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File:1494624162357.jpg (143.13 KB,833x696)


I saw what you meanies did to that poor 'tuber poster!


File:1440310337581.jpg (61.23 KB,600x600)

tubers deserve everything they get.


File:ENV1059.png (2.49 MB,1920x1088)

Another victory for 2D shabs.


File:piss.png (175.06 KB,535x480)

My PISS shall not be censored!


File:ghghf.png (174.65 KB,535x480)


File:Moko hates this.png (202.38 KB,510x414)

Gah! You rapscallion!




File:[enm] Medalist - S01E05 [W….jpg (245.8 KB,1920x1080)

People are just playing around (mostly), you don't need to (shouldn't) self-delete a vtuber thread


I'm not playing around and you should delete vtuber threads.


dumb self-deletard.

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