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File:Folgers Coffee Brother & ….webm (12.92 MB,1480x1080)





never thought I'd miss corny commercials from ye olden days


corny and horny incest


I don't like coffee because it makes my imouto's mouth taste weird.


now that's aiming for the coze zone


Still doesn't make me want to drink Folgers. It's only for elderly mothafucks.


oh so not only did EVERYONE pick up on this, there was even a fandom following
>“You’re My Present This Year”: An Oral History of the Folgers Incest Ad


Oh, it's a female fanfic thing. The double standards about male and female sexuality in Western media is something that greatly annoys me. It would be gross and ugly if it was men commenting on this and not featured in a major magazine. I'll avoid soapboxing too much, but I think it's a serious problem.

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