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File:42829afbed47391ed6c3b8a02c….png (1.45 MB,1120x1540)


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Do you like abubu?


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (287.76 KB,1920x1080)

I don't know what that means apart from someone a baby might say


The artist in the OP.


Oh. I guess I can't really give an opinion then since I'm not familiar


ohhhh he's the guy that made the doujin about the futas and the hero at the whorehouse inn i know that one
but the way he draws muscles nowadays looks kinda weird ESPECIALLY small chests it's ehhh


Sometimes I feel like he can lean too western, I think he is a westophile.
But I do think his art style is unique and I like a lot of the subjects he does so I would say I do like him.


File:56c34853f7d57e66d8cff1f88….webm (Spoiler Image,7.96 MB,1280x720)

Oh god, a lot of his art looks like AI. Thats unfortunate


They're okay, I guess. I don't have particularly strong feelings about their art.

You literally picked the single worst example that is most unrepresentative of the rest of their art.


>I think he is a westophile.
Im pretty sure he knows english yeah




I followed him in the past, but not so much recently.
Some of his art is hot, and especially considering how few artists draw impio, but stuff like in the OP doesn't appeal at all to me, and I'm in general not a big fan of his art style.


Kissu are torn on abubu

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