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File:[SubsPlease] Re Zero kara ….jpg (339.06 KB,1920x1080)


emilia-tan's MASSIVE rump


File:[SubsPlease] Re Zero kara ….jpg (281.21 KB,1920x1080)

Aside from the initial few episodes neither Subaru nor anyone important has managed to die once. I was thinking at some point there'd be a change to this streak of success but it seems like this is really going to go to maybe near the end before we get another reset. And if we do Subaru will have knowledge of how to handle practically everything with only a single loop.

The nature of conflict in this series has really shifted towards being more focused on shonen action-y than trial and error.


Maybe they don't want to endless eight for 3 seasons which is a shame because that was the whole point of the show wasn't it.

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