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File:Di Gi Charat - 10 (BD 768x….jpg (110.96 KB,768x576)


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Voting for the winter seasonal stream! Vote for shows to KEEP
You need to have at least one post to vote!


File:[KiteSeekers-Wasurenai] Pr….png (163.58 KB,704x400)

This is the last we'll see of that awful baby!


File:[KiteSeekers-Wasurenai] Pr….png (163.91 KB,704x400)

This is the last we'll see of that awful baby!


File:[KiteSeekers-Wasurenai] Pr….png (177.82 KB,704x400)

Best season ever! x2


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (296.72 KB,1920x1080)

Actually we have 3 more episodes counting today!


File:[KiteSeekers-Wasurenai] Pr….png (212.64 KB,704x400)

It's still the last season that baby will appear in >_> x2


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (257.1 KB,1920x1080)



File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (387.32 KB,1920x1080)

Elle-themed seasonal stream background? Elle Kissu theme? Elle-themed captcha? "I agree that Elle is the Best" pop-up before kissu will load each day? All usernames changed to Elle and uploaded images changed to Elle? New /elle/ board?


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Elle barbecue for lunch every day!


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (429.74 KB,1920x1080)

Eating barbecue with Elle, yeah!


I voted!


File:[MoyaiSubs] Reiwa no Di Gi….jpg (323.19 KB,1920x1080)

That other thread was supposed to be deleted but it had 30+ replies. I guess I'll move the posts into this one since I feel bad deleting all that and no discussion has been made here yet.


File:lvjdixe4thr61.png (Spoiler Image,1.9 MB,1920x1080)

Sucks to be someone who can't tell what a good shonen is on first glance


File:[SubsPlease] Isekai de Mof….jpg (171.21 KB,1920x1080)

Err I didn't mean to vote yet. Everything will temporarily have +1


I think a lot of the series are boring this season, but only a few on the list are bad


being completely honestly i have no faith at all in the korean mmo
i watched ep 2 and it's a good episode but it's clearly not gonna remain like this
i'm changing my vote to just reijou for now and will look into what's actually good about the series because i predominantly saw it being recommended as a superb spectacle and hardly any other reason
the same happened with jigokuraku, so that has become a red flag for me


I got somewhat excited when I heard it was a 9/10, but the first episode didn't really make me think 9


It doesn't really change that much. The art style maintains the gritty demonic feel and the protagonist continues to be on the verge of death. Eventually he becomes a wall of destruction, then it pivots into an OP fantasy, but the buildup makes it feel worth it.

Overall, anyone who dismisses it for reasons other than 'it's not my thing' is just showered in poor expectations and overambitous standards from someone who has seen too much and can't remember what it was like to experience something for the first time.


And based on the OP I know roughly where it will end, which is one of the best moments of the series. A moment that was really hype reading it in a corny chuuni way.

And that word really describes the series. While something shit like eminence in shadow pushes the idea that being chuuni is a joke, something like solo leveling embraces it and admits "hell yeah we're chuuni"


File:Undead.Unluck.S01E14.1080p….jpg (254.68 KB,1920x1080)

Nothing wrong with chuuni power level/ability stuff. I'll never outgrow it.
I think the main issue may be that we have a higher than usual concentration of serious shows. When you look at the kissu anilist account we overwhelmingly favor comedy/SoL: https://anilist.co/user/kissustreamed/
I think it takes a lot more for serious/action shows to pass voting. Combine that with having a bunch of them at once and we're probably harsher than usual. Personally it is a bit harder for me to watch hours of separate serious stuff instead of hours of happy-go-lucky nonsense.


If it's not someone's thing then yeah. If someone talks about fantasy a lot and can't see the potential in the plot, then I don't think it's possible to have a normal conversation


Maybe I'll watch ep2 today and see more what you're talking about because the setup in ep1 made me want to tear my eyes out. Guessing it's a bait and switch.


Well actually the end of ep1 did get me fairly interested in watching more for fun since I do like edge.


File:The Eminence In Shadow - S….jpg (153.49 KB,1920x1080)

I ain't gonna have you trash Eminence like that, much less in favor of this garbage.

