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File:88112066_p0.png (2.63 MB,1378x2039)



I like how games like this are picking up steam despite their lack of super duper "modern" graphic. Makes the indie scene much more approachable to hobbyist devs and shows just how powerful fun gameplay can be towards how it's received. Maybe at some point in the future AAA takes notes, but I'd imagine not since they all want to be the forever money printer gacha like genshin because that's what raises stock value most. Feels like that industry, the AAA one, is due to collapse at some point soon... Then we'll probably see a huge surge in more indie studios popping up that'll be great for gaming in general.

Do you support your local indie devs, /qa/?


No and in fact I wish the whole video game industry would collapse on its own weight, including the indie devs.


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I sometimes buy VNs instead of torrenting them. That probably counts, yeah.



That's extremely selfless of you.


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Years and years of biting the hand that feeds.


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years and years and years


File:[SubsPlease] Fugukan - 04 ….jpg (275.91 KB,1920x1080)

PSX graphics are a bit of a fad in indie games lately. I don't hate them, but it's kind of "meh" to me. Generally those graphics have aged very terribly unless they were stylistic, which the indie games generally aren't. Good to see indie games find success, though, of course.

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