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>Should the US economic embargo on Cuba be ended


Argentina's foreign minister was fired after she voted for ending the embargo
Obviously the new government is pro-US but even among countries that lean towards supporting America, it's tradition in Latin America to vote for the end of the embargo. Unfortunately a rather competent minister was caught by a slightly too ideologically purist president.
Of course you can also see the horrible regime of Moldova abstaining. You can be pro-Western and still vote with the rest of the world, but Maia Sandu has to desperately signal her allegiance with America. What a joke.


ay caramba kuon save us


>Should the Castro dictatorship still be in power
Hmmmmmm really makes you think.


andy no


Well why else are they having a vote?
America won't rest until the Castro family is dead and the country is a free democracy again.
So like, eat shit commie.


The UN exists to remind the world that it isn't a democracy and there's only one vote that matters.


the veto vote


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