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File:comparison.jpg (220.17 KB,1200x720)


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just want to see how many people have the wrong opinion


What are you asking


Gradient hair is something else


whether you define 2tone hair as having a cutoff or not


gradient is so obviously not two tone


the gradient example would be three tone hair anyway


The biggest problem with two-tone hair is whether it fits the character or not, like riamu definitely but serufu? Not so much. I doubt she cares


So what's the best way to do two tone hair? The most striking examples are when a girl has a really plain, 'real life' hair colour for the outside, but the inside is brighter and neon.


The best way is not to do it.


why isn't there a third option that only gradient is two-tone


File:virg.jpg (120.96 KB,457x457)

That with hidden piercings is great.


Serufu had a very muted shade, it wasn't anything crazy. The one that was really out there was orange-green.

I think the main thing is having a good contrast, without necessarily clashing with each other. Like this Vermilio: >>3455, there's a big leap between the white and the mint but it fits pretty well.
You mean exactly like this? >>>/ec/11011

Nobody believes that.


>Nobody believes that.
You believe that.


I believe that?


Yes, you believe that nobody believes that.


Ah, yes, true. I believe nobody believes that.


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (389.79 KB,1920x1080)

I love gradients in general and I'd definitely separate it from the "two-tone" thing. Gradients can be quite subtle at times, too, whereas two-tone is very obvious


I kind of feel the opposite. Gradients tend to give the animation a very fake, computer-y look. I'm not saying that there isn't ways to do them well, there absolutely is, but they're very easy to mess up. two tone hair can look very harsh, but it's inherently stylized enough that I don't really care.


Yeah, I feel the same


gradient hair is a pain to animate properly because it's hues should be influenced by lighting and depth. Putting that onto a 2D model is suffering


Gradients need to follow the curve of the hair.


File:[SubsPlease] Hikikomari Ky….jpg (311.78 KB,1920x1080)

Yeah, I doubt someone would want to do it with cels. I think it's a nice effect. Most of the long hair in the hiki vampire show this season uses gradients, and I think it looks great. I think it depends on the stylization and the appearance outside of the hair, as the characters are also very shiny, colorful and expressive. It's very fantasy.


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