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 No.116660[View All]

mamoru blog
807 posts and 138 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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windows sure is pretty OK when they don't remove all your customization


I just hate that giant dock that they copied from Apple


pic it or frik it
yeah i'm talking to you
you know who you are


Freak it


spoiled the ending of a vn for myself and now i want to kill myself


you can still go on think of it as a replay with half the time invested


I am posting from work.


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wish i was in japan right now


Sorry I forgot to censor the word


nutbladder aching hurts


watching idaten
the colors are kakkoi
the op song is shit


Mangadex is aggressively begging for money. I thought I could give some.
But there is no donation option. There are only subscription systems in different price classes. The FAQ says I should just subscribe and then immediately unsubscribe. Bah. That just feels icky.
So, I wanted to know what their financial situation is, but all that they are saying is that they money. No details given.
I can't ask them either. There is no email, or on-site communication system. They only talk to people on discord, x, or reddit.
And then, when I decide to swallow the bitter pill and get my ass off its comfy cushion of excuses, I find that they only take credit card payments.
Alright then. Don't take my money.


old lady at work keeps staring at my face. even when I turn my back to her, she walks in front of me and says “I’ll watch you” (we have to work together at times)


I pooped


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Okay you guys have completely killed the relaxed nature of this thread with your talk about wanting to be hardcore on 4chan but the mods not letting you. I'm moving it to /secret/ but personally I can't say I want to see it anywhere on kissu (as a user and not a mod)


and here I was going to ban everyone but you had to relocate them...


is “faggot” not allowed? you can get banned for it on kissu?


why are you even saying it in the first place. Is it just to be a tru-4chaner?


the sager


he dodged my question with another question lol


dodgers could be here


No you don't get banned for it, honestly kissu is pretty lax, just say shit in the gamer way and not the /pol/ way I guess?


got the hiccups


I spell it hiccoughs and I am confident that it makes me a better person.


it doesn't because that's a fake etymology made up later that barely makes sense
it's onomatopoeic


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what in the world causes such strange scroll behavior...


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edge and chrome seem to share the issue but edge makes it seem more apparent



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meanwhile firefox is locking to cursor position...


and then eating it with eggs for a daily meal


bitch kept saying bless you as I was about to sneeze and ruined my sneeze


effin metal


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For some reason I've not been able to sit down and watch anime easily for a while and it was getting on my nerves since I'd been wanting to catch up on seasonals. But today I took care a bunch of boring adult stuff that'd been nagging at my mind for a while now and when I sat down to watch some anime today I was able to watch far more in a timespan than I have been able to for a while. Maybe lessening the burden on your mind is a good way to help yourself be more attentive.


tired of f5ing imageboards I'm going to sleep


my middle mouse button doesn't click anymore so it's back to walmart


Mousewheel is always the part that gives out first for me, too. But I think I wasted just a little too much time to get it replaced on warranty. (I felt bad for having it replaced a second time)


flippin /u/ has a general general???
it got over 1.6k replies in just twenty days


or less than twenty, because the other general general has been up for ten days and it also over a thousand replies (both are counting deleted ones)


third day I'm calling out sick. my worthless coworkers decided to go to work sick and cough/sneeze everywhere, and I have to be the one to suffer for it. if covid couldn't teach retards to wear a mask: nothing will.


That pandemic was more a political problem than it was anything else. I warn you now that this topic may easily turn into an argument.


i want to bark at the 2 posters above me but i don't want to argue on the internet grrrr


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We could just roleplay as dogs.
Woof woof!


maybe but it also introduced the concept of wearing masks to protect yourself and others during times of sickness to the west. eastern countries (mostly the asian ones as far as I know) have always worn masks in public during pandemics.
source: my bad memory.


*sniff* *walks away*


antibiotics make shit liquid out of my ass and I can’t stop brapping at the same time


You should avoid taking antibiotics wherever possible, for multiple reasons.
Almost no hospital has proper antibiotic rotation discipline, and in any case, it runs you over like a train, like you experienced (which leads to people privately prematurely ending medication too).


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hungry but i don't want to cook and all the restaurants are closed so no ordering take out either


>Best by: 2021
Eh... Same decade. It's practically fresh.
Also, it's a holiday, and that means it doesn't count.

But really, I should have remembered yesterday to get the necessary shopping done.


angry at the world


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decided to make curry since it's so easy

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