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File:2025_02_14_21-09__qH2.png (53.24 KB,1476x1384)


Uhhhh, what do I master and how do I use it?


master your peen




solely thou who control the weensperm may master the shab


Press A


File:[SubsPlease] Kinomi Master….jpg (267.8 KB,1920x1080)

Is that the girl from Valkyrie Drive?


File:652f4eeea74b03c32e7f4b6d64….jpg (1.93 MB,5927x4092)

Only the strongest sword, of course.


File:[Aomundson] Valkyrie Drive….mp4 (12.5 MB,1280x720)





love sexy chibis, a shame it's largely associated with gacha now


love them too
mmmmm big boobers on little girls


File:a5b2a086046ef565c617c3dd28….jpg (146.88 KB,600x800)

Little big boobers.




File:2025_02_17_13-38__A7m.png (84.56 KB,2164x2029)

I got so lost in that final dungeon don't even want to say how many times I died.... If anyone managed to beat this without the manual, I'd be impressed.

At least I finally rescued the greatest Hyrulian shab of all.


File:FEduxJVXoAAA0y-.png (1.59 KB,320x240)

¥ no rings
Nice. Are you going to do the second quest? There are a few minor gameplay mechanics there that are absent from the first quest. If you don't want to overwrite your first quest save file, just make a new save file named "ZELDA". You'll know it's a second quest save file if Link is holding a sword on the file select screen.


File:1738669744155166.jpg (194.65 KB,850x1275)

I was thinking about doing the second quest, but from what I've heard it's even more cryptic than the first so I think I'll put it on the backburner for now. I spent forever trying to figure out what the old man was talking about for finding the entrance into level 8 burning every tree I could find. And if there's going to be a bunch of Wizzrobes everywhere I don't know if I could deal with it. Those guys are the biggest pain the neck and made the level 6 and final dungeons so much longer than they should've been (not to mention I missed the stairs to Ganon like a dumbass and spent forever crawling around the dungeon before I finally figured it out.)

Think I'd rather play the second, or finish a bunch of the other ones that I played but never beat when I was younger.


File:[SubsPlease] Kinomi Master….jpg (221.97 KB,1920x1080)

Second quest is just brutal in all ways. There's Nintendo difficult and then there's LoZ second quest. It's a truly evil thing and you will likely not beat it without guides if you want to hold onto your sanity.
It's really cool that it exists at all and it makes me wish it was something that became normal.

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