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File:C-1730775260023.png (62.84 KB,250x232)


If you say "beasts" Arceus will spit you from his mouth.


Cats. Paw structure, posture, facial structure, overall motifs. It all reads "cat" to me.


Dogs. Paw structure, posture, facial structure, overall motifs. It all reads "dog" to me.


>sauropod-like Pokémon with feline features
>mouth has muzzle has two long fangs similar to saber-toothed cats

>Many refer to them as Legendary cats or Legendary dogs, depending on if they personally see feline or canine features in the individual Pokémon. However, they are more likely based on many different creatures and mythological deities, such as Raijū, the Chinese guardian lions, and the qilin. On top of that, they also seem to have been stylized to fit the classic idea of three jungle cats or jungle beasts—the tiger, lion, and cheetah (or leopard). They may also be based on the Three Celestial Guardians used in feng shui: the Pi Yao, Chi Lin, and Fu Dog.


More information needed. Paw structure, posture, facial structure, overall motifs. The image is just too small and too busy for it to read as either "cat" or "dog" to me.


Beasts. Paw structure, posture, facial struc- AAAGHGHGHAHGH


gives me lion, panther, cat vibes so cats


File:1676416196200508.png (1.16 MB,1538x918)

your kind gets what you deserve


what happens if anonymous spits me out


I meant Arceus...


File:915d0dd7a684c5ae52ea012b70….jpg (177.2 KB,848x1200)

hop in dude


You get sent back to the stone age when wild Typhlosions roamed.


File:R-1730778343014.png (132.87 KB,475x475)

Instead of this, you chose to revive a blue snail!?


I'd say dogs, but the top left one is really the only one that really seems obviously a dog. The others are just anatomical randomness.


From right to left: Sabertooth cat, fox, Sasquatch


File:C-1730821184267.png (11.6 KB,522x443)

The modern sprites push the cat side more, especially with Raikou, but the original GS sprites were 100% dog so I will always call them the legendary dogs.

Also, Pikachu is fat and Jynx is black.


Gerbils. Paw structure, posture, facial structure, overall motifs. It all reads "gerbil" to me.

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