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File:18 - Koyomimonogatari [20A….jpg (204.34 KB,1920x1080)


You know what I really hate? Recently I've discovered on youtube some sort of style of video where it's titled "The anime where X" or "The manga that Y" and the video is just some self-important faggot giving a complete summary of an entire series with their faggy voice overs. It's not reviews or anything, just the lowest effort of summary commentary slapped over pages or scenes. I can't stand how something like this exists and is generating god knows how much profit for the video creators, while they do almost nothing to advertise the sources for the video themselves and almost never mention it besides maybe in passing near the beginning. The worst part is that when you look over the comments it's always people being wowed over the source and thanking the author for showing them the story. They didn't fucking make it.


Reading Wikipedia is still adding more than putting your dumb face on top of someone else's video, that low bar still holds. Most of the big current events-type youtubers are just people summarizing random articles they found with flashy visuals and extra repetition, so I'm not surprised people are copying that bullshit for the media sphere.


File:[enm] Medalist - S01E05 [W….jpg (236.1 KB,1920x1080)

I don't view anything anime-related on youtube so I never get recommended anything like that. At most I get terrible clickbait about speedrunners BREAKING THE GAME.
Most youtubers really aren't making much money from this, but it's true that it's above 0 and that's a shame. But the great news is that these people are on youtube and not here, so we don't need to interact. They're not even on mainstream anime sites like MAL or whatever.
The only real damage is that unlike ye olden days you can't automatically assume you share a kinship with people that say they like anime, and that's a shame. Nothing you can do, though, just bunker down and try to ignore them.


Youtube as a whole is terrible and I try not to watch anything anime related as it only makes me annoyed.


Oh, and yeah, it's amazing how many careers are made these days simply because people can't read. You take an article that would actually take a minute to read through and it gets inflated to a 20 minute reaction video with at least 2 ad breaks. I feel bad for all the writers that perform research and testing and then some youtube parasite just steals all the info for their tard audience.


>Reading Wikipedia is still adding more than putting your dumb face on top of someone else's video, that low bar still holds.
The latest lowbar is doing this with AI. You don't even have to sit there and do nothing anymore.


Automating the whole process of:
¥get a script (reddit story, wikipedia article, etc)
¥ask chatGPT to make it into a video-able script
¥use some TTS AI to read the text
¥download some minecraft gameplay to play in the back
¥upload to YouTube
¥make money
is all the craze right now. Seen plenty of shorts claiming they'll teach you how to passively make money with "this one simple trick!"


When you put it like that it reminds me of how blogging was killed by oversupply of template&seo driven content

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