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File:qa.mp4 (4.02 MB,1920x1080)


Nitroplus knocked it out of the park with this one


File:1627526010495.jpg (1.4 MB,2067x1447)

That's one mighty good looking game you got there. What's the name?


File:R-1739682696454.jpg (57.95 KB,700x706)

Now put it all to max


File:1728009310248.png (1.24 MB,1152x896)

Full of dunkin donuts.


File:asdf.mp4 (19.79 MB,1280x720)

It's like Armored Core + Dark Souls or something, but with mecha musume. Not exactly a genre I'd associate with Nitroplus, but hey it seems pretty cool. I keep trying to roll.

I can't find a way back to the save point thing where I can get to the customization menu...


Played the beta, its alright but kinda boring. Doesn't really have anything that made armored core good.


Kinda looks like a UE5 game and not in the best way.


File:DollsNest-Win64-Shipping_4….png (1.42 MB,1004x1165)

Are you not entertained?


What do you find lacking about it? Was wondering about trying it myself


File:DollsNest-Win64-Shipping_U….png (4.38 MB,3440x1440)

It is little boring, but it feels very demo-y. The way weapons are just dumped everywhere is not something I imagine will be there in the real game. There's no story or anything either, although I talked to a girl and gave her some food.
The exploration isn't bad, although the environment is a bit plain and monochromatic. I'm not sure, if there were more cute girls I think this would be pretty nice. I guess it depends how far along they are with this.


looks like koruri


This is just my opinion from this one gameplay clip, but it looks like something a team of maybe like 3 people made
The placeholder default weightless feeling movement, the simplistic plain particles, the total lack of a punch to the weapons, it really feels like something you could cobble up from an asset store, just overall really unpolished. If this were a physical object it would feel like cheap brittle plastic.
Im all for putting big guns and mecha pieces on cute girls but with a name like Nitroplus being associated with this I'd expect more than what looks like a 3 dollar unity asset flip, though apparently by looking at their releases this is like one of two first non VN games they decided to produce


kuon, good to see you
you've lost some weight lately


File:bleh.mp4 (14.94 MB,1280x720)

Got to a boss, but that made the demo end.
It's alright. I often like the exploration in these games more than the combat, and it was decent enough. The weapons were kind of lackluster as I kept using my starting sniper rifle and sword. Collecting new parts was fun, as you have to unlock new heads and body types not just for the mecha part but also the humanoid part.
In this teaser video I got for completing it it looks like you'll be spending time on foot interacting with other girls, so maybe that's the Nitroplus part of the game, which could be great.
Guess we'll have to wait and see...


oh yeah..

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