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Should I watch this because it has a catchy ナナヲアカリ ED?


and a ching chong to you too young lady


Hm. I was looking forward to watch this, but don't think I ever did start it... Going to start now.


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Not sure what you thought of it, but I found the first episode fun.


Wish it had a better production budget though, doesn't really look good at all


They really put all the budget into the first episode and OP/ED


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Also I know it's supposed to be lighthearted and all, but Alina is kind of a piece of shit.


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and very dumb


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Wait what the fuck, this is Cloverworks?
The fucking Cloverworks that made Bisque Doll, Shadows House, Slow Start, Nige Jouzu, Spy x Family, and so on?

I guess it just has to be a thing with the manga designs being poor, because it certainly doesn't look that good in watching. I guess that explains why the CG looks good though, a truly low budget studio would have a static creature that moves ruggedly.


the heavy hitters must be working on bocchi s2
or wind breaker and black butler
damn i didn't know wind breaker was so popular......


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Or Bisque Doll S2, which is this year and holy shit I'm excited. One of the few great romance anime of the past few years.



I hope they upgrade her butt for S2.


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incidentally it just ended, even after having sold 11 million copies with just 14 volumes
i hear that she got tired of it
s2 poster looking good though


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>i hear that she got tired of it
A good reason to end something, always. If there's no motivation to keep going and you persist anyways then it'll just hurt the story.


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I remember this as the show that everyone paid attention to instead of Akebi. It was unfair!


Actually the quality of the OP/ED makes sense if it's Cloverworks.

Most certainly with all the projects they've got right now they've probably expanded the studio size and probably put their A team on the OP/ED only and left the rest to the new hires.


hi akebi


I was thinking the same thing. I really like her music video too. I've listen to it all the time on the my drive to and from work.

If the show has a similar vibe to the music video I'd atleast give the show a try.


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I need to work so I can relate to the salarymen in all my favorite isekai shows (it's working)!


I dropped it half way into the first episode...


That OP and the anime itself are completely different. Made me want to watch Mushoku and Grimgar, and not that (not)isekai slop.

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