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File:tegaki-1704944803662.png (27.48 KB,600x780)


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That cat has a HUGE tongue.
Also it depends on the type of derail because derailing is a normal part of how imageboards function.
Bloggers should be DESTROYED.


derailers should get moved after the fact


(if it's particularly egregious)


Derailing is fun so long as it arises from the conversation and isn't just "make a new thread in an existing thread."
Bloggers should be shot on sight.


i hate blogs blog


File:[SubsPlease] Spy x Family ….jpg (203.99 KB,1920x1080)

How do you feel when Anya says "waku waku"?


this shab just bit me


File:[SubsPlease] Spy x Family ….jpg (240.15 KB,1920x1080)

Do NOT derail and please answer the question about Anya


was blogposting


File:waku waku.png (1.65 MB,1093x1244)


File:c2a654cce493ba6ac27e5241d6….png (2.64 MB,2894x4093)

they should be moved after the derailment is over
what the fuck do you mean by blogging?


>what the fuck do you mean by blogging?
you should ask >>>/secret/24261 about it


is the thread where the original cat photo for this was posted still around
i can't find the picture in my folder


File:chrome_xEyzBm6FTN.png (692.48 KB,692x817)


good cat

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