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File:1873685527943360747_2.mp4 (541.63 KB,1152x1152)


Just realized all political positions I've ever held have been a direct result of my philosophy on anime and video games


How so?

I do think that often or even most of the time people's views are based on atmosphere and ascetics and such rather than logic though.


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The only great achievements in life lie within art. The only thing with any value in this world is art. Therefore human civilization should be built up not for supporting the individual, but for supporting art and the beauty of the human mind. A society that's lost its way in unsightliness can face only destruction. So if in any way art is being censored or the proliferation of art is being curtailed I have built up my stances in politics as heavily opposing any such laws. Also I think there should be better economic systems in place that prioritizes the development of more sophisticated art and allowing the creation of art from any capable of producing it. The rest of society should serve as the slaves of the artist who creates.

I count scientific/mathematics theory as art too btw


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Life without beauty is meaningless


A lot of that is cultural and industrial rather than political. There is no political barrier to anime or manga in the west. Indeed many countries have policies in place that could foster it. Nations with strong welfare and that support individual entrepreneurship could be ideal for it but the cultural and industrial aspects are not there so they are not.

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