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File:C-1737145875594.png (367.16 KB,840x472)


what romance anime should i watch next /qa/?
i loved quintessential quintuplets recently.


imouto likes Kimi ni Todoke


File:[Chihiro] Maou no Ore ga D….jpg (224.31 KB,1920x1080)

I don't really watch much romance stuff since it's usually high school setting stuff that bores me. The Madome show that aired about a year ago was quite nice, although its atmosphere is more relaxed and silly instead of heavy.


romance is filled with an abundance of lazy cliche writing but i think a good romance anime, crushes me after.


File:240078499a02f0aaabaaac886….jpeg (75.67 KB,610x798)

Kaichou wa Maid-sama! It's funny and makes my heart flutter.
My Little Monster is also good.

>romance is filled with an abundance of lazy cliche writing
I like this.

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