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>What's it called when a guy dressed up as a girl
> I think it's called drag king
> Have you seen draft kings? They have the best ads


There is a transgender person(man pretending to be woman) in the US senate now. Heheheh.


one of the receptionists at the hotel i'm staying at is a drag queen


I've never seen a trans person in real life, my brother said one works at a local petrol station so now I use a different one so I don't have to see it.
There is a gay guy that does drag who works at a local fish and chips shop(his parents own it) and I deliberately avoid that shop too.
I don't actually have a problem with gay people but many of them do disgusting things and so I am not sure I want one to touch my food. He probably doesn't go to gay orgies but I don't know that and I am not going to take the risk.


>transgender person(man pretending to be woman)
henri wouldn't approve of language like this


Does Henri post here? I haven't heard of him for a long time. I used to make fun of him for using a trip but I feel guilty about that because I think he was actually alright. Well I didn't do it that much and he wouldn't even remember it or know who I was but still.
Is he a transgender person(man pretending to be woman) now?


henri set off into the world to bravely fight for trans rights


I don't know what that means but it's sad that Henri would do this. But if that's what makes him happy then we have to respect his decision.


henri wanted gay orgies to be as clean as straight orgies so the homostablishment made him disappear


Henri was a guy with a passionate interest in a 2D thing (Love Live), stuck on a board in which its inhabitants were too cool for such things and instead blogged about RL girls and general /r9k/ stuff while attaching random 2D images so they could pretend they were different from the "norms".
He made a few posts on kissu after some fight they all had back there on /ota/, but those people followed him (the thread was linked on ota and gnfos probably) and convinced him kissu was going to be against him as well and he never gave kissu a chance to prove otherwise.
He probably found a group of people to share his hobby with so he's probably fine, but it's unfortunate he had to leave imageboards for it.


>made a few posts on kissu
huh this must've been pretty early on because i have no recollection of it whatsoever


just a few under his trip but he didn't like how the name kept getting reset to anonymous after posting

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