagine is that the government is pushing them to do this, and they leaked details early precisely to mobilize widespread opposition.
it's an interesting thought


their implementation in the documentation details make sense, but it's horribly presented

don't care for apple though. they make bad products and decisions


¥ Runner, Tsimanouskaya, complains about coaches
¥ Government calls in to have her returned back
¥ Grandma calls in and tells her it's not safe. Media narrative is that runner is crazy and needs psychiatric testing
¥ In airport Tsimanouskaya walks up to Japanese police officers and probably says something along the lines of "tasukete" and is taken into protection by the security.
¥ Poland grants family Assylum, grandma couldn't make it though
Stories such as these make me trust democratic governments and police for a day or two.


Some people charge 250$-2500$ to write and maintain wikipedia articles about small businesses.



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This is cool! An old fast food restaurant in Pompei was restored and it's open to the public. (to look at, not eat at)
I find it interesting that there's a painting of butchered chickens, presumably advertising the ingredients. Strangely, however, they are not in smiling cartoon form inviting us to eat them.


I really like the styles of wall paintings apparently used in homes (more likely villas) in Rome. The different styles are really cool - they even had a minimalist phase! It's always a little strange to contemplate how such brilliant artistry would largely disappear throughout the dark ages and give way to "unique" Christian art.



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>Matt Lapoint said his store had $7,000 worth of rare figurines.
>"It's not like they stole things that i can run out and order from a distributor," he said. "They took everything that was collectible and hard to find."
>He said his store just celebrated its one-year anniversary after opening during the COVID-19 pandemic.
>"So we are still day to day with our finances," he said. "I don’t know what I’m going to do."

What a cruel world.


I haven't liked LTT for quite some time, but they got access to the Steam Deck and did a really good and thorough job reviewing it. It honestly looks pretty great even in this early prototype stage. I just wish they would've looked a bit more at the UI and desktop experience, but from the brief shots of it it looks pretty good too.



Thought they had done this a while ago? Also now which are they going to make the primary, funi or CR? Funi was their property to begin with, but CR is arguably much more well known.


from another article
>Sony and Funimation have completed their acquisition of Crunchyroll. Beginning lats year, Sony Pictures Entertainment had expressed their interest in acquiring the Crunchyroll following reports of AT&T expressing their interest in selling it, and it was then that a deal was formed. But following a a series of investigations into the acquisition, Sony and Funimation have now completed their planned acquition of the Crunchyroll anime brand.



I wonder how an isekai with an established character will be. Probably would actually make things interesting


Another big data breach, this time at T-Mobile:
Maybe at this point people should just assume that all of their personal information is out there



Being popular sure has it's own problems

I read that they reversed this recently


That'd be one hell of a quick reversal. Maybe they instantly realized that they'd have no audience left.


The problem was always about banks rejecting payments. As shown they worked out their issues with banks somehow.

Pornography is being heavily criticized for being a mimic of the conventional porn industry with human trafficking and CP. Financial institutions don't want to lose face for being caught up with them.


>Pornography is being heavily criticized for being a mimic of the conventional porn industry with human trafficking and CP
I don't know what this sentence means.


The title is sensationalist but the article uses citations from proper research

I don't know why it is, but banks really despise criminal activity from people of a low socioeconomic group.



Would Kissu break the rules and lower their social credit score to game?


Imagine being Activision-Blizzard right about now.



The voice actress who dubbed Mercy was murdered mid August as well. Let a friend who had become homeless stay at her house. Stack that on top of the California State sexual harassment lawsuits.

With China cracking down on anything vaguely to do with US culture and their investment into the Chinese mobile market I wonder if the company is going to start tanking soon. Not only are they getting battered culturally, legally, now monetarily.


For green energy, we must scrape the seafloor for minerals. There really is no clean, happy way to power civilization, huh.


Oh there's a 20m version of the video (separate from the article)


We just need to kill more poor people, less people, less energy needed.


