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File:[Erai-raws] Tasokare Hotel….png (Spoiler Image,7.06 MB,1920x1080)


I was not expecting this from Tasokare Hotel at all. Thought it was going to be a fun mystery show, all the guests solve their mysteries and go back to their respective worlds; but the latest episode turned pretty dark...
A serial killer manipulating one JK to kill her BFF by telling her her death wasn't an accident but her BFF's ploy to kill her. Only for the BFF to commit seppuku from the guilt of having accidentally killed the JK. Which then leads the JK to go to HELL for killing someone in the hotel... very much unexpected turn of events.
Might be the best anime this season.


File:TASOKARE.HOTEL.S01E03.The.….jpg (276.42 KB,1920x1080)

The last episode I watched was 3, so I guess someone major happens? I'll have to watch 4 soon.
It's definitely one of the more interesting shows this season and I'd agree that it's one of the best. I wonder if anything is going to relate to hotel's ambiance and outfits being tied to the early 20th century while the people outside of it are modern with smartphones and such.
It was originally a Japanese phone game so I'm imaging something like Ace Attorney, but I have no idea.


>originally a phone game
Oh, did not know it started off as a game, might have to give it a try.


File:[EMBER] Tasokare Hotel - 0….jpg (225.9 KB,1920x1080)

I have watched episode 4. Hmm, yeah, it is a little bit different. It doesn't seem too different from what I was expecting when it comes to the atmosphere. It's about life and death and stuff so it seems on point.
I really do like this show. Neko makes good sounds, too.


File:[Erai-raws] Tasokare Hote….webm (1.49 MB,1920x1080)

Yeah, love Neko's voice. By the looks of it (on MAL), the VA has only done a handful of VAing. Hope she gets more roles going forward.


Yeah she reminds me of Konata and I find it charming.


File:TASOKARE.HOTEL.S01E06.Spac….jpg (255.58 KB,1920x1080)

Neko with neko. Definitely the second best show of the season (after Medalist)

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