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File:cat tats vs kitty titties.jpg (337.04 KB,1635x939)


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File:80923225_p0.jpg (996.08 KB,2480x3508)



I like both


we've been over this......


Heretics, the lot of you


I prefer flat, but kyaru is lame as hell...


seriously? double the amount? what the hell is wrong with this board?


File:69237393_p0.png (1.29 MB,1290x1200)

More cultured individuals reside here than not.


File:[Endro!][11][BDRIP][1080P]….jpg (259.67 KB,1920x1080)

I said a similar thing last year (in a different poll)
Truly these people are hopeless and will never understand the boober message


It's not that I dislike big boobs. I just like smaller chests more.


bumping cuz hawt


File:10 - The Mercenary.mkv_sna….jpg (252.21 KB,1280x720)

I think Kissu has matured since this poll was made and everyone accepts that boobs and kemonomimi naturally go together, right?


File:899970_20211011211335_1.png (1.11 MB,1280x720)


I think it's the middle girl talking and that's a very 'boob envy' kind of look. :<


in the olde days, this was known as a necrobump


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (267.73 KB,1920x1080)

It was made just the other day


File:46ef34b270b0d62a1a010d87e9….jpg (170.26 KB,1086x768)

Cat boobers are nice and all but what really matters is her butte.


File:mpv-shot0001.png (410.13 KB,1280x720)

small nyaanyaas

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