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/g/ containment thread for talking about conspiracies and der juden and whatever the fuck else people were doing in the deepseek thread instead of talking about deepseek
god forbid people are allowed to talk about their hobbies and interests undisturbed


When your standard for "human" translations is ESL SEAmonkeys putting shit through Google Translate, I'm sure AI TLs are indistinguishable.


unimaginable rudness coming from people who don't even consume the medium


Frankly I find it embarassing that you call SEA Monkeys considering americans barely even speak one language


Forgive political parts of this post. Kind of impossible to discuss this without bringing that up sadly. The world we live in is changing rapidly due to a push from major actors. Like the ones that meet at the WEF and elsewhere.

First off; Nation states haven't existed in a long time and only serve to keep the plebs in-line and drive social change. They've been merged into one behind the scenes for decades now and they're slowly going to merge them out in the open over the next few decades. War has several purposes from population control to keeping certain sectors flush with cash. If it wasn't for "war" things like the black hole that is the military industrial complex and intelligence communities couldn't siphon off so much tax payer money. The plebs wouldn't be willing to pay in so much if there wasn't a constant threat of war and falling behind.

I could go on but I'll leave it at that for now.

What is happening with "AI" and the various competitions between USA vs. China vs. (probably) EU in the near future is pretty simple to work out.

All "AI" is being developed for is they need an effective automated tool to grep through all the data they've been collecting on citizens. They didn't just train it with stuff from the web. They've been training it with everything they've hoovered off the backbone. Every packet you send over the internet is copied and sent to a datacenter somewhere to be analyzed. AI/LLM allows them to do this much faster but it requires much more computer than the old flag and have a real human look into it method.

A few days before Biden left office he signed and executive order to secure funding for building new Government data centers. No one noticed. Then Trump came in and signed another one that gave them even more funding. That's the one people noticed. If you want the details go read them they're public information.

Something else people failed to notice was an EO biden signed in his first or second year of office that both of these new EOs extend. That EO basically merged the big tech companies with the intelligence community, Government, and the telcos. It all became one big machine and they've been working towards merging them all together on the backend for the last 2-3 years. I suspect they finally got far enough along that they're ready to go public with it. At any rate no one noticed and when I attempted to bring attention to it on several websites I was either banned, slid or my threads were flooded with bot spam and deleted for pizza. The usual thing they do when they don't want people talking about topics.

So this China deepseek thing is just a way to scare the public into accepting so much funding going into our own "AI". I think it's up to something like 600 billion in funding from the tax payers now. I'd have to double check but I know it's a very big number.

They're also launching satellites every other day as part of this. Check out "Starshield" on wikipedia. These are Starlink satellites for Government only use. One is passing over your location every few minutes right now. They launched something like 50 we know about between October and December of last year. They're launching them more often that Starlink missions now. This is all going through the Space Force and NRO. All public information that no one ever talks about.

On the ground there is a major build out of fiber happening all over rural America. Even I'm getting fiber now which is amazing. I live in the middle of nowhere. We also had the big build out of "5G" back in 2020 happening during the "worst pandemic in the history of man".

The short version: They're building SkyNet. Everything will be watched, cataloged, grepped through "AI" in these new Government datacenters and then each individual citizen will be scored. China has been the beta test for this for years with their social credit scoring system. It's about to go global.

They'll bring in a new digital currency soon to compliment it. EU and soon USA citizens will be required to have a digital ID. EU just started theirs and the USA will have every citizen on the Federal/country wide ID within a couple of years (it started rolling out in 2020, all new IDs issued have RFID chip in them). Soon in America you'll be able to opt into using your cell phone as your ID. Most people will opt in because you'll get "benefits" by doing it.

I could yammer on some more but that's the gist of it. If you can't see where it's going with all this information there isn't much point in giving you more.

Total security state. That's where we're going and that's the only reason the Government gives two fucks about "AI". Same old story with all tech. Could be used for great things. But instead it'll be used for evil and enslavement.

All that said if you want to run local models and make stuff with it more power to you. I'm not anti-tech. I'm just anti-using-tech-for-evil.

End of my "schizo rant".


I don't know why you posted this on Kissu considered you're just be dismissed by the users here.

That said, I agree although I think it will be less obvious than what you're suggesting, as this decade is characterized by people deeply distrusting authority with the exception of people who wish to preserve the status quo who use appeals to authority to argue.




>I don't know why you posted this on Kissu considered you're just be dismissed by the users here.

