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File:C-1725189736379.png (8.99 KB,510x510)


This is how a foot can be drawn in the most kimo way possible by getting everything about it disgustingly WRONG. These are things that can happen by accident when someone is attempting to draw a foot. I am not addressing ways of intentionally making a foot gross such as dirt, mole, hair, callus, stink, etc.

¥ Triangular
The heel is narrow and pointy while the ball of the foot is wide.
¥ Long foot
The foot is long. This combined with the triangular nature creates awful "kangaroo feet".
¥ Bean shape
The foot is bowed outwards, and the heel and and ball of the foot points inwards towards the centre line. This is often made worse by the toes also pointing inwards, and in advanced cases, the toe length increasing from pinky toe to big toe.
¥ Toe spacing
The toe has an unsightly gap between it and the next toe.
¥ Long toe
The toe is long instead of cute and round and stumpy.
¥ Thin toe
The phalanges is thin compared to the tip. This makes the previous two problems even worse.
¥ Flat foot
The foot has no arch, sitting flat against the ground.
¥ Toenail
YUCK! Give it a trim.
¥ Red
The unnatural colour of the foot gives the impression of a steamed lobster.
¥ Wrinkle
Just looks old and gross.


File:Foot 002.jpg (1.01 MB,2892x4036)

I disagree.


it's the flippin salad fingers of feet




I mean 'blegh'


>¥ Bean shape
>The foot is bowed outwards, and the heel and and ball of the foot points inwards towards the centre line. This is often made worse by the toes also pointing inwards, and in advanced cases, the toe length increasing from pinky toe to big toe.

I thought people liked this. Isn't that what this is? >>33657
Man, I don't understand this foot stuff.


File:13f33f3df0fcc67da46c595fc8….png (4.71 MB,2480x1299)

Not a counterexample to a single one of my points.
That isn't bean-shaped at all. Here, study this piccy. This is a picture of good feet that, while having the bean-shaped nature, are not going so far with it that it becomes a flaw. They also don't express any of the other flaws listed in the OP. They're a good pair of feet, and I've posted them in >>>/ec/7648.


Then what do you mean then? Could you post an anime art example of it?


File:92676752_p1.jpg (2.15 MB,5906x8268)

these fucking foul feet


File:60b58fceeff46cc1f511a593da….jpg (2.16 MB,1320x2640)

or were you asking specifically for a bean shaped foot example? here's one. arguably it's the posing that makes it look like that rather than the foot inherently being bean shaped. the other foot does not come across that way at all. this is also an example of the steamed lobster problem


File:1725274776741.jpg (2.45 MB,5906x8268)

I don't know about them, I think it's bad but for other reasons and I think that maybe part of the reason the foot looks thinner and triangular there is because of the rotation and perspective of the foot.

But I have other problems with that foot, I don't like the A shape parts that I circled in red, I also don't like the part in orang and I don't have a problem with the toes themselves but I think that they radiate out too much and that makes them look bad, I showed that with the green lines.

I like the left foot but not the right one but the reason I don't like the one on the right is because of the line dividing it. I can see what it's meant to be but form that angle it kind of looks like she only has two toes and they are both huge.


File:a0066d95076db6b8efe65330cf….jpg (766.32 KB,3200x2800)

interesting reasons to dislike a foot
I think the things in my OP are common mistakes artists make but you are pointing out more obscure and specific things you don't like... interesting... maybe your stuff and my stuff can be synthesized somehow. I agree with you about the radiating toes. Common cause of toe gaps, that. That pic is also a case of thin phalanges.
the A frame and the part in orange are because that artist chooses to emphasize the pads, here's another instance of that. I think this is a good foot picture except that the girl's right calf and ankle connects to her foot a bit weirdly, but that doesn't detract from my enjoyment of it.


File:1725277668386.jpg (1.09 MB,3200x2800)

It's not really to do with the pads, I like pads and that line in your image is more of a curve(I marked it in blue) and not an A frame shape like in the other image.

You are right about the odd connection on the right foot, another thing I don't like about that image is her little toe on that foot, I think it tapers too much and that her toenail is too small. But it's not that bad and I'm not sure how I would draw that toe.


this image really steams my lobster if you catch my drift


Oh, now I understand the bean shape thing more, yeah. I'm the guy that was asking about feet stuff a while back since I eventually want to get back into doing that 3D model body (stupid crotch area is too complicated and made me take a break)


File:304b4d062151e0749861fd9298….png (1.34 MB,1200x1600)

who the HELL ordered bean shaped feet with a side of pointy heels


Actually I can't say I like them either.


File:667c9cb53f80c96450c926e3a4….png (667.07 KB,1265x1135)

Example of long foot.


File:1e4bc949f39213a669425dc334….png (1.06 MB,1653x1799)

Example of flat foot.


I see what you mean. Yes, they both look bad.


The long foot guy is arguably personal preference. He's drawn feet that I like plenty of times. But he's also happy with long foot/long toe/wrinkle combos that I dislike.


/Secret/ will learn


There are two of you? I'm confused now. So there is another one that draws images? What images has he drawn? What feet does he think are good that you don't?


File:1c3e66bb8bce8cf3a66eec2f3d….jpg (651.57 KB,1180x940)

There's only me. Long foot guy is the artist who drew that image. Here's one from him I do like.


giving that image a second glance, what bothers me about it now is that water would not form droplets as big as a man's head just because it's dripping off a giantess's body. I was also bothered about this in Hakumei to Mikochi where the tiny little fairies did not have to contend with relative-to-them extremely powerful surface tension effects and very fast rates of fuel consumption by fire.


Ohh, I thought you were talking about a person here not the artist.
Yes, that one is much better.
It seems that most of his newer works have a better form like that, though some of them are too wrinkly. I think some wrinkle is fine but he often has too much.

I had not really thought of that, but if you gave realistic properties like that to Hakumei to Mikochi it would look weird. Even something as simple as making and drinking tea would have to be radically different.


In order to draw excellent feet, we too must know what horrible feet look like for contrast.
A necessary evil.


File:33e4be0c4a8b639fb810800ca9….jpg (497.19 KB,905x1280)

triangular feet that arent offensively bad


They aren't bad but they aren't great either, just alright. But I think that's because of how simple they are. But simple is fine and it goes with the art style of the rest of the image but still, I can't rate it too highly.


File:[SubsPlease] Akebi-chan no….jpg (172.62 KB,1280x720)

What about Akebi's very famous foot scenes? I have a feeling these feet are a bit too bulky for you, though.
Seems like someone loves this type enough to devote significant effort to depicting them, though


File:R-1726103620285.jpg (152.46 KB,1280x720)


pointy triangular


I like the one on the left but the one on the right tapers down too much.


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steamed lobsters


File:980f61533c7c4656e89e7c2037….jpg (894.76 KB,1307x1369)

flat foots


It's not that red. I think it's fine.

I don't think they are bad they just don't have much detail but then that's the art style of the image in general.


I just bit these cunnies


File:[Serenae] Tropical-Rouge! ….jpg (178.66 KB,1280x720)


File:the cunny coitus.jpg (172.74 KB,1280x720)

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