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File:I'm going to Alice.png (1.42 MB,640x1440)


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I really need to play this someday, but the atmosphere of it is kind of keeping me away. It's kind of horror-y, right? Cthulhu type stuff is cool to me, but if there's blood and guts then ehhhhh.
Why is there no 'girlfriend/wife' Alice???


File:7638506_p0.jpg (1005.12 KB,1378x1737)

NEET Alice


But Alice is your girlfriend?


Straight alice??


Expected little sister to do better.

It builds up a kind of horror-y atmosphere, but it's still an RPGM game so it's not exactly scary. The enemies have some gruesome designs but it's overall more focused on the psychological side in showing off the madness taking hold of a world plummeting into the abyss.


Little sister was too old compared to daughter

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