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File:5c08c5d3faa7c4ad71f482d08c….gif (519.12 KB,500x281)


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All Christmas cakes are hags, but not all hags are Christmas cakes.


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (262.49 KB,1920x1080)

What's a BBA?


File:99889a53af8df3f5a49e42ccb8….jpg (239.33 KB,767x877)

baba, a granny


File:[DeerStalker] Shikanoko No….jpg (305.8 KB,1920x1080)

Huh, a three letter shortening of a four letter word?




File:BBA.jpg (580.45 KB,850x2720)

BBA is old hag; granny. BBA is a shorthand for 婆あ or "babaa"; it's essentially a pejorative of お婆さん or "obaa-san". Obaa-san is polite to use, Babaa will turn a happy old lady into a sad cranky one as illustrated in this image.
Three letters because 婆 reads as ババ "baba", and あ is just "a". So babaa -> BaBaA -> BBA.


Why would someone bully Yukari like that?


File:old brat.jpg (153.05 KB,750x550)

It's funny. Yukari is very easy to bully.

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