When can we harness the energy of volcanoes that want to kill us all...


The biggest issue I have with this is the double layered greenwashing. Saying that by doing this we'll get more clean energy AND save the environment



Apparently Toxoplasmosis is associated with risk of developing psychosis, but the link between how and why that's exactly the case isn't well understood. Put another way, exposure to cat feces could potentially cause a person to develop psychosis. If true, it seems exceedingly rare for this to be an exact cause, but apparently the chief researcher on this topic maintains that the exact reasoning behind someone developing psychosis due to exposure to Toxoplasma is potentially related to genetic predisposition for some sort neurological inflammation while also during the period of brain development. Interesting stuff.


I wear a face mask when cleaning a litterbox. I acknowledge that it exists, but health issues that are mysterious, directly effecting our lifestyles and potentially life altering are sensationalized either in direction of fear or recklesness. If there were a strong link, you'd think it would be reported by now, but as that article says there's a lot of zero correlation in experiments.


>there's a lot of zero correlation in experiments.
Well... Not exactly. It seems researchers do agree that Toxoplasma has some role in inducing psychosis, but from the sample sizes evaluated they found no cases in which Toxoplasma did in fact induce psychosis. I think it's a little like trying to find a condition that affects 1 in 10,000 people. With only 5,000 people, it's pretty likely that you simply won't identify a single case. After all, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.


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Not exactly newsworthy, but just imagine seeing one of those around town. I'd want to be friends with it..



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I thought pee was poison to crops and something that spread disease, but I guess that's just poop.
Though, this study was done in Africa so I don't think they have the same processed/chemical diet that we do



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>a device that allows military robots to have a human-like “sense of touch” capability


>That update will add the ability to report users who abuse the game's chat system and allow for "reported players [to be] be banned from online play and Realms after moderator review."
>bans will limit players' ability to join private servers

Siiiigh. On top of axing Mojang accounts and requiring a Microsoft account and now this... I don't think I'm going to touch Minecraft again... Thanks for selling out Notch.


Well maybe you should just stop swearing at the 8 year olds playing the game...


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Japanese bird formerly extinct in wild slowly being brought back- spaghetti futures looking up

That seems really extreme, especially since the way this stuff works is generally automated so false positives or trolling to get people banned will be popping up.
The other takeaway from this is that everyone is being monitored and recorded.


dude, its more likely that the 8 year olds are swearing at everyone else


Today, one of Canada's main telecom providers was completely out of service across the country.
Phones basically fully unusable, not even able to connect 911 and stuff.


You can't pay with debit cards anywhere in Canada right now, only Credit. Apparently Rogers supports interac here and so the entire thing is broken.


It's not about that. It's about the ease in which the system can be abused and the fact that band extend to private servers. Meaning, if you get banned from someone reporting you on a big server, you won't even be able to comnect to a private server you and your friends make for instance. It's incredibly extreme punishment and not at all something Minecraft needs. People have been managing servers fine for over a decade now without Microsoft deciding they need to play a role.


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That's news, but murder isn't particularly interesting.
Check THIS out:
The earth's iron core partially solidifying 550m years ago, possibly playing a direct role in evolution? Now THAT is cool.


I wonder if there are any cool beasts that live near the core that humans have yet to discover. I doubt it but one can dream...


Clearly not the core but we just found an entire ecosystem 1000m below the ice in Antarctica, it's possible.


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Love Hina mangaka got elected into The House of Councillors. I haven't exactly paid much attention to the guy, but I hope him getting into the Diet has a positive effect on not only manga but otaku media as a whole.


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Another great trooper for the fight for decensoring.


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Hey, kid. Do you like robots? Do you like spiders? Do you like dead people? If so, have I got some news for you:

Spider necrobots. Building the future one step at a time.


this is really cool


More spiders should die for science.


At least it shows that, even in death, spiders are better than bats.


Sometimes I'm scared of spiders.


Eight legs, eight eyes, and eight spiders behind you.