I'm gonna compare the two using the "enemy tries to kill MC, MC resists, enemy powers up, MC bodies them" sequence that occurs early on for both. These events occur in volume 2 and 1 for each, pretty early on, the comparison is clearly warranted.
When Sung is fighting against the lizards, the sequence of events is pretty simple: it empowers itself, and Sung responds by slamming it into the ground, saying it's not going to forgive it, and decapitating it. But when Zenon drinks the cult pills in episode 5, going through a much more radical transformation, Shadow responds by going motherfucking nuclear after giving a speech considerably more dramatic than anything Jin-Woo ever says. It's on an entirely different level, and there is no kill like overkill. There's a noticeable difference when it comes to how the two handle themselves, too. Whereas Sung is always simply fighting in order to progress the pile of numbers and ranks they mention fifty times per chapter, Shadow is constantly working towards making things as epic as possible, he has full control of the situation at all times. He doesn't teleport behind people merely for the sake of out-speeding them in combat, he does so as an art, which culminates in the magistral, flawless scene of his rooftop fight with Beatrix in episode 20. Sung fights because he needs to, Shadow fights because he wants to. The interspersed tomfoolery does not conflict with it, they complement each other.

Solo Leveling is just a guy playing a videogame. His main way of healing is delaying the rewards of a daily quest. His equipment comes from bosses whose ability is "has too much resistance to be hurt normally/be affected by debuffs" (reading the Hunters Guild Gate Arc right now and they're AGAIN, STILL doing this exact boring shit with the high orcs, then with Sung himself) so he uses the damage of his punches (however that works) or stabs them in a weak point. It's like he's grinding through dungeons with even character creation on autoplay, without putting any thought into it because all the abilities he gains simply fall into his lap. The pummeling he receives is superficial, he never actually fails, he simply pushes through. And the dialogue, they repeat so much shit so often and it matters so little that by the time I reached the Return to Demon Castle arc I simply glanced past most of it. It doesn't make a difference.

It's not as over the top as Maou Gakuin, it doesn't have the meta-enhanced extremity of Eminence, it's not the tabletop exploration of Goblin Slayer (throwing it in because edgy RPGs), it's nowhere close to the despair induced by the undead sovereign of Overlord, I wouldn't even put it on par Bofuri's easy-going power trip, what little it has going for it is just generic. So much of the cool stuff he does you could find by playing vidya yourself, like Wrath of the Righteous or PoE. It takes way too much time to ramp up, and it continues being thoroughly unoriginal after doing so, especially since all the drama is pretty much irrelevant. As the Jeju arc shows, only Sung matters, and none of the other hunters are given the time to be fleshed out either. They're just a buncha strong dudes. Unlike other stories that either take the time to build up side characters or shake up the situation (another thing Shadow consciously pursues), Solo Leveling keeps doing the same stuff all the way through. The scale is said to increase, except it's still decided by 1v1s between Sung and the current boss where they just beat the crap out of each other. Somehow it keeps adjusting the difficulty so that (at least up the Jeju's end) the difference between Sung and the main enemies isn't that big, meaning there are no truly powerful punches like I am atomic or TGoALID and Iä Shub Niggurath. That's why the only thing people praise is the pretty colors.

So I'm voting for it again, since it's bad.


Arise is a cool word that doesn't require forced chuunism, it's just chuuni... yada yada I am atomic WHO CARES KEEP IT SHORT. He's cool because he's chuuni, it's not a joke, he's just cool OK?

For the sake of focusing on the better parts of the story, because after his job classification is starts to get a bit tired(even though I'd disagree because summons are pretty cool). When he fights against Igris and the followup it's truly a battle of luck and strength. He's fighting and it's cool OK

The video game aspect exists with the leveling, because of lore but that doesn't really matter. Because the mechanics are done in the context of a story where power are set in stone it makes him seem awesome because he DEFIES GOD.



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I want you to know that this reply is simply abysmal.


>While something shit like eminence in shadow pushes the idea that being chuuni is a joke
I've only seen the anime, so can only speak to that. I disagree heavily with your statement about eminence in shadow. The show is not treating chuuni as a joke but is taking the concept very seriously. The show takes a meta approach, as Cid isn't just a chuuni but he is a chuuni otaku. Cid likes being a chuuni but he loves watching and enabling other chuunis and their desires, particularly if they serve to elevate his perception of other's perception of himself. To me the show comes across as, Cid is crafting a story to tell other chuuni otakus but crucially Cid is doing this not for the audience but for historians of his reality.


