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File:C-1738381564881.png (136.99 KB,1144x1106)


that's a big drop


What happened?



probably more losing the fifa brand than anything


releasing the same madden game for the 20th time will fix it


shoulda transitioned into a real sports betting company


Ah. Well it was expected that Dragon Age would underperform given the marketing and the culture wars stuff about it.


It sold half of its expected target market (think like, 1.5 million, no I don't have information on hand) instead of 3 million so it unperformed.






The faggot shit isn't the problem because they already abandoned that demographic with DA 2 and Inquisition. Straight men were never going to look at the series again. The problem is that they also pissed off all the gay-romance-fanfiction-writing landwhales the series post-Origins was made by and for. Pushing further into gender identity bullshit certainly didn't help since, unlike gay shit, that doesn't appeal to fetishists too, but it's a kuso mobage that throws away the stuff from those games people actually cared about. Obviously, they would have been better off sticking to DA:O style all along and targeting core RPG gamers, but they probably still could have hit decent sales if they'd targeted the game at any group of gamers that actually exists.

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