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how can I hate quebec when the alternative in every other province is the choice between home ownership or dealing with scummy landlords abusing rental contracts...


what the
how does the root canal cost that much
i thought you had free healthcare in canadaland


dental and optical isn't healthcare


why dont they build more homes


Housing is seen as an investment vehicle, not a commodity. NIMBYs, mostly old retired senpais who can actually attend city council meetings that almost always scheduled during work hours, protest building apartments, condos, and townhouses by saying things like "this will impact the character of our town" when they really just mean they don't want housing prices to fall.


imagine if instead of gross old senpais it was councils of permalolis


There are a lot of excuses but home ownership is an investment and and industry with people who want the status quo maintained. In China they pumped out tons of houses for the status quo of builders. In Japan it's the same where houses must be torn down every time it changes hands.

In North America it's like stocks so people want it to always go up and the status quo is constant upwards growth. That requires limitated supply.


i though t lived in florida


Quebec is where they speak French, right? I imagine that affords them a degree of isolation from the mass immigration crisis that makes landlords and real estate hoarding investors salivate


it's an advantage. Their pushes towards Anglo isolationism and their movements support by the Canadian government means they don't reap any rewards of American culture while the rest of Canada does.

So you have the parries which are farm areas and not very urban that replicate the opioid crisis and poor education of America and Toronto which replicates corrupt mayors who rollback on spending while appealing to hedge-funds(NIMBY) and ignores addiction and homeless problems. Quebec is more European in the sense that it doesn't abide by any sensible stereotypes. Probably it's closer to China where our leading party tries to ban religous symbols from state and education and also tries to make it impossible for foreign buisness to enter without abiding by local customs. But it differs from China in that there's no state apperatus that tries to monitor what happens, it's closer to the Japanese system of guilting people into conformity


What I am going to say is brutal but that reasoning makes me wish Norh American cities had brutal earthquakes and constant typhoons like Japan.
Most of my city’s housing was built before 1970 and it like many others could use a makeover.

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