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File:Image014.png (1.61 MB,905x912)

 No.114877[View All]

Alright, so I'm going to make an attempt at a Let's Play thread of what will surely be a fantastic game. I played the original Dungeon Travelers 2 on Vita and it was the last physical game I ever bought (remember when we could buy and own media?) It's truly an amazing game for many reasons. Fantastic characters, great classes, great boss battles and spectacularly frustrating dungeons. Its sequel, Dungeon Travelers 2-2, came out years later, but unfortunately it never received a translation.
Now, a decade later it did received a surprise translation and release on PC. It was going to be on Steam, but those prudes backed out. I'm sure it's related to the lewdness, as Steam only has room for stuff like Sex with Furry Hitler 2 or War Crime Simulator 2023. Instead it got a release on one of those gacha/freemium sites where it feels like you get malware just by loading the page, so I will instead be using the version found on nyaa.
If Aquaplus actually wanted money I'd be willing to buy figures and stuff from them, but nope, they don't. If I traveled to Japan I could get some crappy keychains if I timed it right and found one of their "pop up" stores, but that's about it. Okay, back to the game:

This game is a "what if" scenario at the end of Dungeon Travelers 2 if the final battle was lost. There's a Demon Queen that wants to corrupt and conquer humanity and blahblah that part isn't very exciting. Since the characters are the of the highlights (Aquaplus is involved after all) I'll give a brief introduction of each character before I start the game.
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You know something is about to go down when you've been in a dungeon a long time and you find yourself in an unnaturally symmetrical room


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I have a good feeling about this!


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Speaking of, since this is an Aquaplus universe game is there any Kuon in it at all? Or was it just Anju/Nekone


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superbosses sure are something in this game, huh
how close are you to endgame power? is this just something completely off from other stuff


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Man, I wish. I would have mentioned it with extreme excitement if she was in it, but no. It's just Anju and Nekone, and I actually do have them in my party as mercenaries sometimes. Nekone has some decent defensive buffs and Anju's offense is pretty great.

Man, I'm glad I looked through the FAQ a little bit (but not the walkthrough part of course). Just like the previous game, you need to level some characters to unlock some superbosses, although it's not nearly as convoluted this time. The previous one was almost guaranteed that you would miss out on some bosses because it was "take characters A, B and C to Dungeon A to receive an item, then take the item and characters B, D, and E to Dungeon F after they reach a certain level" or something like that. Secret bosses are cool, but THAT secret? No way. The first time I played through DT2 I actually missed two sets of post-game bosses, for 8 bosses total. That's just... unfortunate.

I'm in uhh, early endgame or something? It seems to work like DT2 in that you end up exploring most of the postgame dungeons before you fight the final boss in each of them. I'm not meant to fight that one there yet, although my power won't grow tremendously. I've held off on explaining the equipment enchanting system because I haven't done much of it yet, but I will soon. It doesn't seem like game will have as many post-game dungeons, but I could be wrong. These are longer than I remember the previous game's dungeons, so it evens out maybe?


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Still no Kuon reference...


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Consider this video to be very spoilery story-wise

There definitely aren't as many post-game dungeons this time. I have a feeling I just entered the last one, but it will likely be the longest one. This will be a bit shorter than 2's postgame, which is unfortunate. But, I do like how the story is continuing, although there's not as much before the post-game which is standard video game stuff. DT's overall story isn't that special, just standard good versus evil stuff. However, the characters really shine during the other events where they're just doing SoL-like stuff.

Anyway, this video shows us at the end of the third (of presumably four) post-game dungeons. Just like the previous game (or the clip here >>116902 ), the other post-game dungeons open up when the reach the end of existing one.
Big story spoiler to make more sense of the video: Humans were created by God to fight the Demon God and 'monsters' from another dimension and God only sees them as tools to use. The humans were losing the battle against them and Godly soldiers were created to help the humans. One of them was Luco, but they were also used as pawns and abandoned and not allowed to return to God's domain. God is a bit of a jerk. It being Dungeon Travelers, though, I bet God will be sexy and/or cute. I hope God has nice boobers.


