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File:GIYVrSPa8AAuzAC.jpg (255.65 KB,848x1200)


They're making a new season of the dumbpire and smoking christmas cake anime.


File:[ASW] Yofukashi no Uta - 1….jpg (20.2 KB,324x289)




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File:[SubsPlease] Yofukashi no ….jpg (444.58 KB,1920x1080)

Will this season keep the same atmosphere as the original or is this the season where the anime gets editor'd?


Good direction like season 1 could overcome poor writing


File:candyslut.jpg (199.86 KB,1278x727)

It's not another Dagashi Kashi at least. The artstyle seems to be consistent.


File:109816653_p12.jpg (374.17 KB,933x891)

There should be enough pre-editor content left for another season.


File:[SubsPlease] Yofukashi no ….jpg (79.6 KB,1280x720)

I like the hot smoking anime babe.


File:[ASW] Yofukashi no Uta - 0….jpg (293.71 KB,1920x1080)

By the way, I remember reading some complaints back then that the manga turned into power level battle shonen shit later on? Is that what people are worried about?



Kou can turn into a half-vampire by hurting himself, mostly with some piercing thingy, and he has all the upsides of being a vampire with none of the downsides. He uses his vampire form to fight a new group of vampires that show up, and most fights end up them phasing through walls and other bullshit.
Thankfully it ends after about 10 chapters or so and there is a school trip arc, but it's pretty meh from that point onwards.


the cumpire


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¥dishevelled late 20's shotacon with glasses
Rule 63 Kissu.


File:[ASW] Yofukashi no Uta - 0….jpg (431.65 KB,1920x1080)

>late 20's
She's younger than me... I thought she was older. Nazuna is 40 though. I really liked the use of older technology in the show to showcase that.


laser targeted millennial bait show


File:[ASW] Chainsaw Man - 06 [1….jpg (294.86 KB,1920x1080)

Not really. You could argue the same thing about Chainsaw Man due to it taking place in the 90s (due to Fujimoto himself being a millennial, either the same age or one year older than me), but the fanbase for both of these franchises is probably still 18-25.


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still insecure about your age?



File:[ASW] Yofukashi no Uta - 0….jpg (193.04 KB,1920x1080)

Ahh, so she is in her late 20's but looks older due to her 'job' being stressful. That's a pretty cool way to showcase it too. I don't remember this from the show though, so it's kind of a spoiler.


File:det.png (283.21 KB,836x1200)

>but looks older due to her 'job' being stressful
Very rude post


File:[Commie] Call of the Night….jpg (304.92 KB,1920x1080)

Very nice! One of the modern /qa/ classics if I do say so much. Even if the story becomes dumb if it keeps the fantastic atmosphere it will still be worth a watch. Such a fantastic use of colors and highlights and all that other stylish stuff to make the night look so vibrant.

I wasn't a fan of it panning to other characters like >>121392, but I think that's what people were talking about so... oh well. It will probably still look nice.

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