This is cool and all, but I wonder just how helpful it will be. It just tells us how proteins fold, it doesn't necessarily tell us what they do, right? I heard a lot of people saying this could be helpful for creating novel drugs, but I wonder about that. Seems like a good way to accidentally give people prion diseases.


It's extremely complicated, even discussing protein folding requires a degree. Really though this will just be another tool for Biochemists to work with on their more focused research.


apparently there was some news about Unity, some things with layoffs and the CEO being an ass to customers or something... no worthwhile articles to find


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The second thing seems a bit overblown, but the kind of thing which would be posted on Twitter by people who want to start eFights


I'd firmly place that into the "being an ass" category.


Looks like a single statement with multiple levels of interpretation of what was said.


it's multiple things he's said in different contexts


He should not swear. The third statement is probably right though.


I may have missed it, but if not, I'm surprised no one has picked on the recent news regarding SSRIs and depression. In particular, serotonin levels appears to have nothing to do with depression, despite SSRIs being effective in some people.



well, this isn't like "space telescope found new habitable planet!" so what can I do.
it's for the medical industry to decide what medicine is supposed to be used. The study in question doesn't even have any experiments associated with it, rather it's a review of past literature that comes to a conclusion contrary to the literature.
The entire article can be summed up in one graph which is the author's grading of evidence strength.

So, what's the big deal here? That more research is required. I guess we already knew that because it's science.
I guess it's also something to point out that a very open cult religion in the US thinks medication to treat personality disorders is immoral.


I remember reading about something like that a few years ago already when I was researching OCD and depression.
It seems that these kinds of thing are fairly complex with multiple contributing factors but a lot of it relates to really simple things. Like simply diet, excersise or stress. It seems to me that there is an internal factor to this being related to what I mentioned before but that it can be exacerbated by the external such as what is happening in your life and how your mind reacts to it and so both need to be managed.



Apparently the queen may be in poor health and there's been a rush for the royal family to come to her side. There haven't yet been any announcements, but it sounds quite dire.


Oh, the news just broke:
the queen has passed.


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The Queen is dead,
Long live the Queen!


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>Long live the Queen!
*the King


It's sad. It's the end of an era.


don't fret, every so often a politician shows up, tries to become a new king, and royally fucks everything in the country up


This is so sad. The Commonwealth of Canada must be devastated.


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oh no......


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OH NO!!!!!!!




It cures your alzheimers but has Agent Orange


An acceptable trade. I'd take a few more months of cognitive ability for irreparable genetic damage. Not like I'd plan on reproducing at like 70 anyways.


here's some boson news:

they were able to precisely measure the mass of the higgs boson


poor meta platforms


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This is a nice article about an arrowhead made from meteoric iron found in Switzerland: https://ulukayin.org/morigen-arrowhead-bronze-age-meteoritic-iron/
It goes into a lot more detail about meteoric iron itself and it's quite informative. I just saw the link to the article on a news aggregate itself, but the website seems like it has lots of good information like this so I think I've found a new bookmark.
Man, imagine being a prehistoric person and finding this stuff. It really would be a legendary material from the gods.


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Not really a news article and I haven't gone through it all nor do i really understand what i read but there's been a lot of hubbub about a room temperature super conductor, LK-99. There's a lot of questions surrounding the legitimacy and authenticity of the discovery.



If the comment section alone weren't enough to make me doubt humanity


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>Researchers at the University of Ottawa, in collaboration with Danilo Zia and Fabio Sciarrino from the Sapienza University of Rome, recently demonstrated a novel technique that allows the visualization of the wave function of two entangled photons, the elementary particles that constitute light, in real-time.

Looks eerily like the Yin Yang symbol of Daoism. My conspiracy theories are either that humanity was once space-faring and our ancestors crashed on Earth, or that humanity once nearly wiped itself out in the far past and the survivors latched onto this symbol only half understanding what it represented. It could also just be journalistic malpractice and the researchers massaged the data into making it look like something recognizable, but that's the most boring theory.


