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File:[SubsPlease] Yarinaoshi Re….jpg (44.79 KB,456x688)


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That depends: Are you a loli or a sissy?


is my wife my sister and/or a loli?
this is important information...


I'm kind of confused by the question...
marrying a woman that's a lolicon or siscon?



File:gamer.png (180.33 KB,231x697)

Maybe the siscon's less of a ticking timebomb.


Well are you assuming you're the boy or girl?


A lolicon unless you are the sis, else you'll be married to someone who doesn't con you.



Even if you start as a loli, that's a time-limited deal so eventually you'll be married to someone who doesn't con you either way.


What do you mean I'm not an eternal loli? I thought that was a given?


Time moves ever forward, Anonymous.


I can always be a lolibaba.


but lolis are eternal


File:Kirino Nyoro~n.png (195.15 KB,500x500)

Lolicons are manipulative and abusive kimo freaks that only love you for your looks and will drop you at a drop of a hat.

A siscon will love you forever. This poll being so divided is concerning.


>Lolicons are manipulative and abusive kimo freaks that only love you for your looks and will drop you at a drop of a hat.
that's why i'm getting myself isekai'd to find a dragon vamp monsterloli to marry forever


File:1549228903910.jpg (365.04 KB,600x792)

Rude. I love little girls for their personalities and will treat mine with love and tenderness so that she grows into an ideal woman.


how do I vote lolicon yuricon siscon?

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