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What are your reasons for watching anime or playing games when you can't physically gain anything from them? I know what mine are, but I'm curious what other people would say.


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Fun things are fun.


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Wish I'd gotten into single player games as a child, but I'm stuck having an whole hour ruined because a teammate didn't like the way another teammate walked in front of him (´・ω・`)


It's fun and stuff


A game with a good story can be like a book, movie or any other narrative driven medium. Multiplayer games can either be coop, fun to play like TF2 or mentally stimulating.
I more or less gave up on multiplayer games with ranked matchmaking because of this, and because the MMR hampster wheel does nothing for anyone.


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I've reached the age, or did years ago, where I have to consciously attempt to avoid hiding in the comfort of nostalgia. It really is true that games used to be better, though. There's still good anime being released to keep me "with it" or something, and occasionally good indie games come out and I talk to younger people about them. I otherwise feel completely disconnected from the world, which might sound unusual in escapism entertainment. In the past people would bond over books, though, so I don't think it's too strange.


It causes a change in my internal state, that's pretty physical to me.


It feels good. Which is a bad reason.


At least you learned creative ways to trash talk people


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i crave stimulation

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