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Something cool about the post-game superbosses! They seem to have a regular and an easy mode that you can unlock through other means. This one here in the casino actually has TWO toggles. I saved a fairy girl in the basement earlier and paid off her debt. If I don't have her in my party as a mercenary she's another character in the boss fight (and yes she has loot as an enemy).
I'm guessing you're supposed to go through them on easy mode, get some of their (nerfed) loot, and then do hard mode. The big superbosses in the previous game could be fought again so I assume it's the same case for this one.

Also something I thought was really funny is one of the abilities of Sahohime which you'll see in this video near the beginning. In these games some of the superbosses have an ability called 'My Kingdom Is Without Enemies" (which is such a cool name) that makes them invulnerable. This kotatsu monster girl has a weaker version which references it which I find really hilarious for some reason.


Also someone give me some characters (from the first posts in this thread) that you want to see skits for. This game has like 200 of them so I can't just post them all


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Now for the main money sink in the game: enchanting!
The video shows me randomly running around in a lower level dungeon until the random Blacksmith encounter happens. (also I love its music and it's a 'memory' of the final dungeon in the previous game)

For every 9 kills of a non-boss monster you can create a Sealbook which goes into the 6th equipment slot of a character. There's no class restrictions on them so it can be a great way to customize your party against specific bosses and the like, especially later on when they become more powerful and can give you direct immunity to status effects, although another way to reach status immunity is to reach 100 resist on the element associated with the status. I did say "non-boss" monster, but some wandering minibosses are included so you could kill each of those 9 times to get what I assume will be some pretty strong Sealbooks. I plan to do that once I have all 5 characters with a full set of enchanted equipment.
With enchanting you can carry over some (not all) Sealbook effects to armor pieces and the result is that you create equipment that resembles the random prefix/affix stuff from Diablo-esque games. Unfortunately, much like demon fusing in SMT games you need to keep refreshing until you get the randomly-assigned bonuses that you want.

If the Sealbook is higher level than the target equipment piece the piece will gain 5 quality levels so it's a good thing to do to increase the raw attack/defense of a piece. This is a lot more noticeable with weapons earlier in the game, but not so great now deep into post-game when Unique weapons can't be beat when it comes to pure damage. I have some Unique armor that is pretty good too and once I start killing post-game bosses soon I assume I'll switch more out. But, for now I'm creating a generic set of speed, HP and elemental resist armor for each character.


I want to see more of Siena from >>114912


Said dungeon theme (it's so good). Unfortunately, I think overall the music in 2-2 isn't as good as 2, but it definitely has some great tracks.


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I'm going to try and encounter a random miniboss and see how I do. Since it's random it will be luck if I encounter her with my buffs up. (Some buffs can be cast on the exploration screen, but they run out quickly while moving, there must be some conversion like 5 steps = one battle turn). Pre-battle buffing is good on bosses that are guaranteed to be behind a door, but not so much against these wandering ones.

Somehow I knew it would be one of the flat ones. I'll look up how to unlock some of hers since she wasn't in my party much (Irena the big-boobed insecure cake is just too good and unfortunately it's just not good to have many Magic Users in the party at once)


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Heh. Well, the benefit of the random minibosses is that you can fight them in specific areas of the map. I'm in a Magic Resist and Attack zone so I'm going after the random witch miniboss. Maybe miniboss isn't the right term, but they're stronger than regular enemies and not bosses. Well, having a team built for speed and attack and... well, it went pretty well. As long as I can kill her fast I think I'm good.
There's a samurai miniboss in this area that always gets a preemptive attack and she kills 3-5 of my team in the first turn most of the time, though. The attack bonus works for both teams so... yeah.


