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File:470921724_1843357171607371….jpg (499.05 KB,1263x1329)


happy valentines day don't eat too much


File:22 - Zoku Owarimonogatari ….jpg (236.1 KB,1920x1080)

Umm, is there a reason anyone would be eating a bunch on Valentines?


File:02751-score_9,_score_8_up,….png (2.35 MB,1344x1728)

AI Valentine's? Don't mind if I do


File:smell.jpg (328.1 KB,1920x1080)

High class protitute Kuon.


File:Utawarerumono_Mask_of_Dece….jpg (339.58 KB,2560x1440)

Are you prepared to die?


It doesn't get any more low class than AI.


celebrating with their waifu? surely there's some anons out there that are doing it

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