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File:112643614_p8.jpg (266.8 KB,768x768)


Luv a splash of tabasco on me pizza.


love me some spicy oil, but tabasco? the vinegar would ruin the pizz'


File:spicy sub.png (479.16 KB,904x903)

Though, i dont think ive ever had tabasco before... or that japanese green spicy thingy...


you mean wasabi?


Oh yeah, that! Sorry, tired brain and couldn't think of the name but figure people would get if i said what i meant...


Tobasco is kind of okay in very small amounts, but I'm not a huge fan of spicy stuff in general. I think it masks flavor (or lack thereof) and that's probably the original reason it was developed.


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Spicy oil? As in chilli infused olive oil? Never tried it.

I think the vinegar adds freshness to what is otherwise a very heavy 'zza.

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