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width="672" height="504" src="https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1738021909694.mp4" >


Kissu stream of the gummi bears WHEN yotters?


I don't remember liking the show very much, just the opening song. The way they'd solve problems by chugging the gummi juice and bouncing around kind of got old


I don't know, I watched 3 seasons of SZS and that shit got old real fucking fast.


I remember Disney shows as being real hit or miss. The animation was top quality and the OPs were often catchy, but there was generally a lack of fun. I don't know how else to put it since this was back when I was a kid and some shows were just enjoyable while others were terrible. Something like Tailspin was an example of pure, undistilled boredom in cartoon form.


It was their first Disney channel show


I hated this show as a kid my brothers kept saying I was them to tease me. Same with Noddy. Stupid.


Yeah, it sucked. Nice song, though


this doesn't sound right to me when it's not in german

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