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File:b09f389b99225fed30c6f019c….jpeg (132.28 KB,1000x622)


What determines the "strangeness" of different fetishes? I say the main factor is whether it is supplementary to regular sexual act or if it supersedes them. Which is why romance plots involving vampires/monsters are relatively mainstream, while things like scat or baby rp are not.


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wish kuon would baby rp with me


you could articulate that idea as "how far removed is this from standard human behavior" and certainly it is weirder to have a fetish for floor tiles than it is to have a foot fetish
for the monster it depends because when you go into real non-humanoid xeno or truly eldritch monstrosities, that's quite different from some humanoid with antlers or a couple tentacles, you have there too the departure from normative bodies (tentacle monsters are just a bunch of bdsm penises so they're more acceptable)
kuon baby rp'ing with elle? double bab


My fetish is strange because it's impossible to experience in meat space



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