No.86340 why i love these stupid sciency videos i feel like a dumbass watching them lol
>>86362Right, I love this album. That’s exactly how I got this recommended as well, although not on purpose, I just hadn’t bothered to log in again one time and noticed I was getting really good recommendations.
So after listening some more to Panchiko which has a great discography in my opinion it eventually led me to this video: Here's an English version instead with much less views for some reason: speak (European) Spanish (I'm Italian) so I was able to understand most of it, although not 100% because the guy narrating it is Latin American and they do not have a clear pronunciation like Spaniards and talk as if their tongues are entwined or something (no offense). Anyway, it basically goes on to say that the album is from a mysterious band which was completely unknown until it was published on 4chan (on /mu/ I assume) in 2016. /mu/ is a board that I would occasionally browse between 2009-2013, so I missed the posts about that and stumbled upon the video by complete chance, as I don't remember searching anything about 4chan or "internet mysteries" in my session, pretty sure I got there from listening to similar stuff instead. To me it sounded like made up bullshit and it's just another one of those ARGs like "Erratas" or the weird Kanye West game with a "new age cult" behind it which was meant to promote an underground band like that in a very convoluted way. The album doesn't really sound or look like it's from 2000 like how it's listed, but it's still the date that shows up on streaming platforms, so they were able to be very convincing with that.
Apologies for the 3D woman picture, but it's just something I remember from that era. /mu/ used be a pretty cool board for discovering new music to listen to, but it eventually turned to shit as normos with no taste started posting about rap, pop, kpop and other shitty normo music, so I stopped going there. The kpop general literally makes up the majority of the board's activity nowadays, it's disgusting.
Thanks for reading my blog.
>>86488>>86336You convinced me to listen to some of that album today while out on a stroll and I'm glad I did. thanks
>>86691I've been watching those to sleep for a while. I usually fall asleep like 10 minutes in anyway. I hope they can do sub 10 so I can watch one up until the end.
I can't believe youtube recommended a good channel to me. Related to something I linked somewhere earlier is the same guy talking about beer consumption in working class Londoners in 1725. This is a nice channel so I think I'm going to bookmark it now.
>>87339WTF is that?
>>87399I watched the anime and it was pretty great, despite the CGI, so that being the case the manga is probably that same great story just minus the CGI, so I highly recommend it.
>>87403xlate this shit quebecians
>>87404It's just the prime minister of Belgium (2009-2011) and he doesn't know why it's an important day for Belgium. He doesn't know the Belgium anthem too and that's sad.
>>87404le plaisir d'etre joui dedans
>>87403I like the part when he's asked if he knows the national anthem and starts singing La Marseillaise haha. The Dutch subtitles really confused me.
>>87408>starts singing La MarseillaiseThat's the best part ! But for real, how is it possible to be so dumb !
>>87411That's a funny one.
>>87513I saw somebody doing that and I was going to post it but I didn't. I's cool.
>>89457>I think this one they most recently made must have guven them a massive bump in visibilityThe magic of the YouTube algorithm at work
>>89895I never heard the pokemon one actually, despite being all over that stuff in the day.
The rest though I've heard in just about every nightcore mix or AMV made by bored girls already.
>>90272Thumbnail makes me wanna puke...
>>91007Why... it looks cool.
>>93293misread this as Toadpill
>>87248Oddly prophetic considering how powerful GPT is getting.
>>121899>>121900I will say this every time
Music majors who insist on dissecting all music into theory will never make good music
>>121966Music is like iphones. You addictively market the brands at kids until there's a class conflict then you try to keep margins as low as possibly by paying for the cheapest talent possible
>>137410Surprised to see Zundamon blow up so much. It feels like yesterday we had those threads trying to find information on
him, but I guess it's been a couple years now.