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File:[SubsPlus ] Oshi no Ko - S….jpg (228.13 KB,1920x1080)

 No.132183[Last50 Posts]

It's funny how Oshi no Ko seems to have forgotten that Ruby existed, which is kind of good. But, I feel like Kana isn't getting enough focus. I think it's obvious to everyone that she's the best character.
When Kana isn't on screen the other characters should say "Hey, where's Kana?"


Stop trying to make me hate Kana. She supports Ruby and will graciously accept that Aqua is destined to be with her.


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>Stop trying to make me hate Kana
Ehh? But she's clearly the most fun and interesting character. She has flaws and character growth and all that other stuff that the others are lacking. If something interesting or entertaining happens in the story she's usually involved. She also clearly has the best faces, serious and silly.
I guess my paragraphs of text talking about Kana has probably fallen off /qa/ by now...


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It seems neither of you have grasped the true nature of Oshi no Ship.


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The true nature is that Akane and Kana are fighting over who gets to be the incest beard.


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Could you imagine? Setting up the possibility of romance at the very start of the story, only to be put on hold in favor of a new girl... and then that one, in turn, put aside in favor of a different girl, who becomes privy to the protagonist's great secret while in a relationship with zero chemistry, for the sake of a triangle that thirty episodes from now will be shaken by the rousing of this old hybernating incestbait, so it can be put down for the last time as people all around bite into its hook...
Surely this could never happen... right?


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Man, I don't know why exactly but I feel absolutely nothing for that girl. She was introduced as a huge fake, so it's sort of her defining characteristic to be mistrusted, but it's not like I hate her either. She's just... meh.

Perhaps Kana is being kept single to appease fans. She's pure and such.


two tone hair is now gradient hair


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Seriously look at this. How can anyone deny Kana's place in the kissu pantheon when she has an obvious Roko reference?


Everything is sloppy in this franchise. I wonder when the author decided that it wasn't supposed to be special and decided to go the love-triangle route


The anime fell off when Ai died, hasn't recovered since. Kana is cute but there's not enough Kana there to make me watch the show just for her. Don't know how the source material plays out though.


the problem is that it set up a great tragedy of a star snuffed out before she could reach her prime and then does fuckall to follow up on it just leaves it in the background so people can bring it up every so often as if it had a real impact on the story of some teens climbing their way through the entertainment industry
i will NEVER forget how hard i called it after ep 1 came out and it was brushed away because SURELY this plotline will be continued and it wasn't it wasn't at all


Shut up and fuck your sister, Aqua.


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I kind of wish the original /qa/ thread was still around since I gave my opinion with a bunch of paragraphs there. But anyway, it's a show where the premise and story is just there in the background and mentioned occasionally. There has really been no benefit to the story in regards to the reincarnation thing. Of the 4 episodes I've seen of S2 what progress has been made in what is supposed to be the guy's vengeance? He uhh... umm... did some acting? What about Ruby? She was there in the background in a few shots, I guess. It introduced a bunch of new characters that are completely unrelated to any past life and has no relation to the great vengeance that is supposed to propel Aqua's entire reason for getting into entertainment.

I think it should have either just been a self-contained episode 1 OR it shouldn't have had the reincarnation and vengeance subplot since it doesn't matter to anyone. Just make it the Kana and Friends show because that's all it is.


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...but Kana REALLY makes the show. If she wasn't there I don't think I'd have any interest


eroticute footoe


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Akane is a joke.


Just realized the OP image of Kana looks like she is checking dubs lol
It's really been so long I almost forgot all about that stuff.


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She can even check them if there's a board that has numbers to the other direction somehow


As expected of a talented career actor!


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this week in the Kana show: in images


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the fate of those that oppose Kana


the five hearts of the blade represent kana's infinite love for
1) acting
2) acclaim
3) aqua
4) humanity as a whole
5) piiman


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Ruby show.


this series really has the best eyes


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She did get about a minute of focus in that episode, which was about a minute more than I expected


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Some people needed a reminder that Onii-chan will never get down with another woman.


