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File:C-1725958181705.png (Spoiler Image,164.14 KB,932x379)


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Would you rather have 10 house spiders or 50 silverfish living in your abode?


I've never dealt with silverfish, so spiders? They're nice as long as they stay away from my ears.


I'd take 50 house spiders over 10 silverfish.


well, realistically the spiders would have nothing to eat in that case


I already have four or five spiders that just chill in their respective corners all day, so what's a few more?


they have each other


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (463.5 KB,1920x1080)

Spiders for sure, although the numbers probably should have been made even in the poll. Silverfish are just so creepy and gross. I'd prefer not to have any inside, but it's inevitable that stuff makes its way inside so spiders would probably be better since they eat bugs.


this shab just bit it


she ate the bugs..... ate them raw..........


File:673478.png (509.81 KB,512x658)

I once drank an entire cup of coffee with a silverfish in it by accident. Fuck silverfish.


MOST spiders are total bros (i know they tend to be female, so fembros).

>no flies.
>no wasps.
>no mosquitoes.
>they just live in a corner and make your life eazier for you.
>even ants and termites are taken care of by your 8 legged friend.

the bad spiders are the venemous ones, especially the ones that bite your ass when you disturb your web and make their webs in places you frequent, like a toilet bowl.

i dont mind the webless ones who crawl on my floor, just have to deal with cleaning up the occassional exoskeleton they leave behind when they die. clean regularly abd its no prob at all.


Who are you quoting?


who are you saging?


They... uhh.... What?


Well, at a surface glance it would appear that the sage is directed at the poster he is responding to, a way of indicating that his post was not appreciated. However, sageing does nothing to that post and his displeasure is already indicated in the text of the post so it would make no sense to sage at him. You might say that his sage is directed at himself, an admittance that his post is worthless and does not deserve to be seen, but in that case he would simply have not posted it so that can't be it either. So we're left with a scenario where the poster thinks his post is worth seeing and the poster he's responding to is worth responding to but the thread itself does not deserve visibility. It seems most likely, then, that the sage is directed at OP, but it could also be any post except the two described earlier that the poster believes made the entire thread untenable.

So the question stands: Who are you saging?


he simply shouldn't have saged, that's the straightforward solution


Spiders no doubt, total bros

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