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File:1670962752778.webm (4.28 MB,1920x1080)


>I'm not playing around and you should delete vtuber threads.


File:caf9d127f568b44e5727940945….png (1.07 MB,1000x1500)


File:Lisa_Burp.mp4 (1.06 MB,642x360)



File:pink cat.webm (3.11 MB,1280x720)



File:[SubsPlease] Fugukan - 06 ….jpg (219.69 KB,1920x1080)

I changed my mind. You should self-delete vtuber threads


File:1689466363222.jpg (42.49 KB,850x797)

what if you instead… self-piss yourself?


who else, exactly, would you self-piss?


File:1671324263650341.jpg (15.45 KB,320x320)

uh, clones?


what's the best site to get started with vtuber stalking?
other than k*wifarms.


all vtuber discussion I've ever seen is stalking in some form with varying levels of obfuscation, so /vt/


no, /vt/ as rules against rl stuff. i want to know where they live, how they look, who would pay a ransom, etc.


File:C-1739978249656.png (233.86 KB,902x314)

mandatory /jp/ playlist


If someone loves you enough to pay a ransom for you, they love you enough to stop you from becoming a vtuber.


the ransom is just a figleave and part of the brainwashing process

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