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This is my reminder to attempt to Dispel when I see a (mini)boss buff herself


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I turned skill effects on for the hell of it to show what they look like again. I do it for boss battles, but not routine mob clearing.
Nice! her magic is survivable with a Valkyrie Spell Guard and buff clearing. I think that first battle where I destroyed her was a fluke.
(also I really, really hate that Mind's Eye skill. It randomly cancels a received melee attack and counterattacks)


>I think that first battle where I destroyed her was a fluke.
Hmmm, it seems to me that the main differences were that you had to revive Luco twice and play more defensively, and that Liz's Danger Shoot only hit twice rather than four times. Is she your main damage dealer? She's the one that took out most of her HP, and Trump Card looks like one helluva glass cannon skill.


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Yeah, I kind of threw together a team for these bosses as I still haven't decided on an endgame party. Unlike the previous game I've yet to have a real Healer class and instead relied on a Bard and Treasure Hunter which is quite interesting.
Liz is the Joker class which doesn't really come into its own until ultra late game and she's probably the best damage dealer I have at the moment. It has a lot of random stuff to it, but it's still beastly. Her main damage skill against single targets does 0 to 4 hits, so it's possible to deal strong damage or zero.
It's quite an interesting and unique class, but frustrating at times for various reasons, such as having 0 defense, high TP (mana) usage, and area attacks that roll a separate 50% chance against each target. As you noticed, Trump Card is really cool because it converts all Defense into Attack, so strong defense also increases your attack so instead of a big two-headed weapon you wield a small one and a shield.
I don't know how well she'll work against real bosses due to the whole 0 defense thing, but Alicia the tank can cover her for single target attacks at least.


Hmmmm, Sou's Chain Link looks like it consistently hits for around the same as two hits of Danger Shoot, at 0:23 >>117316 it's 6681 vs 5591, which is less than average but still consistent, I imagine it'd be even better if you pumped her crit stat(s). Maybe you could try that alongside switching Liz for another consistent damage dealer, for less risk and resource drain overall?
Personally, I'm just not able to put up with RNG like that, reminds me of the occultist from Darkest Dungeon. That was such a pain for everyone involved.


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I unlocked a set of bosses, but they're located in random post-game dungeon locations and without a FAQ to tell me where they were I would have spent hours crawling around. Nonetheless, I still have to navigate to get to the actual rooms.
You see me changing floors rapidly here, but it's because this game features a lot of unlocked shortcuts so a floor that takes you an hour to clear can be skipped, allowing you to head back to town to do stuff and generally come back where you left off.
Can't believe it took me 8 minutes. It felt like a minute to me.

PART ONE! (dungeon exploration is brutal on filesize when compared to battle naturally)


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PART TWO! ...My mercenary's time ran out right before I made it to the door. Sigh.

Yeah, the RNG stuff is painful. I don't know if I'll be able to use Joker psychologically or not. I didn't in the previous game despite its strength. Souffle is actually hitting unusually hard right now because her weapon is basically endgame best-in-slot (presumably) whereas the other characters are kind of meh. These Attack Zone battles aren't a good example because I'm almost entirely ignoring defense and rushing down the miniboss. Ist my bard wasn't even singing!
Also the TP usage of Chain Link is brutal and unsustainable.


>Also the TP usage of Chain Link is brutal and unsustainable.
Damn. Seems the joker is me this time.
And yeah that's a REALLY complicated trek to get there.


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Let's see how I do!


Post-battle assessment:
Alright, well... that didn't work. This boss has a self-buff similar to that witch miniboss and Luco wasn't able to dispel it in time for the first big hit. This boss is also a bard and sings a song that heals her for 2000 every time she gets a turn, so I need to focus on critical hits to interrupt it. Souffle is already pretty good at that, but the other offensive characters aren't too good at it. Also she has that annoying "Cage of Super Gravity" thing where melee attacks greatly debuff the speed of the attacker, so Luco's offense is greatly weakened, not to mention her dispel ability. Liz and Souffle are range attackers so I have that working for me at least.
Sigh, this game really hates offensive Fighters.
Since it was obvious I was losing I tried the Joker's "Hail Mary" type of skill that can do something great or something bad. It... did not help much at all!


