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File:R-1739655715991.png (634.97 KB,745x960)


Bocchi The Rock S2 announced!


File:[SubsPlease] Bocchi the Ro….jpg (112.84 KB,1280x720)

that's pretty cool


the arc better have gay sex


essex crossover? hmm i don't think she fits into the kirara universe


File:1718130704658241.gif (328.89 KB,300x300)

Sex fits anywhere.


I'll tell you where gacha sluts fit in:



certified sex haver post


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Was very exciting news to see waking up this morning.
On a worse note; the doujinshi I ordered weeks ago will have to wait even longer, until USPS is open on Tuesday.


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more kita-chan!!!!!


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Need more of kukuri in my life. When's her spinoff getting an anime?


From the trailer it seems like this is just an announcement that S2 is in development, but not that it's coming anytime soon without any new footage. Though seems odd that they'd only decide now to greenlight a new season so maybe there's enough progress that's been made towards finishing the next season such that it'll be within the next year or two?


my drunk wife


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they made a few voice comics out of some of the manga chapters at least


They were probably working on it when they were getting footage together for the recap movies


This is good progress at least. Maybe the first hints of something to come.

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