Either way, seems pretty boson.


No surprise at all to me that a divine symbol for a law of nature would exist at the most imperceptible levels.


Literal brain worms. Australia, amirite?


Reminds me of Chagas


I saw something about that.
They are saying it's probably from Carpet python poop, well I don't intent to eat Carpet python poop and I don't even know if they are in my area so I should be fine.


I hope they dont get restricted in captivity, they're excellent captives that eat like boas!


Maybe Kuru was caused by these instead of cannibalism


From the comments, people seemed to suggest that swimming in water with an open wound or getting water into your nose can cause this to happen.


some actually pretty decent sign of aliens


not robust


we can't all be bustly


If ETs end up being grays and reptilians, a lot of people will have to eat crow


I have to eat to live


saw it


Though I think the most disappointing outcome would be intelligent life, but too primitive to contact


the probability of intelligent life is likely decades after finding microbial life.


Unless the greys were real after all


alien life wouldn't be resembling humans in such a distinctive way. Such an anthropomorphic interpretation of alien evolution.


I think that due to convergent evolution alien life would look quite close to the life we have here, so humanlike aliens would be quite possible as well.


They would obviously be dinosaur based.

But on that note their physiology would certainly be based around the atmospheric conditions. I think the only. destinctive trait would be the existence of developed hands, but bipedal sentient life is just a novelist's wish for relatable scifi characters


Maybe. It's possible that mammals would evolve to become the dominate lifeform eventually anyway. I think environment would also have a lot to do with that, even ignoring atmosphere. Even if the conditions were identical to earth but the temperature was different or maybe the biomes developed differently it might be that Dinosaur like creatures could never become dominant or even that Mammals could never dominate either.

I think that it would be similar in that we would recognise what we were looking at and be able to understand it and we may even have similar looking analogues that exist now or in prehistory but not similar in that it would necessary end up completely like we are now. Though even then, with how vast Space is there is statistically bound to be a planet like us out there somewhere even if it's not the norm.

But then we also don't know what non-Avian dinosaurs would evolve into given enough time(or even Avian ones for that matter), it might be that whatever the dominate group is eventually if given enough time intelligent bipedal life will develop. Or again, maybe the opposite and we are the product of some incredibly unlikely evolutionary circumstances and maybe life could only develop to something near human but not human enough to form a society like we have done.


The articles about the CIA whistleblower getting charged with cp possession.
Kind of classic, really.


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The idea is that greys were visiting us because of the similarity of species, they wanted the secret to our fecundity as a species, apparently.


That is to say, that bipeds are likely the exception not the rule.

It would be interesting if to see if the rules of life, biological kingdoms, niches etc are the same on other planets if environments are similar


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They're gonna be incomprehensible like vid related, and its gonna cause great offense because people are gonna be like "Wow! It's just like this monster from my media!".


The common lifeform is a crab


The space snippa


You know, it's odd abductions stopped around the 80s and 90s microcomputer boom


Maybe they never stopped, they just stopped leaving survivors.


Crows are friends, not food!!!



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> World's largest lithium deposit uncovered in U.S., could change EV industry
>The McDermitt Caldera, a former super-volcano between Nevada and Oregon, may play home to 120 million tonnes of lithium



>may play home to 120 million tonnes of lithium

That does not sound like correct English for some reason.


thought of you


>Carlo Acutis, who died from leukemia in 2006 at the age of 15, was renowned for using his computing skills to spread awareness of the Catholic faith and earned the nickname “God’s influencer.”
Patron Saint of gaming





Real funny how next to the bit about how "changing ideas about marriage" are causing a demographic crisis they put a link to an article about Japanese gay wedding pictures.


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I will once I figure out how to make an actual portal to Gensokyo.


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brb Gensokyo


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The Bank is definitely on my marry list.



Odd to see such scruples but I respect that.


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Amazing... This is Ottawa

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