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File:Kamina_001.webp (43.28 KB,343x522)


You homosexuals wanna watch Gurren Lagann again?
Maybe chunk it out over the course of a couple of days?
I'm thinking watching the anime, then the two movies.


Probably, sure. It's been a while. Definitely space it out over at least three days.


File:1451489724671.jpg (1.96 MB,4063x5986)

I mean I like Gurren Lagann and all, but if you're streaming it why not just do the movies? It's easier to keep everyone's interest that way and do it all in one night.


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Okay how about we do the movies first and then the anime if anyone feels like marathoning it over the course of a couple of days?
Of course. I don't know what week would work though.


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I am in the process of converting the files to mp4.


File:[ASW] Yofukashi no Uta - 0….jpg (203.08 KB,1920x1080)

So... is the stream still happening or?


File:5a93ec3b62ec19388432fef73d….jpg (150.95 KB,1286x1574)

Yeah it's still happening.


Tits too big

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