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File:question baka.png (115.93 KB,430x477)

 No.88951[View All]

How I stop Furryfox from saving images as .webp?
61 posts and 22 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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For you also I'd say mewkledreamy but I dont think you would enjoy that tag all too much


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Do you think Osaka's mom also made a deal to get her married and out of the house?


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Looks like konachan is split into a 'safe' version so I could use that, yeah. konachan does seem to have a basic quality control thing in place like danbooru. Looks good. Though, the benefit of something like gelbooru is that it's democratic with user scores, so maybe a combination of them would be best.

Thanks. I never thought of background tags, but it could help prevent images with the plain white background, huh? It would be great if there wasn't so much white in the images, like what I have going on here right now.
Though, this program does let you designate a folder for the 'background' image and in theory I could clean up the plain backgrounds with photoshop's magic wand tool so that the background is transparent instead. Takes a lot of time to through so many images, though.

It does work with the negative tags, I.E
"touhou -explicit" will give me touhou tags without the explicit tag. So I COULD use the Mewkledreamy tag. But, not all tags are appropriated applied at all times so it requires some cleanup.




If I recall safebooru is a thing too
and there is both wallpaper and aspect ratio tags too.
Its weird to think boorus are still used for non-lewd purposes


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Oh, now I remember simple_background.
And safebooru is great, too, I think most of these are already included by default in Grabber.


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My computer chair is starting to become more and more unusable, but it makes me wonder... how on Earth do you find the right kind of computer chair these days?
So, I would hop on some sites and browse around, but.. uhh... chairs are a personal preference thing dependent on your height and how you prefer to sit and stuff. How are you supposed to find the right one? I'm sure there's expensive ones that are nice, but I don't have the money for that. Those gamer/racer chairs look awful and I'm not convinced anyone uses them that isn't paid to be seen in them.
Physical stuff in an increasingly digital world is difficult...


Go to a store and sit in one. I believe in you, you can do it. Fighto!


I just go for a sinilar executive chair to what I always get. Although I've noticed that some people in my life have learned all about what makes a nice chair and they know what brands to select so maybe there is some hidden knowledge...


it would sure be embarrassing if he did that and then couldn't get out of the chair



I found this while reading a discussion about the ever-deteriorating state of the nexus and was wondering if this is "the" replacement or if there's a bunch of other alternatives clawing to replace it.


This looks more a loverslab you dont have to log in to


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what's a good external hard drive?


Most people use WD SSDs of varying sizes. I like the elements ones


What about hard disks for multimedia playback?


Hard drives are perfectly fine for video and music playback. If you can handle reading or watching some guides on topics like TrueNAS, you may find it beneficial to use an old computer and buy normal hard drives to put in that instead.


Not a stupid question per se, but where does one go for doujin music these days? Particiuarly remixes and covers of stuff. I have an urge to download everything Umineko related, but I"m just slightly late to download them when they were "fresh". Maybe some Japanese music private tracker? But my interests is strictly video game and anime stuff, so I'm not sure if that's worthwhile to aim for. Naturally I downloaded everything with "Umineko" in the name off AB.
I know there are some old video game music forums that I've procrastinated about joining, but I'm not sure if they'd have such things either. Maybe I should join those anyway.
Ah, to be back in the FTP and P2P days...


doujinstyle is the one i know of but you probably do as well


miss when doujinstyle had a game section


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Huh, I thought that was dead. Maybe it was a different site that died. Cool! (and thanks)
Maybe I'm thinking of a doujin game one that decided to move to discord and lost its purpose as a result


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Even this is getting unbearably slow when opening programs and using it after letting it idle for a while.
Will an SSD and maybe some more ram make it usable again or am I using stuff that's just getting too old?


yeah your specs aren't that bad compared to most, you just have a low amount of ram and probably a aging/dying hard drive.


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Why do the Japanese call cream puffs "shoe cream"?


sugar cream


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is it just me or does japanese have a lot of loanwords from french, like, peeman comes from pimant


Enquette is the Japanese and french word for questionaire


The AUR was hyped up to me but it takes long to install anything wtf


Am I doing something incorrectly? Im using yay


It takes a long time because you're compiling the program yourself with the AUR. You can make it faster by changing the number of cores you use to build the program.
Something else you can do is use the -bin packages if they're available, which are pre-compiled.


There's also chaotic AUR which is a repository that compiles some AUR packages


how are you supposed to know when 前 is ぜん or まえ


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I think 前 by itself is mae, and it becomes zen when combined with other kanji. But there are probably exceptions to this because tard language.


