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Shoved a vibrator up my ass and I'm feeling rather ambivalent about it... I get the feeling buttsex may not be all it's cracked up to be, even with hats on.


A while ago I did some research on this, I went to a porn website to look at amateur trans porn to see if any of them came from dildos or anal sex.
What I found was that none of them ever came through sex and the majority did not come through dildos either. In both cases they only ever came if they touched their p*nis or they did not come at all.
But there were two that did, one through a woman with a strap on and one with a dildo. I have a feeling that it just takes a lot of time. But then my research was quiet limited as I didn't really want to spend much time watching this kind of thing.


any reason in particular why you chose trans over regular homos? or is that a bad question to ask


Part of me was morbidly curious about what they would look like in general and also regular homo would be too much.


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The brain is the biggest sex organ! If you're not there mentally you wont be there physically, You have to want something up your butt just putting it up there simply isn't enough. I know for me I tend to dislike toys as whole since they don't involve true intimacy as the feeling of a real penis and someone you like holding you is better in every way.
Thinking about someone you like while it's up there can help.

It can indeed take a lot of time, one thing to note about porn though is that if it's professional chances are the actors don't even like each other, it's just a job, which puts a damper on everything.(USER FORGOT KUON)


Yes, I suppose that's why the first time I felt it but in the second try there was nothing. It was a mental thing. Thank you, CEO of gay.
By the way, how do you keep things clean?(ALSO FORGOT KUON)


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Don't eat anything for six to eight hours before use on your kuonhole and do an enema prior as well. Careful of those though as too much water pressure can damage your inner kuon so I would squeeze the water in slowly, empty the butt of water at the halfway mark (when bulb is half empty) and use the rest of the water. Also on the day you want to use it eat only water soluble foods, could also do it the day before as well to keep kuon healthy.


sounds like a very restricted use of your kuon... nothing like my japanse eromanga


Vibrators are better because they let you trick yourself into thinking it's just a weird femdom thing and you're not a humongous boy-molesting fruit.


this only works if you have a woman to jam them in, but otherwise if you're by yourself it's mega gay

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