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I think I need a strategy change. Maybe I just don't do anything on Luco except Defend (which has the fastest speed) until it's time for her to dispel.
Oh, I forgot to mention that skills in this game have different speeds. By speed I mean the time until the character's next turn comes up. Some big attacks are quite slow, whereas Defend has the fastest possible speed until the character's next turn comes up again.


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If you're wondering why sometimes I can see the stats of an enemy, there's an equip effect that allows you to see the stats of enemies OR you can use a Searching Eye team skill if the characters are lined up right. The equip effect generally isn't on the ideal equipment so I don't use it much.
Well, I threw on one and took a screenshot. 50k HP, dang.


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Really making use of kissu's file storage with this thread! (and damn is stuff huge when OBS records it, 1440p and all)
I changed Luco's weapon to one that's fast but weak, went to recruit the mercenary again, and used a Grand Sealbook that increased critical hit rate.


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First post-game boss of like 15 (counting the superbosses weak and 'real' modes separately) defeated! I'm not going to do a full fight recording for all of them, though.
No ecchi CG for these ones sadly, but unlike the previous game there's some before and and post-fight dialogue for these optional 'wanderer' girls which is nice.


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Very cool that she's now a mercenary I can hire! Man, what a cool system. Although, her skills don't seem that special.


aaaaaaaaaaa this makes me want to play etrian agaaaaaaiiinnn and i dun waaaaanna


so do you want to play it or do you not??


it brings back the desire to play it, which conflicts with my opposing desire to do other stuff


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Looked up some drops for these random miniboss encounters and finally got the dagger for Liz my Joker who I've built as my main damage dealer. The FAQ just said "best dagger in the game" and ehhhh. The raw attack is good (and I think DEX does accuracy or crit chance maybe?) but these enchants are kind of mediocre. Full TP gain after battle would have been nice earlier in the game, but it's kind of a wasted slot at this point.
The main benefit it has is the A+ speed (it's at the end of the line that starts with its name) which does what you would expect. But, if she acts fast she's going to burn through TP fast so I'm not so sure this is going to be that great.
The Joker class has an "axe proficiency" type skill that increases its stats by 15% or something and you can see the axe Liz has been using at the end of this video: >>117335
I guess I'll mess around and see which weapon I like more.
Not bumping this thread yet because I'm going to fight a boss soon and I'll bump it with that.


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Well, to clarify: "Speed Up" has a cap of 5 enchants on a character total and I have 4 armor slots with 4 enchant slots each plus a Sealbook option, so seeing two Speed Ups on a weapon is kind of unfortunate since she's a glass cannon and weapon-only enchants like Physical Attack Up and such would have been better. This does mean I've freed up two enchantment slots on armor, but I can't really improve her offense with it. Hm.. I can't remember if Accuracy enchants can be put on armor. Might be good against evasive enemies I guess.
I gain about 160 attack with this axe over the dagger and it also has one Physical Attack Up which is like +5% ATK in attack formulas which doesn't show up on the stat screen, but it's definitely slower.
Ehhh. maybe spending 4 hours farming that dagger was a waste of time. We'll see....

Also as a side note, Liz has some of the best outfits.


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I mentioned earlier about level reset to increase stats. I've been doing it on Liz and I think she's 28 "levels" in out of 50, but I doubt I'll go for the full 50. It's +1 each stat including resists so it's quite nice, and since Joker converts Defense into Attack there is an increased offensive gain.
You can select your party size and EXP is divided accordingly, so ideally your party when XP grinding only has 1 or 2 people in it.


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Heh. Heh. hehehehehehehehehe

Alright, that was cathartic. This is an "Attack Zone" so physical attack was doubled and all this stuff gets multiplied and so on and...


Must be pretty darn fast to get three actions in before the enemy gets even one


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Oh, I forgot to mention skill speed. There's some formula thing where big skills are generally slow while there's also stuff that's faster. Self buffs are generally really fast so you can buff yourself and not worry about doing some mental math about losing a complete turn over it. Unfortunately this means the fighter classes kind of suck later in the game. I hate it because I really like them, but at least they still have utility with debuffs, tanking and offensive dispel.
Anyway, after I finish queueing up some episodes for seasonal stream I'll attempt the casino boss I think.

