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/secret/ - Kuon Culture

Everyone loves Kuon!

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File:R-1729918065179.jpg (138.97 KB,1280x720)


Hello, fellow humans. Is this what you would call a "Kuon"?


Have you tried adding a tail or kemonomimi to her, mr. Roboto? I believe that'd move her closer to Kuon.


File:C-1729922671563.png (813.1 KB,1280x720)

This is more like what you'd call a "Kuon".


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (185.67 KB,1920x1080)

Not terribly Kuon-like, I'm afraid. Akebi still has her own charms, though.


File:R-1729925861407.png (662.18 KB,1276x716)

Kuon-ification complete. Thank you for your advice, fellow human.


File:1666504970646.jpg (208.71 KB,1920x1080)

kebbers making the kuon expression


File:[SubsPlease] Akebi-chan no….jpg (169.77 KB,1280x720)

There is precedent for kemonomimi in Akebi's world. They do lack the charm of Kuon's, though.

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