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File:[Serenae] Kimi to Idol Pre….jpg (315.76 KB,1920x1080)


What do you think of the new Precure? I have lower expectations since I don't like idols and I think Precure thrives with more fantastical elements, but I'm giving it a chance. The first episode seemed... alright I guess.


I have yet to watch episode 2 and be disappointed by my expectations being too high, but if they'd do a different performance for the finishing attack each time it'd make this one hell of a Precure.

I love the idea of Toei styling on other anime studios with their superb CG showcases every week.


¥ precure
¥ not using canned animations at every opportunity
Pick one and only one.


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I'm allowed to hope......


File:chen mgmg.gif (160.98 KB,220x201)

I don't have a horse in that race. Idol and magical girl stuff never really appealed to me so I had no desire to watch it.


But then what do you talk about with little girls?


File:1605311505770.jpg (200.9 KB,839x796)

Precure? Isn't that for little girls?


File:[Serenae] Kimi to Idol Pre….jpg (216.94 KB,1920x1080)

I can't believe little girls keep trying to steal Precure from the middle-aged men it was designed for. It's not right I tell you. IT'S NOT RIGHT!


File:bonkle lore.jpg (1.71 MB,2605x2100)

Bionicle lore and Gundam Wing


I think it's puri puri perfect!


File:[Serenae] Kimi to Idol Pre….jpg (190.77 KB,1920x1080)

The miniboss woman is quite nice


I liked it quite a lot. Uta is a fun lead, but I'm even more hyped for the purple cure because she seems great. Shooting lasers from her hair and stuff.


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (353.41 KB,1920x1080)



File:Kissu-Elles.jpg (639.99 KB,1920x1080)


Stupid baby, go away.


File:R-1739471804335.png (1.75 MB,1000x750)

Got these in a set as a kid. There was one more but it didn't have all the pieces needed.


I'm liking it. After two experimental precures in a row they seem to be going back to a more traditional experience. Three cures is the optimal number so that's a great sign, they've even trimmed things down by cutting out the yellow and putting the purple in from the start. It also ends each episode by teaching little girls how to do fanservice so it's 10/10 the best thing that could ever happen to this series.


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