Well, I guess since I already posted a bunch of stuff I suppose I should bump. I wasn't expecting to post much.
Liz is buffed up to attack the offtopic sage guy.


I love those gigantic scythes


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Ehhh... I'm actually kind of too strong for the weak form of the superbosses, but I'm not quite ready for the true forms yet. I killed them, but it's not worth showing videos of because it's quite boring. However, the situation with the casino boss woman (shown here >>117143 ) is that she plays along and pretends to be weak in the battle since I paid 500k gold for it. I thought it was pretty funny for an end-game superboss since they're otherwise murderous monsters/gods.


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One of them dropped a Madoka robe. It kind of sucks unfortunately.


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Powerleveling after a level reset to (which increased Liz's stats by 5).
This might be the last time I do it, as it's kind of tedious. The reason I'm doing it right now is because I just got a strong weapon to test out.
(can't figure out why recently some of these video conversions are putting the black bar on the side)


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Nice, AB has the soundtrack to this. Definitely worth a listen! May upload it if anyone wants it (and the 2-2 one).
I think the old filesharing thread has fallen off by now.


Ah, I'd appreciate it if you do.


That Lillian outfit is pretty amazing, is that just what she normally looks like or do you have to equip it?


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Alright, I'll do that then. I'll make a filesharing thread soon and get these uploaded on mega somewhere. These soundtracks are really quite amazing. 2's soundtrack is better than 2-2, but 2-2 still has some great songs. It was going to be hard to beat 2's which I now realize is one of my favorite soundtracks ever, much less match it. Maybe it's best to think of it as an expansion of it since the game itself is. It does make use of some of 2's music, too, which is to be expected.
There is a unique quality to it. Pure, undistilled VGM and it reminds me of why I fell in love with the stuff so long ago. Across the 2 games there's like 15 regular battle themes and maybe 10 boss ones.
But, there are good "warm" songs too like this one that plays during happy scenes. Now that I think about it more, Utawarerumono is a VN with an elaborate (and quite frankly GREAT) game attached to it and so are the Dungeon Traveler games. And VNs need fantastic music.


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I just want to show off the casino post-game dungeon. I really liked it a lot. The music and general theme is good, but I also loved the various floor puzzles that featured a variety of switches and one-way doors and other stuff. This whole dungeon was a blast. Unfortunately, the dungeon after it was an ugly prison-type setup with a lack of music and it should have been before this one.


how do you record?


neat, not something you'd expect from a dungeon crawler


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OBS and I use Handbrake to give it a reasonable filesize. My monitor is an ultrawide which this game understandably doesn't support, so I have to trim off the sides which had been working fine until a few days ago. I wonder what I messed up.

Yeah, it's her Joker outfit. She has great outfits, too.


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Finally got around to testing some item drops and made a little list. It's kind of annoying to do this, but some of the effects are really strong! I might farm some of them depending on how strong the upcoming bosses turn out to be.

Berserk - Red Feather, Deep-Fried Mystery, Graduation Yearbook
Defender - Dried Mandra
Re-usable TP Heal 100 - Forbidden Fruit
+Phys Attk/Def to PARTY - Evoker of Spring
+Phys Accuracy - Refreshing Eye Drop, Youthful Love Letter
+Phys Evade - Bubble Lotion
Party Status Heal - Sacred Bud, Paper Crane of Prayers
Resuscitate - Primordial Clay, Crimson Jewel
+Max HP - Oasis Water
Pure Damage - Chemical 4969 (100 damage)
Clone - Silver Key, Living Shadow
Sleep - Lump of Jealousy
Paralyze - Savage Paralyzing Claw
Slow - Supergravity Machine
INT-based Attack Items - Soul Pact (TP Drain), Crystal Skull, Tempest Orb, Methane Hydrate, Water of Wrath, Habiki Figurine (All),
Instakill - Ferryman's Boat
Enemies Flee - Cloaking Device
Group TP Heal - Mandra Trefoil

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