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Well, as long as the story doesn't dwell on it and immediately goes back to Kana, I guess it's okay


i wonder how long this series can keep the "romance for the public appearance" thing going when their relationship is obviously one sided...


definitely needed a reminder that ruby hangs out with male SLUTS


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there is nothing likable about this show, stop pushing it


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actually maybe this is better


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Ruby is just too pure for this world.


tried to jump into the manga but it wasn't very catchy and the art was very sketchy. Barely any details went into anything. Fair enough to say that the adaptation caries the plot on visual style alone


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Yeah, it's completely coasting on its visuals. Kana is fun, but she's only there for a few minutes at most in an episode. These are teenagers talking to each other in a theater and if not for the impressive visuals my brain would tune it out.


Oshiko has world class art direction. This week's episode probably one of the legendary moments of anime.


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man, I love when anime movies do this sort of thing. It's such class, such art. Even if it doesn't have much worth, the fact that it's trying to use pictures to convey story is just special.


if episodes were given a rating, this one would be a 10/10.


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Looking forward to seeing it in a few days then. I hope Kana features a lot. I can already kind of imagine what it will look like with stuff like >>132236


Really was impressive how out of left field the visuals in this episode were. Had the same impact as episode 1 of the first season again, pouring emotion into a painting and conveying "Growth" (the episode's title and main theme) in a way that takes full advantage of the medium. I didn't expect for a character initially used for demeaning an industry flaw to have such a redemption arc.

I'd love to see who comes out as the key animator for that segment because it's probably the best piece of animation this year.


probably Kanna since she basically was the reason the manga got adapted


Seems it wasn't her, but from looking at her twitter found that she reposted the animator responsible.



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That's a lot of work...


cute small ruby


File:[MTBB] Oshi no Ko - 04 [69….jpg (455.37 KB,1920x1080)

I did say a few months ago that longer /jp/ threads could get moved to /qa/ to enjoy a slower and longer lifespan, so I think I'll do that with this one. The thread was intended to just get a few posts and die, but it seems popular enough.


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The de-gentrification of the Jay continues.


I hope some day my thread will accumulate enough posts to be allowed on /qa/.


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Well, you could always try to make a long-standing thread on /qa/, but it's a real crapshoot as to whether a thread will take off or not. But, with people talking about this most recent episode as being quite amazing then I can see things picking up once more people have watched it.


Kana looks so pretty here..... If only the show where Oshi no Kana instead...


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Yeah, it would make more sense, wouldn't it? I wonder if the manga was a similar experience, or if maybe they pivoted a little. Probably not, but it's easy for me to imagine.


the story puts Kana in a really different place than the rest of the characters. She's the only one who has ever actually grown as a character aside from the purple boy from last episode.

Aqua, Ruby, Akane... others... none of them actually grow past their flaws and instead accept their place and personality, but Kana is the only one who actually has doubts and anxiety about her place and how she fell from being a child prodigy into a support character


I understand a lot of Aqua's stuff comes later, after finding EL PADRE and trying to put things into motion, though from the looks of what the community, ahem, discusses, it's also fairly slow and there's a good deal of indecision over it. But don't quote me on that.


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>She's the only one who has ever actually grown as a character aside from the purple boy from last episode
Yep. I said the same thing during the first season. I tried to track down the thread on archive.org and I can get the index view, but the thread itself isn't archived. Alas...


hey mom im on the telly i got the biggest reply in sight


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I WROTE MULTIPLE PARAGRAPHS! I can't remember everything I said, but it was mostly about how lame and uninteresting the twins were and how only Kana actually had any struggles or growth. As a result Kana was the person that I would obviously cheer for, and she's just generally fun with great faces and reactions, too. Oh, and the best outfits.
I don't know how you make two magically reincarnated people so boring, but I guess a part of it is to completely ignore their previous lives and the entire premise of the story. I wonder if I should still use spoiler tags for this thing in the first episode of the first season, but I guess I'll play it safe.


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And I didn't read a single one!


Someone somewhere compared her to Bojack. Kind of interesting comparison. Doesn't exactly fit, but feels like Bojack's story is a much more harsh telling of her childhood and career before the events of the series


I was going to check if I had a copy, but the thread in your screenshot is still on the board.


Wait, what... How? I looked a few times... someone bumped it at some point...
OK then! Let's see...


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Hooray! There's my post! >>110430
Well, a bunch of the Kana posts were me.


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Yeap, I still stand by everything said in >>108614.


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Kana not mentioned


I just bit this pimant.


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What's a pimant?


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Something little girls must eat for a well-balanced diet to nurture their growing bodies!


