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Hey mod
Delete this if you're REDDIT(NO WOJAKS)


File:R-1737374091569.png (1.27 MB,1024x1024)


but only a redditor would post a wojak, stupid redditniggershitter go back there


wtf the weird greek letter is clickable to collapse the mod text


is the source material of a sooy wojok itself considered a woijack? such as markiplier




A soyuck is a true caricature of a real person that even poisons the photographic and video depictions of the original person with radioactive-like "fallout"...
in other words, a Truthnuke, or a Truth nuclear bomb.


what is the retard above me schizobabbling about?


actually the retard is above me


i'm not the one acting like a teenbro retard spouting off like a nigger



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