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Post class and alignment in thread


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as always


>Lawful Good Elf Paladin/Monk (2nd/1st Level)
don't have a problem with that frankly although the stat spread was eh

but some of the questions were very weird, with a lot of odd self reporting, some false dichotomies, some half-dupes, and others downright strange like
>Which do you prefer?
>Eastern religion
>Western religion
yeah dude i love mu-ism and esoteric buddhism it's way better than scientology or wicca
but then later it says western vs new age so if they meant christianity they should've said that
just weird


True Neutral Human Druid/Ranger (2nd/1st Level)

I'm boooooring


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True neutral... a norm.


neutral with highly evil characteristics


>Chaotic Neutral Halfling Wizard (2nd Level)
When I've done these things in the past I've ended up as chaotic evil, so I suppose this can be considered character development.


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I think it's pretty clear. Traditional western, eastern, and whatever this new age garbage is. Since the question is a coin toss, it has to ask you again since you're now comparing a different pair of the triad.
Some of the questions are a bit silly in that they don't give a solid "No" or N/A option.


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I'm not answering 140 questions for some dumb trivia thing...


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True neutral human paladin.


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True Neutral Human Ranger/Rogue (2nd/2nd Level)
Ability Scores:
Strength- 15
Dexterity- 13
Constitution- 15
Intelligence- 13
Wisdom- 12
Charisma- 11

honestly, was hoping I'd be neutral good


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my alignment is chaotic cute


File:F-EMGy9aoAAAINK.jpg (564.28 KB,1920x1080)

That's the best kind of cute.

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