The rule of thumb is that, in a compound, it uses the same type of reading as the other part. ぜん with on'yomi, まえ with kun'yomi.
By itself, it's まえ, especially when it's followed by a particle like in 前に.




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Is anyone able to tell me what is going on here? Why is it that when I'm using 11gb of RAM in Stable Diffusion I'm risking an out of memory computer crash? I add up all the programs in task manager it only adds up to like 14gb and it's pushing the limit despite my system having 32gb.
Is this some dual channel thing that means I can't actually use 32gb? What the heck is going on? I've never actually made much use of RAM until now apparently so I never bothered to look...


you might be needing so much memory that its going into the swap file
the other day i had some browser tab in firefox suffer a memory leak and rapidly use up memory but my task manager was saying that no particular program was using a lot of memory when sorting it by memory usage as in your pic. I clicked over to the Performance tab and saw that the memory usage AND the disk usage was near 100%. I think this means the swap file was being used heavily. When this happens you have what is called thrashing as the memory used by programs gets shuffled between the swap file and the RAM, killing the performance of the whole computer. Is your computer running massively slowly in this circumstance?
(also how are you at 3% disk throughput when you have something writing 240 MB/s)


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Yeah, memory leak or cache thing might be the problem I think. Looking at the resource thing you mentioned, I guess it IS showing almost full RAM usage.

>(also how are you at 3% disk throughput when you have something writing 240 MB/s)

I don't know? I wonder if it's fluke because it doesn't usually show 3%. It's an SSD thing that snaps into the motherboard (forgot what those were called) and the capacity is 1.8TB so I've converted it into being the AI processing drive. These checkpoint files that I'm combining and shuffling are around 3-6gb each (two used at once). I read almost a year ago that this AI stuff can be hard on drives so the only thing on it is AI stuff since it's lifespan might not be as long as it should.
Maybe this thing is just wildly inaccurate, but I have indeed been having computer crashes so maybe the numbers are wrong but the warning highlights to show high usage are correct.

Hmm... I guess I'll buy some RAM. I still have 2 slots and it's DDR4 or something when the most recent is DDR5 so it should probably be cheap... I hope.


>I don't know?
Huge number of SSDs, that explains it. Also that 240 MB/s could be a burst while the 3% number could be aggregated over a longer timescale.


"there is no such thing as stupid questions only stupid answer"


I've noticed this before as well. The real answer is that Task Manager does not show the real memory usage of all processes. Some are inaccurate, other processes don't show up at all. Noticed this when using PrimoCache to create a RAM disk for caching files and its usage did not show up at all.


Does anyone know of a good script to download ExHentai galleries? I had one on my old computer but I don't have access to it anymore and can't seem to find it. Trying to download some old galleries that don't have torrents available.


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I use this one with Greasemonkey https://github.com/ccloli/E-Hentai-Downloader
There are other userscript environments than Greasemonkey, IIRC Greasemonkey is not really maintained and there are forks. But it works for me.


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Thanks. I'm pretty sure this is what I had, but it doesn't show up on sleazyfork for some reason.


Played OG FF7. Liked it but did anyone else think the tifa romance was hamfisted? Cloud is obviously not gonna be over Aerith for a long time.
was the final sepiroth fight meant to be unsatisfying


Been so long since I played I don't really remember exactly how the fight panned out mechanically, but I remember thinking it was really cool.


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Does anyone know of a good way to clean out hard drives of unused/old stuff? I just realized that Stable Diffusion had 5gb of temporary image files that it failed to delete, but I only found them by accident. Windows 10 does have a cool thing that shows you folder sizes and you can use something like 'Anything' to search for stuff and sort by filesize, but there's still a lot of junk floating around on my drives after years of existence.
Doing this manually is really exhausting.


Hamfisted? Ehh, maybe a little bit. The love triangle thing was pretty interesting, but I didn't get the impression that the romance stuff in FF7 was that deep compared to other games, like FF8 that came right after it.
That's kind of the case in most JRPGs. It doesn't help that side content means that you mop the floor with the villain since the optional stuff is more difficult. The music is great most of the time at least.


there's WinDirStat for visualizing what's on your drives by filetype. I dunno, how is a computer program going to know that you think XYZ is useless but ABC has sentimental value? It's kind of inherently a manual thing


Agreed with WinDirStat. Good for visualizing filesize.

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