The only Korean media I've ever enjoyed is NTR porn.


hav u sinn squad gaem or parsite


File:[SubsPlease] Isekai de Mof….jpg (337.55 KB,1920x1080)

Ehh, I disagree. Cool things are cool and it doesn't really need any more justification than that. Whether I find Solo Leveling cool or not is another story. I think as-is it with it having more votes than the others it can simply be placed towards the end of next week's stream


I have had flame wars over a certain Korean NTR artist belonging in the western category on the panda, they assumed I was acting in bad faith.

I will never watch a manwha adaptation because of this, for as long as I live


whenever i hear squid game i automatically think of splatoon


File:C-1705337082368.png (278.71 KB,517x695)

It's still a pretty bad reply because it handwaves all the problems SL has while insisting on pushing down Eminence without understanding either of them.

SL's cardinal sin is that it doesn't have a power system, only ultra vague power levels, and that's the only thing they're able to invoke every single time there's a different between combatants, that or some random bullshit form of resistance that makes people go "oh no my skills are not so skillful now, if only my numbers were bigger!" Pic is from chapter 120-something, well past what the anime is going to cover.

They're constantly going "WOAH I'M A D-TIER AND THIS GUY'S AN A-TIER AND YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE AN E-TIER BUT YOU'RE ACTUALLY POWERFUL LIKE AN S-TIER??? WOAAAAHHH" all the time. All the goddamn time. It's supposed to be a C-rank gate, but there are A-tier monsters here, oh no! Us B-ranked hunters can't possibly stand up to them! This happens over, and over, and over again. Imagine reading a war story where characters are constantly bringing up time and time again how this guy's a lieutenant, and that one's a private, and here's a colonel, and they're suppposed to do so and so and that's at least a third of all dialogue.
This also means that all fights are practically the same: either overcome their resistances with brute force, poke them in a weak point (usually their eyes), or whip out a new power out of Sung's ass. It's hard to point at any specific fight and say "oh yeah this one's unique" because even the aforementioned Igris fight follows this same song and dance. The ranks and powers they keep mentioning are irrelevant because every three chapter's there's a sudden twist where OH MAN THERE'S ACTUALLY A SUPER MORE POWERFUL DUDE RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER, WHO KNEW! and it's all negated anyways.

It's got 201 chapters, where the first fourth is a low level MMO playthrough, the second fourth is a guy playing Diablo 2 as Necromancer, and only from like the Japan Crisis arc onward does the scale become noteworthy. It doesn't make me feel "wow, this is awesome" as much as "why the fuuuck didn't Dead Mount pull a large scale fight goddammit."


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There's a big difference between "it's fun," "it's good," and "it's better than other things." If you're gonna claim the latter, expect a response.


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Especially if you're telling others that they're the ones with bad taste, like >>3739 did at the beginning. Trying to come across as cool then brushing away criticism is dumb.


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We should watch the undead anime


File:[SubsPlease] Isekai de Mof….jpg (231.48 KB,1920x1080)

This isn't the nomination thread...
Anyway, I don't think that will work unless it's really good. We're overloaded with serious shows and someone already said that show was bad (assuming that's the skeleton one)


its good, but i suppose you all prefer rom coms


File:[SubsPlease] Jijou wo Shir….jpg (308.12 KB,1920x1080)

Rom-coms and stuff adjacent to it are consistently the lowest performing things in the votes apart from otome and most of them aren't even nominated because of that. People really missed out on some great stuff, but that's how it goes


If anything new gets added this season its going to be worse than the hunchback of notredame


I can't get over that she has the hair/headband of a loli 2b


File:[SubsPlease] Jijou wo Shir….jpg (179.37 KB,1920x1080)

Really? Ehhhhhh


File:Di Gi Charat - 10 (BD 768x….jpg (115.87 KB,768x576)

OK merged the old poll thread into this one since people typed a lot of stuff in it


i love typing lotsa stuff


Last post before the shift


now it just looks like an ordinary last post how do i know your not lying


File:[EMBER] Oroka na Tenshi wa….jpg (222.82 KB,1920x1080)

It's happening again. A fantastic show happens to have romcom elements so it's not getting all the votes it deserves!


i actually don't mind romcom it's the humor that i'm not a huge fan of


I'm watching just not on the stream. I think it will be a funny show. I would probably put it around Magical Girl rapist in terms of "goodness".


reading this with ageha's voice

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