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They’ve got nice characters and all, but I’ll never play a gacha. I just don’t like gacha and never will. The concept of a hard time gate for what boils down to a single player game irks me.


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I bought and played (and enjoyed) uma musume party dash so give me the gacha international release already


"Limited Edition" is and always has been a marketing trick.


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One of the heralds of the apocalypse if you ask me. It almost feels like a new era since the designs are now what people talk about instead of anime or video game characters. I used to think "that's a cool design, what game is it from" only to be crushed by seeing it being a gacha thing. I'm generally pretty good at identifying gacha characters these days, though, since there's enough of them for patterns to form. I guess it's the seemingly random assembly of accessories and traits, like a mutated 2hu for all the bad reasons. Gacha characters are basically furry OC tier as they need to become increasingly loud to stand out and there's rarely any unifying theme between characters in the same one.


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Literally just don't play it, but create your own games in your head, do it low tech, who the fuck needs a computer when you got your ~imagination~


hi roon


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How can you hate this?


chab spotted


Vertical video made for slaves to jerk off to in the restroom while the manager yells at them through the door to hurry up and stop pretending to have diarrhea, bottom of the barrel trash tweening animation, and also the bitch is too fat. If gacha shit makes so much money why don't they hire actual animators?


being angry about sexy girls can't be a fun experience


i agree except for the too fat part


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someones having a melty


>bitch is too fat
what a fag


lgtbq+ coded word


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I try to isolate myself away from gacha and vtubers because it makes me angry, but I've noticed that recent AI models really seem heavily influenced by them if you don't steer it more closely. There's just so much art of them in the training data now.


people here should take it easy


dumb lgbtard


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anti-homeless tech applied to toilets.....


I jerk off to good quality fetish art of them regularly even though I will never play gacha shit or watch a vtuber, same as I've always done with hot girls from anime like digimon or dora the explorer which I have no interest in ever watching.


my idea


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The retards that eat gachashit up don't give a hoot about quality, mate. They see "sexy girl!" and their brain gets flooded with dopamine. That's all they need. Hiring animators would be overkill.
God, I hate Live2Dslop so much it's unreal.


yotgo help the gacha haters are using the slop word


you fool, yotgo is the one funding it


then just stop caring and don't look at it


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says the guy that hasn't moved past wow gameplay in the over 15 years since it was good


what is this retard above me saying? literally just stop caring, you let it affect you when it shouldn't, dumbass.


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*sticks shoe under the seat*
now what?


They killed VNs and plenty of real games which I care about


I've only played one gatcha because it was a fun mix between a puzzle like gameplay and character designs i liked... and it ended up being more fun that i thought it would be... but it just became to much to keep up with, and i didn't really want to spend money one it, so eventually i just had to let it gone and move on... but maybe it was for the better and i don't think i'll be getting into another gatcha, because if i ever got that amount of free time, i'd probably just want to do something else with my time... there are some many other things i wish i could do in this life...


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gacha gooch


Oh so your video games magically disappeared now?

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