Oh, the gimp pepper brush? Interesting


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Did not see the anime yet but when it comes to the manga I can agree with >>132403, this is probably why I like Kana significantly more than Akane for example.
In my opinion the manga does a good job showing Kana's internal struggles and she herself does a good job instigating a kind of protective instinct in the reader.

I usually dislike any trace of brother-sister romance in media, but in context of their reincarnation backstory, I find the attitudes of Aqua and Ruby towards each other pretty wholesome (so far). The latest chapter also builds on that again a bit.

My hope for the series is that Aqua will make much more use of his skills and knowledge from having been a medical doctor in his previous life since he doesn't have to hide his competence in this regard anymore when attending medical school. I assume this aspect of him has been kept out of focus of the story to make use of it in coming plot.


I just now realized that green is my pepper abbreviates to GIMP...


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I shall dump some more Kana images from Kana's episode 7!


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Episode 7 was a Kana episode, which needless to say was great. The deepest and most empathetic character has become deeper and more empathetic. She didn't have the minute of insane visuals like that one guy, but instead the whole episode was simply composed beautifully. Kana really is full of suffering...


mangabro do you know if anyone actually likes akane unironically because I never see any reasons being brought up


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From what I've seen people say, even here, people reading the manga (not me) seem more interested in shipping wars, which would imply a fanbase that's more heavily female. One of the creators is a woman known for making stuff with suffering involved and I guess she's using her talent for Kana. Do women like Kana? I don't know, but I don't see why they wouldn't. I'm sure the quasi-incest angle is more titillating, though.
I can without reservation declare that I wouldn't have been interested in this show long enough to see Kana if the visuals weren't spectacular, so maybe the anime fanbase has a more even split of genders? There's still moments that kind of put me to sleep, particularly in season 1 when Kana wasn't involved since no one else seemed like a real person.


The description “shipping wars” that >>132570 used sums it up pretty well.
I don't pay much attention about which characters are popular in comments as I'm more interested in subtle things other readers notice in the story. Especially in series where subtle behaviorisms in interpersonal relationships can easily fly over a guy's head, it is interesting to read comments female readers wrote about that.


>people reading the manga (not me) seem more interested in shipping wars, which would imply a fanbase that's more heavily female
It's less "shipping wars" and more arguing over which girl is the best and therefore deserves to get the MC's dick.


shab wars


Another Kana episode, but the good times are coming to an end.It looks like it's all going to be Aqua now.

Her watercolor montage also looked blurred and low FPS but idk if it was the stream I was watching or what


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Found your problem, you were expecting some sort of revelation or development last episode when this week was the 2nd Kana episode to address that. Though the sparks and bedazzlement aren't on the same level.


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kana so good she got the 2nd most amount of appearances on the jump festa promo image


Who's that hag who keeps making her way into official artwork


I think that's Yoasobi. You know, she sang the OP.


Beaten by someone who isn't even alive


ᚼ ᚼ


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Watching this reminded me of the first season and how good it was. Loved watching Ai, then there was the new generation of B-Komachi with Kana as the main, loved them too. Such a wasted potential this second season has been.


The second season has centered around Kana and yet you feel like it's wasted potential compared to the first? Maybe you're unconsciously noticing the lack of the real main heroine.


>centered around Kana
Is it? Wasn't it some dumb stage play? Don't remember seeing Kana for more than a single scene before I dropped it...


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HARD and i mean HARD disagree
looking around the three highest rated arcs are the prologue, reality show, and tokyo blade, and the latter fucking dominates
it's got a good deal of characters trying to figure out how to best fit into a complex production by looking at themselves and the role they've been presented, how to adapt to them, with solid conflict and good payoffs
by comparison the showbiz arc is trivially simple (that's the one at the very bottom of the list with 0.56%), prologue fails to be seriously followed up on for a very long time, reality show i still dislike, and first concert i only vaguely recall a lot of explanations for varieté but not a lot of struggle with it

anyways i took a glance at 4/a/ earlier today and a leak came out, they're at each other's throats at a speed of ~3 posts per minute, and particularly shitting on aka
the term for >>132799 is "inbred" by the way


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I wouldn't say season 2 is centered on Kana, although it should be. Season 1 also had a few Kana-centric episodes, after all. There's still a lot of time spent showing other characters that aren't interesting at all, which makes for some dull moments. I think it was a mistake to introduce another cast of characters for the play, but at least it barely focuses on them.


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nevar 4get débora mem-chorizo

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