I only posted it because that's the topic ITT. I think it's important to have civil discussions about such thing. Which we can still have at places like here. I only bring up names like Trump and Biden because they're the ones signing the EOs. Which like it or not are the driving force behind social change now. I'm not interesting in talking politics. I'm interested in talking policy and effects of those on social change. Which is why I tried to give context (e.g. the nation state fear mongering doesn't matter and is just a ploy).

Never forget the western big tech companies are the ones that built China's Great Firewall back in the early 2000s.

>That said, I agree although I think it will be less obvious than what you're suggesting, as this decade is characterized by people deeply distrusting authority with the exception of people who wish to preserve the status quo who use appeals to authority to argue.

People distrust authority but they're also happy when they think it's their authority. Hence the constant seesaw of parties rotating in and out of the "seat of power". People are much easier to control when they fight among themselves. While they're distracted with stupid issues (won't give examples) you do major things like spending trillions of dollars on building a system to further enslave them.

For what it's worth: The only reason the China AI enslavement system is running faster than the American one is the fact that it's written mostly in C and machine code. There is nothing stopping American companies from writing theirs that way instead of doing it in Python.

I'm always happy to discuss the actual technology. But the way the technology is being/will be used is far more important.

Also the few people that cry loudly about "no politics!!" are far more annoying than the ones that discuss non-issue politics. Linking to an EO signed by a sitting president isn't the same as bashing groups or people or cheering on the bashing of groups of people. The only reason people react so strongly to "politics" in a thread now is because they were trained into doing it in the mid-late 2010s through bot spam. We had perfectly civil discussion about these topics for decades before that started happening and it happened for a reason. It's an effective way to prevent the public at large from opposing what's going on. There is no point in "taking it to /board/" when said board is just bots replying to bots and a handful of federal agents playing moderator.


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This is kinda why I'd hoped for another medium that better attracted the norms to it than the internet for a while, but there probably will never be one and the internet is the final form of everything. So of course government is going to do all in its power to make sure that it's able to surveil everyone using it to the best of their ability. I hate it, and the recent wave of countries pushing out "social media safety" laws for the purpose of "the poor social media-addicted children!" was basically clear as day in its intetions, and because of the political divide you see people that are able to be corralled into supporting it because it owns the teens that are all of X political ideology and overinvested into social media.

I just hope that somehow we're able to preserve anonymity to some degree and that if worst comes to worst, maybe the constitution will be able to protect us, but I have my doubts with how things are going. Though maybe, like all things human, the AI revolution will allow government to grow complacent if people start to use mainly AI for all their searching and can be directed whatever information they're meant to hear from it. That way other search methods that aren't completely AI will be useful in leading the people that don't want to be stuck in the big tech loop out of it, and being in the minority government won't care. As long as I can watch anime, play games, fap to hentai, and talk with my anon internet friends in peace I'm happy with life. If we get a total security state that removes that ability there's always amendments for when the government removes fun times.


Impressive how a thread about private capital-funded AI can turn into rants about le ebil government censorship completely unprompted.
Was it the word 'China'?


Because neoliberal venture is often intertwined with governments?


It often is, but AI is one area where governments are clearly behind the curve, and the leap from generative AI to censorship is more than little farfetched. Those are completely different techniques.


A lot of the larger business oriented generative AI would make it very easy for general government employees undertrained in data to visualize data to a very granular level. It wouldn't be completely automated.
Plus, c'mon don't you think this is better than NATO vs BRICS sportsball




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Wow you moved this but not the pro-china twitter comic


it was pro-china? just looked like a standard retarded template comic to me


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Is the joke that it doesn't say anything when asked about Tianamen Square?


Twitter template


ok there we go
I didn't actually look at the image, but I guess it's country crap and stocks and not AI talk


hasan nigger


the thread isn't locked retard


hasan nigger


it was at some point, but I don't know why
the entire reason I moved it to /secret/ instead of deleting it was for people to do it here to let people have deepseek thread on /maho/


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> to secure funding for building new Government data centers

>They're also launching satellites every other day as part of this. Check out "Starshield" on wikipedia. These are Starlink satellites for Government only use. One is passing over your location every few minutes right now. They launched something like 50 we know about between October and December of last year. They're launching them more often that Starlink missions now. This is all going through the Space Force and NRO. All public information that no one ever talks about.

This is the scariest part. Realtime mass monitoring and classification of objects in imagary over the entire globe is getting really close.


I wasn't calling you a retard by the way, I was calling some anon that was pissed at me who thought I was a mod (for some reason) and that yeah.


If you are good and don't do anything wrong then you should not have anything to worry about.

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