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File:poutsex.png (279.58 KB,382x488)


>Players like you love this game.

>Includes tags you've filtered out


File:1701797408244.jpg (153.91 KB,826x1000)

Where's the problem?


File:1534743650967.gif (3.77 MB,512x288)


File:f7d141ce2b83fe3ccc7280bed7….jpg (2.92 MB,2894x3317)

¥must not talk about hobbies...
¥must make culture war thread...


It lumps TLOU2 together with my yuri VNs.

Steam. Word-for-word. Obviously.


File:[Serenae] Kimi to Idol Pre….jpg (347.71 KB,1920x1080)

How does it feel to have Steam call you gay?


File:yuno_middlefinger.png (172.66 KB,460x600)

/secret/ thread


File:tegaki-1739579166203.png (11.49 KB,380x380)





Steam thinks ur gay


dumb gay sex


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